Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
email to
When we’re all rich and live on our investments no one will have to work. There will be no poverty or slums. We’ll all have a PH.D. What a glorious vision it is! If hunter gatherers had envisioned the service economy 20,000 years ago the human race would have achieved its glorious end long before any of US were born. . . .
"A good slave works for food alone."
Reality is that the greater the overhead burden on the real economy of production and consumption of material goods the sooner the economy must collapse under it.. To put it another way: the more destructive a parasite is to its host the sooner both die. The load on the real economy by all service, including trade, mercantilism, transportation, communication, finance, insurance, research, military, government contractors and medicine, must be minimized to minimize the dissipation of economic energy that they cause. Some of these must be supported in order to facilitate the distribution of goods and have a complex technology and economy. But their profit is always parasitic and dissipative. Instead of minimizing these destructive elements the current trend is to maximize them. A slow child should be able to see where that path leads. Services that are useful and necessary can be made to minimally impact real economy by minimizing the profit on them. The salaries of the actual providers need not be decreased. It is the profit of investors that causes the most dissipation. Service required or desired by the community should be organized by US all on a non-profit basis. If we start by ridding ourselves of the biggest parasites we can enjoy the fastest relief. De-privatization of banking, insurance and, in short, all of finance will produce the best results in the shortest time. Pharmaceuticals, medicine and energy should be next. Communication will have to be brought into line with the needs of US all before any of this can even be contemplated seriously.
Yes, it seems hopeless. But that’s no reason to not try. Besides, it’s amusing to attempt to break through the corporate owned politician’s and media’s conditioning and programming to cleanse minds so they may clearly see the truth. All we have to lose is the effort we exert to take our minds, lives and security back from the paper people who are destroying the human race. XNAT [Multi National] corporations are self-destructive. They will kill US all before they will control themselves. And they’re too stupid to see the need.
It's no longer about, never really been about, competing philosophies or religions. It's not about variations on the dominant economic themes of a time or place dissonantly contending with one another. Nor is it about conflict between existing political systems. It's about the freedom of the ruling wealthy elite to continue to live in workless class indolence, while the rest of us do the work that provides sustenance for the human race. We create material goods. They devise abstract means to steal them from us. If their law or morality fail to acquire the fruits of our labor, they organize us into police, armies and nations to control ourselves. We maintain their suzerainty by staying in the massmind places into which they put us. We're self maintaining thralls... virtual slaves. To believe otherwise is to be deluded by the "Mother of All Lies."
Right now, as at most times in recent human history, soldiers are acquiring the fruits of the labors of our fellow humans somewhere. That is being done for the benefit of the elite parasites who infect all the people on the Planet. I deliberately exclude the wealthy from the human community. They prey on us. They're no longer human because they do no work but thieving. They’re not proper predators because instead of culling the weak, they take a bite out of every member of the herd and each other. They threaten their own food source and everyone’s survival. They aren’t even useful scavengers. Instead of cleaning the environment they foul it with their refuse and further threaten existence. They are nothing but destructive, mindless parasites.
Don't condemn the soldiers among us, who expand the empire of the parasitic masters. Like most of us, "they know not what they do." When they confront the counterparts they've been pitted against, they may only choose to kill or be killed. Thou shalt survive is the fundamental law of nature. We all work, most of us unwittingly, for the masters. We enslave ourselves then forget, with the aid of the grandchildren of the mother of all lies, its supporting disinformation and propaganda, the true nature of our existence. We no longer perceive reality. We must at least pretend to believe the lies that rationalize their greed. If we don't, it's hard to earn a living. Most who renege on the birth contract of virtual slavery, die. If the police don't get 'em starvation will. The dead and imprisoned can do nothing to help us awaken to the truth. But the dead of the rich can imprison our minds.
If we're to be saved we must save ourselves. That starts with awareness of the "Mother of Lies"... "Domination is not Original Sin; knowledge is Original Sin." That lie covers the truth: the human culture of the past 9000 years and the greed its based upon, is dysfunctional for most of US. The truth is: our communities only work well for a few parasites. They are sustainable for no one. No philosophy, morality, economic or political system that's been theorized, invented or implemented in the past 300 generations is adequate for our salvation. To find a better way we must first open our eyes to reality. We must cleanse ourselves of the real Original Sin: the domination of others for the satisfaction of greed. When enough of us are aware of the problem, we can begin to create a solution. Ask yourself: How is the "Mother of Lies" reinforced by her descendant, contemporary propaganda? Faith in a leader, like belief in an afterlife, does nothing to mitigate hell on Earth today. Believing their bull takes a lot of faith and even more denial of obvious truth: our communities are dysfunctional for most of US.
   If you wish to help, contact me:
Greg Kaiser
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