Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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When we’re all rich and live on our investments no one will have to work. There will be no poverty or slums. We’ll all have a PH.D. What a glorious vision it is! If hunter gatherers had envisioned the service economy 20,000 years ago the human race would have achieved its glorious end long before any of US were born. . . .
"A good slave works for food alone."
Volume V Issue 04:
Since circa 1835, industry has enriched industrialists who have morphed to capitalists. Innovation and progress are controlled by the financial industry that engendered the neo-aristocracy over a hundred years ago. It continues to grow more powerful and patrician. Since that time the truly free and independent American family farms have been swallowed up by banks and agribusiness corporations, on whom we all now depend for life. They make the most of their stranglehold. As American corporations become more involved with abstract profits [usury] the real economy becomes less stable and sustainable. All economy, whether imaginary like finance or the real production of goods, depends on consumers to buy products. Usury creates a superfluous burden on the system that must be reflected in higher prices. Entrepreneurship tends to be stifled by debt load laid on by the established economic forces that were the earlier entrepreneurs. Every year the club becomes more exclusive in proportional numbers. Outsourcing for cheaper labor to increase profits robs the consumers of buying power and so dismantles the base of the economic pyramid. I once asked how long this kite could fly but that was before I realized the apex of a pyramid could levitate with no support underneath. I guess it’s hitched to the string that tethers the debt kite. The cumulative effect of sustaining the economy by debt and dissipative parasitic practices that have become the norm are unnoticed in the rush to individual profits. Greed is blind to the pain and suffering it causes. The greedy parasites don’t want to know the disaster they’re stupidity and childish selfishness are brewing. They’re mad as hatters. They don’t even know they’ve shipped the real wealth to China or why the Chinese have so much of our money or why that money has no value.
If you wish to help, contact me: agkaiser@yahoo.com
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If you are rich or wannabee rich, you probably have rationalizations for the hoarding, by a few individuals, the wealth we create by working together in our communities. Of course if your wealth is an accomplished fact your task is to convince enough wannabees to support your view, so that your politicians will be elected and your predations and scavenging will be protected. In the other case, presuming you aren’t merely a weak and submissive sycophant/worshiper of aristocracy, you are conservative of the present system because you hope to become rich. Think about how that works. If to be rich means to have ten times more than average, by directly or indirectly employing others to make the goods, what percentage of the population can succeed, even if all the rest have nothing? How will the real products that are the wealth be produced if those who have nothing starve? Think it through. It is mathematically impossible for a large percentage of the population to be rich. To get a peek over the edge of the box, consider that economy is a volume of social interaction which contributes to our mutual support and survival. We form communities, as mandated by social instinct, for the well being of the human race. When individuals profit at the expense of the community, they tend to threaten the human race as a whole.
Conservatives of the workless class rich don’t see themselves as parasites who threaten the health of the human species. Many of them think they are naturally superior to the rest of US. While rejecting Darwin in favor of "intelligent design" by a creator, they ironically retain puerile notions of Social Darwinism. Conservatives apply survival of the fittest to their economic pursuits. They flatter their own vanity with the delusion that their selfishness and greed make them spiritually, intellectually, morally and genetically better suited to life than the rest of US. That misconception forms the greatest part of their rationalization for the status quo. After their invention of that unnatural order they then again abandon Darwin as they freeze it eternally with inheritance.
In the biological world of Darwin, each generation must produce its own alphas, who must then fight for their own power and territory. A wolf’s cub may or may not be strong enough to take his sire’s place. The order of society is constantly changing in the animal world. Inheritance and the immortality of paper people [corporations] have frozen the unnatural order of the human race. As a result, most of US are forced into debt slavery to a few greedy fools who are threatening the survival of our species and devastating the planet.
The real economy of production and trade is being killed by an abstract toxin. Usury is the poison that is threatening to make most of US more destitute than a third world country. The dosage is being increased exponentially and has been accumulating in our system for a longer time than the USA has existed. The neo-con solution for any economic ill, including poisoning or parasitization of the community, is to exacerbate the problem by increasing the concentration of the toxin in our economic system. In the case of usury intoxication, they have US borrow more money to increase their profits, which are the burden on our community and real economy that threatens our well being in the first place. With such "solutions" is it any wonder the condition deteriorates? It’s like bleeding an anaemic. Finance is poisonous to a market economy. How was the pyramid fraud we call the financial industry sold to the human race and how is the mass delusion maintained? The fraud was expanded and is kept up by the ever increasing use of media by it’s corporate owners, who thereby mold our thought to the support of their profit and to the detriment of our community.
Corporations are paper people with the rights of a citizen. More rights really, as their liabilities and responsibilities are declining with the help of their wholly owned subsidiary politicians. Being immortal, paper people never had to worry about estate taxes. Now, with the elimination of the estate tax, we can be assured that fewer and fewer stockholders will own the corporations. Since the corporations own both major parties and everything else in America, I don’t see why we bother to democratically elect our representatives in the republic. They aren’t really our representatives anyway. We have only one party. We can save a lot of time, money and wear and tear on our ears if we simply let the corporate party select our leaders directly. There’s only one shortcoming to this plan.
Freedom and democracy can’t exist without free and honest elections or in a one party system. Until we break up the corporate party that owns our Repu-Dems we can only pretend to have democratically elected representatives in our republic. It’s worse than a bad joke. It’s delusional! The sham democracy and the illusion of freedom are maintained with the help of a mockery of a free press. We’ve all failed to think and act appropriately to the life threatening profit of the greedy few. The press isn’t responsible any more or less than we ourselves are responsible for the state of the union. Reporters answer to paper people management just like the rest of US.
Reporters, when asked, will say that no one in management ever tells them what to write or what to censor. But the managers, not the reporters, decide what to print or air and what to trash. The corporate clones who oversee the news media also hire and fire reporters. We can only buy what’s offered for sale. Whether the market place or its manipulators determine that we want to hear about Michael’s trial for pederasty or the latest Bushian propaganda, the result is the same. We are systematically distracted from the truth about the economic poison that threatens the life of our community. We can only choose from the uniform drivel they offer. The great lie is disseminated in the interest of corporate greed. We are encouraged to think small and not to notice the damage done to our community by financial parasites, including those who own the Repu-Dem one party government and all the communications media.
The parasites that infest the human race believe they’re symbiotic. They don’t know that the cumulative effect of their individual greed is to destroy the host that is the economy and community.(1) That is: they’re shutting down our life support and theirs. And the process is accelerating. Less and less economic activity is concerned with direct production of the goods or even the services we need to survive. More and more powerful is the imaginary productivity of finance, which takes from everyone and gives nothing in return except a burden on the real economic activity of work, production of goods and trade. Banking, insurance and brokering are more parasitic and burdensome than taxes.
(1) - we the people of the Planet Earth
The contribution of finance to the economy is and always has been negative. It takes a percentage of all real production, placing a burden of real work on our community for the support of its rich members, who are superfluous to real economic activity. Accumulated capital assures the control of the present production and the subjugation of the future to the past. No progress is made without the indulgence and patronage of the rich. Inheritance and corporate immortality assure that wealth and power will be concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. As De Tocqueville said,
"When the legislator has regulated the law of inheritance, he may rest from his labor. The machine once put in motion will go on for ages, and advance, as if self-guided, towards a given point. When framed in a particular manner, this law unites, draws together, and vests property and power in a few hands: its tendency is clearly aristocratic." - Alexis De Tocqueville 1805-1859
For sanity and life to prevail, services the community needs, that directly produce no material goods, must be done on a non profit basis in order to minimize the load on the real economy. What we need in common must be done in common and the cost must be minimized. Privatization maximizes the profit by minimizing the service. In order for the service to cost the taxpayer less they must get much less service. The way to get what we need at a fair price is to minimize the profit of the providers. We must do everything we can for ourselves and eliminate the profit of superfluous intermediaries, managers and owners. To regain our real economy, we must produce at home what we need and want in the way of material goods. We must pay good wages to our workers that they might consume and sustain the economy. We must take our communities back from the workless class of parasites that have infested US. That is the only way our economy, which supports our lives, will ever be sustainable.
They don’t want to hear it. They won’t listen unless we say it in a way they can’t ignore. But we don’t do that. We stand by and meekly watch them borrow our social security to pay for the enrichment of Haliburton and other neo-con artists. Then they tell US that social security is insolvent because the trust fund is full of worthless IOUs. They should know. They are their IOUs. We know what their word is worth. They’ve lied to promote their wars of acquisition from Mexico in the 1840's to expansion of the one world corporate empire to Iraq today. They count on US to be eternally credulous and foolish-- to die fighting for them-- to starve without complaint, so their profits can be increased . They’re sure we’ll submit docilely to debt slavery forever. Some of US are not cowards or fools. We’ll refuse to pay the debts we’ve been forced into in order to survive. We’ll refuse to work for them in the process of our own destruction. (Of course the Jews who refused to cooperate with Hitler in their own annihilation are all dead. But maybe their deaths were quicker with less suffering than others.) They’ll try to coerce US with stricter bankruptcy laws. If it comes to it, prison is better than starvation. Even they aren’t rich enough to imprison US all. That’s why they’d rather we humbly starved.
Limits on malpractice settlements will contribute to the neo-con cause and claim to the exclusive use of the Planet Earth. Tort reform will, among many profitable things, encourage incompetent doctors to kill US off at a faster rate while putting even more of the money we need to survive into the pockets of insurance CEOs and stockholders. But what’s wrong with that? In the blossoming ownership society, we’ll soon all be stockholders and no one will have to work. If we all just take a little from everyone else, we’ll all be rich. That’s a neo-con’s theory of a conservative system. Much greater than one hundred percent efficiency is all it requires to work. Judging by the high volume of lender advertising, we must be getting close to that glorious time when everyone will live on usury. My, aren’t we efficient.
Greg Kaiser