Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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Our desire to emulate the rich condemns US to eternal servitude to them. If this is the best possible system, there’s little hope for human survival. If we want something better, first we must admit the problem to consciousness. Next we must imagine there is hope for a solution. Only then can we put our heads together to contrive our salvation. We must do it. No God or hero will save US.
Q of the week:
Q: How can I know the truth?
A: To know the truth I must open my eyes and see it for myself.
Volume IV Issue 10:
First he blamed it on Britain. Next he said the vaccine should be rationed. Then he shifted the responsibility to the CDC. Finally he blamed the refusal of American pharmaceutical firms to produce the low profit vaccine on liability concerns. He demonstrated a remarkable capacity to spin in place without ever facing reality or taking responsibility for the greed of his class.
Does he mean like profit motivated health care has led to the rationing of the flu vaccine that he’d suggested less than an hour earlier in the debate? Or does he mean that his class can pay for their share of health care, so the 45 million of US with little or no part of the ration are not a problem? If Kerry changes his bearing and heading from time to time as changing circumstances warrant, he’s flip flopping. Does George know the meaning of the word projection? How about hypocrisy?
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Reality vs. Illusions, Lies and Distractions:
"Open my eyes", means to see, unfiltered by propaganda, spin, indoctrination or dogma. To achieve that state I begin with a desire to know the truth. To succeed, the conditioning must be stripped away before the truth can become visible. That process never ends. Even if achieved, I must work to maintain my vision of the truth, unfiltered by the lies of those who rationalize individual gain at the expense of the community. I must work to maintain a clear, strong and autonomous mind. Only by practice and exercise can I achieve and maintain the truth. A truth is: we cooperate in the creation of our reality but have no say in the creation of the physical world. Within the limits of the material truth, we can choose our own social reality. Abstractions are of the imagination. Imagination is boundless.
Our imaginations can be corrupted because our minds are constantly inundated with lies. The truth of our perception must be tested with every input of information. We must think about what the truth means to the world we create. We must contemplate. We must speculate about where the human made reality is directing life on the Planet Earth. We must not be lazy. We must not depend on the thoughts of others. The truth is not necessarily what anyone says about it. The truth is what really happens. That is reality. It can’t be known if we allow others, especially those who benefit from our ignorance and by playing our emotions, to fill US in with their spun, twisted and insufficient information. They mask their true intentions by manipulating the input whereby we know the material truth of what the corporate masters do. We may infer a lot about the truth: not by what they tell US of the intent of their acts but by the ends they achieve. Their words are worse than useless to our pursuit of the truth. We must think about what must be the real acts their lies hide from US . . . the real direction in which they lead US . . . the real culture they hustle US into building and defending for them. We should be creating it for ourselves.
If we believe the spin and propaganda of political parties and the financial and other corporations the politicians represent, our faith will occlude the truth from US. To see reality we must look at the cumulative effect of corporate industry on the community. We must see where profit will and must accumulate and how that affects our access to necessary goods and services. We must do our own accounting of the burdens we bear for the well being of the corporate masters. Do most of US pay more for insurance and interest than we do in taxes. We must see the cumulative effect of outsourcing on our standard of living, even on our ability to sustain life. We must see that their profit rules our lives and the destruction of the environment that supports life . We must see the need for pristine places where life may live unfettered. We must strip away all the propaganda, spin, indoctrination and dogma that’s endlessly repeated by the neo-con/corporate owned media. We must learn to stop the conditioned thought responses that support and defend their destructive profit and the burden it places on our community from which it’s taken, before such thoughts arise in our minds to obscure the truth.
In the end only we can do it. We must choose to see the truth for ourselves. The CEOs, politicians and other sycophants are well cared for by the rich owners of the world we have created. None of them have any interest in seeing the truth. They profit by their own ignorance and ours allows them to persist in their destructive behaviors. We allow them to continue their malignant operations because we are too lazy to think for ourselves. They like things just as they are. They fool many of US into believing our service to them is good for US. Wannabeeism helps to rationalize the greed of the few to maintain the dysfunctional culture and economy that most of US must endure. For now we must participate in their fraud, if we will live. But we don’t have to like it. We don’t have to believe their lies.
I saw a bumper sticker that said: "Ten out of ten terrorists agree, anyone is better than Bush." Instead of asking how the terrorists opinions were gathered and has the pollster been sequestered at Guantanamo, I found a reliable source who told me that ten out of ten crack dealers support Bush. Realizing that Bush was good for terrorist recruiting and could be relied on to strike weakly and ineffectively at the wrong target and time, I suspected the first poll, the one that reported the terrorist position on our election, to be unreliable. But the poll of crack cocaine dealers is more credible. Conservatives are infamous for supporting dictators in Central America [at times with drug money] as long as the tyrants oppose decent treatment for ordinary human beings. We have Pinochet in Chile, the Contras in Nicaragua, the current gangsters we placed in Haiti last year and many others as examples. Some of them were themselves drug lords. The war on drugs is largely a pork barrel scam for putting money into the hands of conservative high tech toy manufacturers whose products, while mind bogglingly expensive, have very little effect on the flow of contraband. But then the whole purpose is apparently to steal our tax money. Surprise, surprise! But it's not at all surprising that Bush has spent most of the Homeland Security money on over rated and over priced high tech gadgets purchased from members of his class. People on the ground are the proven best protection but George takes care of his own first, last and always.
The apex of irony and hypocritic projection may be the bumper sticker: "Annoy a liberal. Work hard, succeed, be happy." The workless class of wealthy parasites and their sycophants betray the human race by taking from the production of the community and giving nothing useful in return. We support them and they call US their dependents. The sheer arrogance of the plutocrats and the idiots who sold US out to support them is disgusting. Their very existence is a threat to the well being of the community they use like livestock to increase their wealth. They’re more childishly selfish than a feudal aristocracy They are no longer human. Their inability to see the un-sustainable nature of the fraud they’ve made of our way of life is proof their intelligence has degenerated beneath human standards. But if we challenge their economic tyranny, they project their own workless laziness onto US. The idiots believe we’re jealous but too stupid to ever catch them at their con game.
Bush and the neo-cons talk endlessly about responsibility, family values and conservative principles. They believe such to be our salvation. Meanwhile they project their faults onto their opponents and duck the responsibility for the economic chaos their fraudulent service economy has promoted. Industrialism and the conservative inventions that it spawned, capitalism and corporatism are responsible for the demise of the family. The banks and chemical companies gained control of family farms in the past 130 years. But they tell US we must act with the morality of our great grandparents, who stood by helplessly as their land, money, minds and dignity were consolidated by the financial con-artists of their day and ours.
The neo-con artists continue the plunder of the American people through the service economy scam. Instead of using the displaced [formerly] independent farmers to man the factories as in the early to mid twentieth century, the financial industry seeks even more profit and power by displacing the industrial jobs to China etc. We are still being told that better educated workers will have better paying service economy opportunities, while engineering, accounting and other high end service jobs go to India and Malaysia at the current stage of evolution of the fraud. Even if we are creating some high paying financial sector jobs that counter the looting and plundering of America through outsourcing, they are positioned at the top of a pyramid that must collapse as the industrial base is removed. Perhaps more importantly, what happens if the billion plus people of nuclear armed communist China tell US to bug off?
To people who think for themselves and resist artificial stimulation of emotion or conditioned thought responses, it’s obvious that the dominance of the abstract industry of finance is harmful to the real economy. The latter is the production of food, tools and other substantial goods. Usury, the former, is dissipative of the real wealth of material products we rely on for life and well being. The bigger the profits on trade, marketing and particularly finance, including insurance, the greater the burden on those who do real productive work. The greed of abstract industry makes their services even more destructive to the real economy. Tolerating the parasitic rich is self destructive to US. If we need the services of banks and such, their profit must be minimized to minimize the burden on and destructiveness to the economy. It’s unrealistic to expect to completely eliminate the fraud that is the financial industry. But we can put it in its place.
The oil man’s solution to the energy crisis is to squeeze the last dollar out the world’s dwindling oil supply and not to think about anything else unless it’s to distort or spin realistic assessments to the support of his greed. This is called positive thinking and optimism. The irony is that most oil companies today are really financial institutions who contract out all their production. They’re not really oil men. They know nothing about energy. The key words there are "know nothing". They describe the fundamental and fatal flaw of the service economy. The busyness schools started in the 1980's to teach that it wasn’t necessary to know anything about an industry in order to manage it. That was the beginning of the end we name the service economy. Their stupidity has almost destroyed the economy by 2004. They can’t see it. As long as their bank accounts are fat and their tax burden is lean, they don’t care about what may happen to the rest of US or what tomorrow may bring. And it’s so predictable!
In the third debate Bush suggested voluntary rationing of flu vaccine when he said,
"Bob, we relied upon a company out of England to provide about half of the flu vaccines for the United States citizen, and it turned out that the vaccine they were producing was contaminated. . . . And so we took the right action and didn't allow contaminated medicine into our country. My call to our fellow Americans is if you're healthy, if you're younger, don't get a flu shot this year. Help us prioritize those who need to get the flu shot, the elderly and the young. The CDC, responsible for health in the United States, is setting those priorities and is allocating the flu vaccine accordingly. I haven't gotten a flu shot, and I don't intend to because I want to make sure those who are most vulnerable get treated. We have a problem with litigation in the United States of America. Vaccine manufacturers are worried about getting sued, and therefore they have backed off from providing this kind of vaccine. One of the reasons I'm such a strong believer in legal reform is so that people aren't afraid of producing a product that is necessary for the health of our citizens and then end up getting sued in a court of law."
The reality is: the profit motive provides the worst possible health care for Americans. The drug companies will only produce big ticket items and waste billions advertising them. The greediest individuals are drawn to med school and their connections allow them to displace those who might be dedicated to healing and are often better qualified. As a result, health care is rationed to those who can afford the prices determined by greed and 45 million Americans have little or no coverage at all. The irrational theory that more money for providers will provide better services isn’t even applied consistently. School teachers are expected by the same neo-con artists to supply their service as its own reward. This is just one example of conservative flip-flopping that is ordinarily unchallenged. But then they usually project faults on to their opponents, in order to distract US from seeing them in themselves.
The most foolish notion in all this childish stupidity is that tort reform will reduce the cost of health care. Insurance companies have, by orders of magnitude, the greatest profits and highest paid CEOs in the world. The pharmaceutical manufactures along with chemical and energy industries come in just behind financial service operators like insurance, finance and banking. If we relieve them of responsibility for their liabilities they’ll pocket the savings and very little if any will go into price reductions. Those huge settlements they point out are rare. I’ll bet their cost is a fraction of the advertising budget for promoting their immunity from accountability and their high priced drugs of minimal value and utility. Without lawsuits there is no way to rid ourselves of incompetent doctors or other dangerous products that infest the market place and dissipate economic energy by the parasitic profit they generate.
Later in the debate, in response to Kerry’s assertion that he would make health care available and affordable to all and stay within budget, Bush said,
"I think government- run health will lead to poor-quality health, will lead to rationing, will lead to less choice."
I don’t care to contribute to a reality in which banks and insurance companies get more benefit from my work than I do myself. At least some of my tax money goes to community services we want and need. All of the profits of the usurers go into their pockets or is put back out to create more profit, which exacerbates the dissipation of the economy. Greed has undermined the economic system. It’s only a matter of time until it collapses. The neo-cons are in denial of the unworkability of the service economy system. This dysfunctional social reality is a fraud we’re hustled into creating for the parasites who live on work done by others in our human communities.
I want to see a social reality created where the territorial lands and property the community has developed must be owned by the vital beings who live and work on them. The lands of the dead or abstract beings must default to the community for redistribution to the living or be put to some commonly beneficial use. Absentee and corporate ownership of land and property must be abolished to save our economy and our lives. The greedy fools are killing US. There sins are on a grand scale. While we may be greedy in our small way we are incapable of causing pain and suffering, of damaging the human race in the way they are doing.
Our peccadillos are inconsequential relative to the evil done by the plutocrats. There is a critical difference of scale. The pain and suffering that the deprivation their greed and hoarding of the community's wealth makes inevitable is an evil the magnitude of which you and I and most people are incapable. We cooperated in the work that creates the material goods the rich have taken for themselves, using their paper people, the corporations. They take from the community and then they take some more. We may all be evil. But the rich are a deadly evil who harm US, the community of people, on a massive scale. Our survival depends on elimination of the rich or at least the confiscation of their ill-gotten gains. We must rid ourselves of these parasites, one way or another, if we are to live. This is the only practical thing we can do. It is our common concern for our lives and security that the rich threaten with more deadly efficiency than any terrorist can conjure in thought or deed. When we have controlled the worst offenders, then I'll worry about my own little sins. For now, I'll do whatever I must to continue to survive and fight the greatest evil the world has ever known. I won’t be concerned about the small evils I must do to maintain life. Most contemporary morality and ethics, like US and everything else, are in the service of the rich. The worst thing about the [service] economy fraud is that it can’t possibly sustain US. You can’t make something from nothing.
Greg Kaiser
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