Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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When we’re all rich and live on our investments no one will have to work. There will be no poverty or slums. We’ll all have a PH.D. What a glorious vision it is! If hunter gatherers had envisioned the service economy 20,000 years ago the human race would have achieved its glorious end long before any of US were born. . . .
"A good slave works for food alone."
Volume V Issue 02:
(1). . . "Perhaps the most important change occurred when the U.S. Supreme Court granted corporations the full constitutional protections of individual citizens. Congress had written the 14th Amendment to protect the rights of freed slaves, but in an 1886 decision (Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad) this was expanded when the courts declared that no state shall deprive a corporation '. . . of life, liberty or property without due process of law.' . . ." -- from CORPORATE RULE By Jay Hanson
We didn’t get here from uncorrupted human nature. The first law of God and Nature, "Thou shalt survive," is impossible to obey if the community fails and/or the species becomes extinct. Therefore, the most important adjunct to the first law is written in the genetic code as the social instinct. We form communities for mutual support and protection in order to help assure compliance to the first law. Those whose corporations parasitize the group for personal gain divorce themselves from the human race and threaten our existence with the poverty that must exist for them to have excess. The rich and powerful are abomination. But far more important than that overwhelming moral issue is: even if we weren’t immediately endangered by their greed and their opulent, lavish lifestyles at our expense, none of it is sustainable. Just as no Ponzi or pyramid scheme can endure (or be endured by a sane populace), the dominance of the greed of a few at the expense of the many, culminating in the excesses of the service economy must lead to ultimate economic collapse. The dollar has no value because service has only minimal or marginal value. We predominantly offer to the world as a product for sale a useless liability of overhead. We no longer make many real things that people wish to buy.
If you wish to help, contact me: agkaiser@yahoo.com
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Corporations were given the rights of a person by the United States Supreme Court in 1886.(1) These paper people can sue and enter into contracts but the stockholder owners are limited in their liability and protected from prosecution for the criminal acts of the persons they create and own. Bush will extend their more than equal status and legal immunity, under the guise of "tort reform." They want all the rights of an American and none of the duties or responsibilities. This is at least ironic given Dubya’s penchant for [individual] responsibility. The single-minded pursuit and support of profit without obligation or duty to the community that’s exploited to produce it is a threat to the survival of the human race. How on Earth did we get here from uncorrupted human nature?
Today’s schemes that herd human cattle for the profit of a few aren’t much different from those of a feudal aristocracy and are failing for the same reasons that a too greedy baron would unwittingly destroy his exploitative machine. If a feudal land owner took too much of the profit from the labor of the community he tyrannized, his own livelihood would be destroyed, as the peasants who did the real work weakened from the artificial poverty the lord had created by his greed. A thoroughly ruthless, unscrupulous and amoral aristocrat might overcome the consequence of his greed by conquering other communities and taking their land and workers to replace that which he’d squandered through the foolish pursuit of selfish profit. It doesn’t take a world class economist to see the inevitable collapse of a culture that consists of all despoilers and no productive communities. That same upper bound of stupidity, the limit of greed, exists for the XNAT [Multi-National] corporate culture of the twenty-first century. Any such progression of greed and reliance on managing or organizing the work of others runs up against insurmountable barriers of those consequences and ultimate limits. But the great ownership society that will make US all rich investors promises to, "damn common sense, onward to domination and glory." We’ll all live on profit and no one has to work. That works for the king. It even works for Bush II. Let them eat cake. Not a problem. They have many beneath them from whom they may take it. It's not a problem until there's no slave left to bake it.
Today, instead of castles, feudal lands and aristocrats, who had generals and ministers to regulate their suzerainty, we have banks, insurance companies and brokers owned by a few large stockholders. They have politicians, CEOs and lawyers to do their bidding and maintain their realm. When they get too greedy and threaten the well being of the communities they parasitize to gather the wealth they hoard, we’re told there is no recourse in morality or law. After all, aren’t we, if intelligent or strong enough, free to turn on our fellows and become a traitor to the human race like today’s wealthy elite, their middle class minions and ministers [overseers] and the feudal lords who preceded them?
Like their aristocratic predecessors, the plutocrats control most of the land. Their practical ownership and control of the wealth and future of our communities and lives is accomplished through mortgages, rents and taxing our works with interest on finance and the virtual extortion of for profit banking and insurance. We’re free to move up but their control of law and economy make it nearly impossible. The game is fixed for them to win. The rare examples to the contrary are the exceptions, not the rules. The existence of the financial parasites that threaten our communities and the survival of the human race is supported by the common delusion that we own our homes and businesses and that their greedy frauds are a useful and necessary service to the common welfare of the population. Such services, when necessary, are still a burden on the materially productive members of the community. The load of finance can be minimized by minimizing the profit it exacts like a tax on everything we do. It’s driving down the economy we depend on for life. The ideal start towards a solution is non profit, deprivatized finance, banking and insurance. In any other form, such enterprises are blatant fraud. The domination by the money of the past is a crime against the present and a threat to the future.
The workless class elites and their middle class sycophants delude themselves by believing the working class to lack the intelligence to see through the frauds of finance, religion and nationalism by which the real "mass" producers of wealth are controlled. But the mass of humanity is not unintelligent. They’ve just been made stupid by the propaganda lies that support the neo-con artists and their sometimes less and sometimes more greedy and ruthless antecedents. The masters are as deluded as the rest of US. They believe they’ve inherited the master gene and have convinced us our slavery is all the freedom we can handle because we’re genetically suited only to serve them. Their abuse of our communities is founded on avarice for the wealth we produce in spite of the useless burden of support put on US by our "betters." And they project their parasitic sloth onto US saying we’re the lazy ones looking for handouts. Their example teaches that stealing is better than welfare, unless the two are combined in government contract dole to corporations. We cooperate to live and they live high by robbing US of the profit from our work, even taking our food, shelter, health and lives when they can gain by them. When the common workers that George II has so successfully courted catch on to the way they’re being lied to and abused, they’ll make the French Revolution look like a non-violent demonstration.
The social instinct, that which demands that human beings form communities to lend support to our survival, may be rhetorically attributed to a "cooperative gene". There have certainly been many attempts to deny its existence when it’s time to divvy up the produce of our cooperative work. But there have been as many calls on it’s righteous assertion when unity is required to defend the wealth and property of the owners. Our rich masters are ambivalent to the point of schizophrenia on the subject of cooperation. If it comes to sharing the wealth we’re all about individuality. Cooperation is abomination. Genocide of the cooperative chromosome is the order of the day. But if the work of many is required to produce the goods in the first place or the desire to acquire the wealth of another nation arises or if they fear their own riches are threatened, then, by all means, we must get together by working harder for less reward that they may become the richer or cooperate by uniting in the defense or extension of their uncommon good. These tyrannical con artists are conservative of their own well being and liberally helping themselves to the wealth produced by the community. They’ll then add it to their personal hoard and believe it is their natural right to do so. They’re obviously crazy. But not as crazy as the damned fools that let them get away with it. We must stop them if we wish to survive. We must eliminate their predations if we’re to obey the first law. The first step on the path to sanity is to refuse to believe their lies any longer.
Good practice at lie rejection can be had by examining the Bush attacks on social security and legal protection from corporate vampires. The former is probably a feint or at least will be abandoned to achieve the latter, unless we’re foolish enough to give them both. Tort reform is a lucrative fraud of the first magnitude. The high cost of medicine is assigned to frivolous law suits, when its really due to the excessive, economy destroying profits on insurance and pharmaceuticals. Though frivolous civil actions are most often laughed out of court, many people are fooled by the misdirection and distraction. Merit-less actions aren’t the ones that settle. It’s the incompetent doctors and other perpetrators of industrial carnage that settle out of court so they can keep on harming the community and living fat by the license. Without malpractice or industrial negligence etc. settlements there would be no constraint on medical or other dangers or the people who commit crimes by inflicting such pain and suffering on a credulous population in pursuit of profits. Insurance and drug company profits are the highest on Earth -- in that order. To relieve them of responsibility for their crimes by limiting civil recovery might have been good for O. J. and will be good for monstrous corporations, if passed. But like everything else the Bush class parasites do, it will be bad for America and all the human race.
What are some of the consequences and limits the XNATs are creating? High profits on cheap labor lead to mostly low paying jobs and mandates that the income from several [often part time because mandatory benefits where such laws or unions still exist can be avoided that way] jobs are necessary to raise family. Both parents must work. Family values are assaulted and battered by that all too common kind of business practice. The same neo-cons who invented the plan to increase already excessive profits whine that overworked parents must take responsibility for their unsupervised children. Lord knows no rich corporation will take responsibility for anything. Outsourcing means of production and low-balling employees result in high profits but we must borrow to buy the products and the economic damage is exacerbated by the interest on the loans. The desire to bolster profits with cheaper and cheaper labor leads to earlier and earlier push outs so lower cost entry level employees can replace you. They’ll keep you around another couple of weeks to train your replacement. The old IBM two way loyalty is a thing of the past. Debt saturation is inevitable under the service economy fraud and the consumer driven market must disappear. They own everything and we don’t have enough to live.
The contracts we sign mean they own our intellectual properties before we create them. (More domination and tyranny by the money of the past.) I’ve heard they’ve even copyrighted the Bible and some new versions warn against quotes without permission. [I haven’t verified that claim.] This robbery of the public domain is privatization gone wild. The defense of intellectual property doesn’t protect the artist, engineer or scientist. It allows the corporation that has them under contract to steal the contents of their brains before the thoughts have been thunk. This is legal slavery in its most insidious incarnation the Earth has ever seen. They have our minds bound to their will and profit almost from birth. This is part of the glorious Bushian vision of our "Brave New World."
Greg Kaiser