Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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When we’re all rich and live on our investments no one will have to work. There will be no poverty or slums. We’ll all have a PH.D. What a glorious vision it is! If hunter gatherers had envisioned the service economy 20,000 years ago the human race would have achieved its glorious end long before any of US were born. . . .
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: What is a Ponzi scheme?
A: A type of pyramid scam named for Charles Ponzi, who took in millions in 1921 promising a big return on the trading of mail coupons [postage stamps] of various countries. The scheme rested on the fluctuation of currency values. But Charles didn’t even invest the money in the dubious undertaking he’d suggested. Instead, he used some of the income to pay off early investors and so kept the fraud alive and growing for a greater period.
Volume IV Issue 11:
Profit of the financial industry is from usury in its purely abstract form. It makes money from money and restrains the freedom to work and produce real products, with the control it imposes. Like a Ponzi or any pyramid scheme, usury is unsustainable. Even merchants and traders who deal in real goods, like financiers who back real manufacturing but produce no product themselves, are an overhead expense we all share. They dissipate the real economy of production and consumption of material produce. Some services are useful and their dissipation can be supported-- we can recover from it-- if their profit is minimized. But Adam Smith pointed out that abstract economy requires an infinitely expanding market to support the pyramid. As the money is concentrated at the top of a finite [real] system, the supporting base disappears. Usury can only facilitate the concentration of tokens that profit makes inevitable.
The virtually infinite expansion of the financial service industry doesn’t fulfill the requirements of Adam Smith’s paradigm. It’s the real production of goods that consumers may trade that sustains economy. The financial industry parasitizes and so is dependent on real production. We, the real producers, are dependent on a healthy economy for our lives. Neo-con artists would have you believe usury is the source of wealth, instead of the destructive element that threatens our existence. Their own wealth is dependent on that fraud. Conservatism was invented to defend the means of the childishly greedy: those who wish to avoid real work but attain wealth by having others work for them. Financial service takes from the system without real contribution. Imagine a world with infinite money but no goods. How long could money sustain US with nothing to buy. But we’ll never get to the point of empty shelves before we at the bottom run out of money to buy the goods that are being produced abroad. The collapse of the pyramid can only be delayed by FED intervention, which encourages US to increase our debt, thus aggravating the problem. The inflation of the stock market only exacerbates it further. The greater the profits the sooner the collapse.
The futility, childish naivety and stupidity of the Neo-con’s vision, the service economy, is obvious to anyone willing to face reality. But most will hide from the truth under the blanket of propaganda lies that has covered US for generations. We’ll blame it on taxes or the social security, welfare and relief that sustains retirees and workers discarded due to outsourcing and other greedy scams that increase the profit of vermin at the expense of the community they infect. Few will even see, much less acknowledge that profit, especially usurious financial industry profit, is the parasite that sickens the economy and threatens the survival of the human race. We’ve been programmed with the denial that has virtually been grafted into the genes of the workless class elite and their sycophant politicians and overseer corporate management. When we resist thought conditioning, we’ll be distracted by manufactured or exaggerated fear. Or the conservative elite’s amorality and immorality will be projected , perhaps by the vehicle of some contrived or preyed upon cultural issue, onto any who oppose their rapacious greed. Such non-thinking typifies our conditioned "thought" responses. No one who has a cushy, high paying abstract position or who is rich [or hopes to get rich] from investments will admit the truth that will result in their having to get a real job. Childish stupidity, greed and denial typify the upper and middle classes. They’ll say anything to keep US from catching on to their scam. They’ll do anything to suppress US when we catch on anyway. Only when lies fail and we threaten them with greater violence than they can inflict on US with their corrupt corporate government and laws, will they let loose for a moment their strangle hold on the human race. The burning out of the inner city commercial vermin in the 1960s is the most recent example, which I can remember, that led to a concession by the conservative elite. The Civil Rights Law of 1964 and affirmative action, which latter, by the way, took from the poor and middle class to pay for sins of racial bigotry provoked by the rich elite to distract US from the poverty their wealth makes inevitable, are hard for cons to endure. As with all progress, they’ve been working to undue it since the time it occurred. Social Security is another example of a program that helped to avert slave rebellion and has been under attack by reactionaries ever since . It’s money they can’t easily put in their pockets to our detriment. The campaign for deregulation and privatization is intended to unfetter their avarice and free them to continue working US at lower and lower wages to increase their wealth. They tell US it’s all good because we’re free to betray the human race and become one of them. We too may live by looting the community. But what are the odds? Sure, we’ll all be rich investors and no one will have to work.
The Neo-con’s delusional vision for America is of them doing nothing to make a real contribution of work, while taking all the wealth we cooperate to produce. Their first principle is screw the community they parasitize to support their own useless existence. The only thing they value is the inflated money their scams create. They can’t even see that their own existence threatens their own existence. Their freedom to exploit the works of the community to make themselves rich must result in our [virtual] slavery and ultimate destruction. We can’t afford to support the rich any longer. We can’t allow them freedom to enslave US any more than we may tolerate any other criminal. Every destructive thing they do to our community they rationalize by their need to profit off the work that’s done for them. Their profit is a threat to the community and to our lives. They won’t listen to our pleas. We must take what they have and to hell with them. That’s what they’ve been doing to US for 5000 years. We can’t afford to care for them or treat them fairly. They are a threat to our existence.
We lost our freedom when they foreclosed on our farms. I know you don’t need the help but for the inexperienced and literal minded fools, I’ll explain. At some time in the recent or far past, your family or clan gave up the means to produce your own food/livelihood and went to work for someone else. You may have been betrayed by your own kin, who made you their slave or sold you into bondage for a cushy position in the new economy of the day. Free means you don’t work for someone else. Conversely, pro-slavery is to have others work for you. To be a morally upright citizen you must contribute to the community by doing your share of the work. We all live by the works done in the community. No one deserves to live off the community unless they contribute real substantive work to it. I’m taking great pains to be explicit and complete. I know how the Neo-cons will twist the words to the support of their lazy fraud. Many will automatically respond with the corruption of the truth, without a word or signal from the con artists. Freedom is not the right to make slaves of others: to have others do your work for you. If others work for you they are your slaves and cannot be said by the sane and honest to be free. If you work for someone else . . .
I can forgive, through compassion, slaves who forget their condition under the influence of lies, propaganda, alcohol or other mind numbing agents. But I can’t respect them. It’s one thing to accept slavery in order to live, though we’d be better off if no one had ever done so. It’s another to accept a morality of slavery and to even think of it as a good thing or to pretend it’s something else. For those born in slavery who haven’t been able to create a virtual free frame of reference for themselves, we are tasked to raise their consciousness in the hope of attaining our own freedom. We’ll need their help to throw off the rich who own US. We’ll be served by the truth. It’s not respectable to work for another or to have another do your work for you. It isn’t respectable to believe we are dependent on our masters, when the reverse is the obvious truth.
Less than respectable, the owners are no longer human. They are the abominable spiritual heirs of the feudal aristocracy, the Romans, the Babylonians, Egyptians and other parasitic predecessors of the past 5000 years. Few of them are conscious that they emulate anything more remote than English royalty of Victorian times. And most them are unaware or only minimally and vaguely aware of the pretensions to royalty that are the bases of their false selves. They are posturing, role playing fools who only pretend to live their scripted lives. The human social instinct was corrupted from the support of the life of communities to the enrichment of a few so long ago that the workless class rich think their abomination is natural.
The only betrayers of the human race who might be worthy of even more opprobrium are the middle class politicians, engineers, scientists, economists and managers who operate the evil XNAT [Multi-National] corporate empire for a few dollars more than the average slave. The coopted ministers in the service of the rich are the master’s first line of defense against real human progress. [Editors Note: "Real human progress" is, ironically, a return to freedom and genuine voluntary cooperation.] A mentally challenged six year old is capable of more honest self awareness than the intellectually and rationally hobbled sycophants or the rich masters.
The parasites that infest the human race believe they are stronger and smarter than US. They have deceived US all, as they’ve deceived themselves. We man the armies and police forces that fight for them and enforce their fraudulent policies. Without US they are nothing. We are their strength. We are the scientists, innovators and thinkers they buy. We are their intellects. Every work they allow to go forth enriches them further and is done by US. They are useless overhead. They inhibit real human progress. They are a blight on the community that supports them. They live by the abomination of human social instinct they have created in the service of their unnatural greed.
   If you wish to help, contact me:
Greg Kaiser
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