Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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Our desire to emulate the rich condemns US to eternal servitude to them. If this is the best possible system, there’s little hope for human survival. If we want something better, first we must admit the problem to consciousness. Next we must imagine there is hope for a solution. Only then can we put our heads together to contrive our salvation. We must do it. No God or hero will save US.
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: What is the greatest threat to the survival of the human race?
A: The desire to be rich by having others work for you. When we all grow too lazy to do our own work, we’ll all starve. Greed and stupidity are threatening our livelihood and our lives.
Volume IV Issue 09:
The usuries of the "better Republicans" are fraudulent by their nature. Making money off of money was forbidden by Moses. I’m sure he must have foreseen the dissipative effect interest and insurance and other financial scams must have on any economy, in his own simpler way. But that’s not the whole of the Neo-con game. The same people making huge profits on government contracts and interest on our money, that they loan to the feds to pay for them [the contracts], receive the biggest tax cuts. The Federal Reserve is a private non-profit consortium of banks that creates money in our name. Then they loan it to US and our government through subsidiary banks who profit in interest. Both levels of banks include foreign corporations. The FED controls the supply of money, which Congress has illegally delegated to them the power to do; i.e. they insert into or withdraw money from the economy, a constitutional duty of the Congress, who are forbidden by the same constitution to delegate their powers. The rich get the tax cuts. They get the tax money. They get the money they print in our name. They get the interest on our money when they loan it to US. They get everything but the bill. All this profit is dissipative to real economy. In the end we must be taxed to pay for the frauds of the borrow and spend Republicans. But don’t worry, with the end to the estate tax it’s assured succeeding generations will be born into debt to the heirs of today’s rich. To be fair, Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, invented the FED to have a dependable source of funds for the government to borrow in times of dire need. Anything that can be abused will be abused.
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Reality vs. Illusions, Lies and Distractions:
I remember the rapt attention on the uplifted faces as the camera panned the multitude at the RNC. Like the Hitler Youth before them, the enthralled crowd cheered enthusiastic approbation, on signal, for the vicious, angry and hostile words of their leader(s). Don’t tell me that too many Americans aren’t enraptured and deluded by the emotionally stimulating lies of demagogic fools.
Last month I wrote:
". . . A good Republican is completely enthralled by greed. A good rank and file Republican believes his taxes will decrease significantly and he’ll have more money when his party is in office. They fall for this tired old con every time. In reality, most of his money will go to a better Republican’s bank, insurance company or other fraud . . ."
The denial of the rich that their workless indolence and greedy hoarding of wealth is a threat to the entire human race is not confined to the Republican conservatives. Most Democrats and Americans in general are seduced by this communal self delusion. We cooperate willingly in making fools of ourselves. But we have a lot of help. The corporate owned media and X-Nat [Multi-National] subsidiary government give a big assist to conditioning our thought. They, each in the individual pursuit of profit, unwittingly (but collectively by cumulative effect) scheme to have US corroborate their want to hoard the wealth we all work to produce. The belief that we may all be rich through the machinations of the service economy, i.e. our wannabeeism, contributes to the induced delusion that enthralls and enslaves US.
Next to the belief in the lies of conservative politicians, the greatest mass delusion currently playing to large audiences is that there are liberal politicians in America. In the best case, a liberal is merely a conservative who sees practical limits to the amount of wealth that may be stolen and hoarded by the rich. Sometimes libs feel genuine compassion for the poverty made inevitable by their greed and excess. But not usually enough (especially the so called liberal leaders in America) to trim their profits and increase wages to alleviate the problem. They use the same excuses that the neo-cons inherited to rationalize their business scams. --Everyone else is paying low wages and pocketing large profits and I must compete.-- Neither side ever catches on that they’re involved in a convoluted circle jerk of collectively invented logic that they individually deny to consciousness [doublethink]. Most conservatives and liberals don’t even know they’re on the same side. They know monkey see, monkey do but monkey not understand cumulative effects or consequences. They talk constantly of responsibility, a thing they know nothing about.
Theory of Politics, Domestic and Foreign Policy:
Conservative dogma has it that we must act from principles. Only so can we guide a consistent course to success or correctly solve problems. Only that which has been done before and was satisfactory to the owners, may be done now. They claim to live by their moral values and principles but they reserve their judgements for ours. Neo-Cons, like the Dixiecrats who spawned them, refuse to countenance new theories or ideas, which they condemn, degrade and ridicule. Some go so far as to renounce theory absolutely.
The conservative renunciation of theory has two principal effects. First: it causes a rigidity of thought in the right-minded that leaves them unable to respond appropriately to emerging threats, whether military, economic or domestic social issues. For instance, Bush diverted the well supported war on terror to something he could understand and deal with, he thought. The invasion and occupation of Iraq is an old fashioned war of economic conquest with a high profile boogeyman, in a fixed location. This is much easier than terrorists who may be hidden anywhere on the Planet. But W’s ridged adherence to outmoded thinking has even gotten him in trouble with the easier war. He was unable to predict the obvious consequence of his poorly disguised effort on behalf of his Xnat corporate principals. They are the real conservative principals.
War in Iraq, we’re told, is fought for principles. It’s ironic, the conservatives don’t recognize that their principles are theories about economy/politics, including foreign and domestic relations. These theories always support and/or rationalize the hoarding of wealth by the conservatives, who trust to propaganda to keep their supporting thralls in line. In Iraq, we’re supposedly liberators but our corporations end up owning the country because they hold the mortgage on the infrastructure the American taxpayer payed to destroy and rebuild. It doesn’t matter what’s said about why it was done. The debt servitude of Iraq is what happens. We should know. It happened to US first. But the theory is we did it for principle. (We actually had it foisted upon US by the principals.) Since they don’t call their principles theories they see no need to test them. So they’re unable to perceive or acknowledge mistakes. The theories of their principles/principals are forbidden to fail. At least, a good conservative is forbidden to notice that the theories they deny they operate under, simply don’t work for most of US.
The second result of conservative renunciation of theory was seen in the first. They deny that their moral values and principles are a theory. The denial of reality is self delusion. This state of mind of the right is more schizophrenic than it’s normal to be. We need to be flexible in order to deal with problems competently. Neo-cons call desirable resiliency flip-flopping. They don’t keep an open mind when assessing accomplished or proposed action. They stick to the theoretical principle that what supports the greed of the rich is good for the country. Another part of their mind denies the evidence to the contrary. Such schizoid flexible rigidity is not healthy or in our interest.
Imagine the economy is a tank. The wealth of material goods is the fluid in the tank. If you put wealth into the reservoir, you receive credit for your contribution in the form of tokens: i.e. money. You may take goods from the tank if you surrender the money you received for contributions to the real wealth of produce stored there.
If the community that built and filled the tank, by cooperative effort for its own convenience and well being grows large enough, full time caretakers must be assigned to administer the system. In a productive society of industrious people, we can afford some overhead. But still a question arises. Since one must put material goods one has produced into the tank in order to get money to take the things one wants and needs from the system, how do we care for the caretakers who have no time to do real productive work? Should they have more than the average amount of money possessed by those who do the real work of filling the tank? If well cared for, will they resist the temptation to steal from the tank or will their greed be awakened to steal even more? Try to separate the theory from the empirical data, when you answer that question for yourself.
There is a great deal of empirical evidence, if one cares to see it, that the existence of highly compensated economic caretakers creates a desire in the general population to live as the rich do, without contributing any real productive work, especially not with one’s own hands. We all want others to work for US. Obviously the tank will soon be empty if no one is willing to produce material goods. Yes, the Chinese are willing to work and for the present they sell US their low priced products, which have been made in factories our former capital manufacturers financed. The Chinese are Communists. How long before they raise the prices to more easily pay off their debt? That is, if they bother to pay off their debt. Don’t worry, they’ll wait until we are thoroughly dependent on them and no longer able to return to doing our own work. That will take at least several years. There are more immediate problems than the Chinese or the Indians, even though they are both nuclear powers with populations in excess of one billion.
Any goods taken from the tank with money that was made sans material contribution, create additional burden on those in the community who work to fill the tank with the real produce. Military, police, politicians, interest, profit on the work of others and insurance all dissipate the real economic fluid in the tank by replacing it with empty tokens. Some services are necessary and useful and some are purely abstract and serve no good purpose or are better accomplished through common effort on a non-profit basis. But all of them take from the community’s production and contribute no real goods in return. To be efficient and beneficial to the community that created it, an economy must minimize the cost of such overhead. The purely abstract industry of finance is the most highly compensated non-endeavor. That is why everyone wants to go into business and no one wants to do real work. The greatest parasite on the economy is finance. Banks, insurance etc. are a fraud perpetrated by economic tyrants and criminals. Lo and behold, these are the same fools and traitors who profited when they gave away our productive capacity and ability to sustain our lives . . . to the Chinese. The cumulative effect of making greater profits by seeking lower cost labor is: the fools are selling the cow for magic beans.
We’ve let our communities be reduced to servitude to a workless class of plutocratic parasites, who are creating hell on earth in the name of puerile greed. We’ve allowed this even though it’s destructive to our economies and livelihoods and so threatens our very existence, not to mention that business priorities tend to degrade the environment. If childish greed is allowed to dominate the Earth, our Planet will sooner or later be incapable of supporting human life. The paper people, the corporate entities that have rights but diminishing responsibilities under the rule of the rich’s law, have taken our flag, our country and our wealth. We must take them back to save ourselves.
I don’t think we, our politicians and leaders, the CEOs or even the rich who own US are all evil people. I think everyone who follows we in that list are selfish, childish, greedy and stupid people. And so are we, if we continue to emulate or even tolerate their foolishness. If we allow them to distract US from the pain, suffering and deprivation their excess makes inevitable, we contribute to the misbehavior of these selfish children. We spoil them. If we let them move US by references to the flag and nation their greed dishonors or the God their existence profanes, such that we ignore their greed and our deprivation, we are complicit in their treachery to the community, which they milk for their wealth in the first place. In spite of the onerous existence of the rich, the moral issue of their selfishness is not the most important point. We must see clearly the practical necessity for cheap, efficient management to replace the leaded overhead burden the rich put on the real productive economy. We must get the real economy back into the country before we run out of money to buy the made in China products. If we wait too long to take our country back from these fools they’ll have only a copy of the paper they signed when they sold the community cow. Even before the latest unconscious evil, the economic entropy introduced by those who only take from the community was dissipative to the system. It will, it must destroy US in the end, even without the foolish outsourcing. It’s a race to destruction. What will win? Will it be the overburden of the rich that will crush US or their looting our productive capacity by selling it to China and pocketing the beans? Their stupidity enrages me!
Our desire to emulate the rich condemns US to eternal servitude to them. If this is the best possible system, there’s little hope for human survival. If we want something better, first we must admit the problem to consciousness. Next we must imagine there is hope for a solution. Only then can we put our heads together to contrive our salvation. We must do it. No God or hero will save US.
Greg Kaiser