Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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Morality, ethics and the emotional engagement of populations are in a constant state of change. Only the greed, corruption and treachery of the powerful and rich elite remains the same.
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: Who do the terrorists support for president?
A: The terrorists support Bush. Aside from boosting their recruiting efforts, Dubya can be counted on to strike weakly, ineffectually and at the wrong time and place. There is also a strong possibility George II will undermine his own support by indulging himself in foolish macho boasting and childish gloating. "Well, let's just say they won't. . ."
Volume IV Issue 08:
Reality vs. Illusions, Lies and Distractions:
Republican strength and valor is illusory. It consists of a willingness to spend our lives for their security and well being. Once the veterans have returned home the cons have consistently cut benefits. They don’t care to spend good Republican money for those who have risked their lives in the defense of Republican wealth.
A conservative politician believes any complaint may be dealt with by chanting: lower taxes, right to life, kill the enemy, imprison or kill criminals, condemn the immorality of others and right to guns, while waving the flag fiercely over all. They believe the promise of good economic, military, political and social results is necessary. They know they'll never need to deliver on anything and if pressed they can blame it on the Democrats.
A good Republican is completely enthralled by greed. A good rank and file Republican believes his taxes will decrease significantly and he’ll have more money when his party is in office. They fall for this tired old con every time. In reality, most of his money will go to a better Republican’s bank, insurance company or other fraud devised by the financial service industry, the economic weapon of the wealthy elite robber/rulers of the human race. Many military and other government contractors and concomitant money lenders will make or increase fortunes by robbing the American people through the debt increases fostered by recent Republican administrations. They not only tax our wages to give the money to their patrons; the Republicans discovered years ago how to give tomorrow’s taxes to the greedy thieves today.
They don’t know when they’ve gone too far and have become a threat to their own livelihood.
A liberal is really a conservative with some conscience and a little common sense about how much can be stolen from the community before people rebel.
Some Democrats see part of the problem. They sincerely want to find solutions to social and economic ills, partly due to conscience but mostly because they vaguely understand the threat to their own privilege that excessive greed presents. To the extent they see the faults of the economy they’re less foolish than the impenetrably dense Republican owners. However, their proposed solutions are too conservative. They want to have their wealth and like the conservatives they fail to see that their excess is possible only if others are deprived. Not that giving it away would do much good. Hardened neo-cons would snap it all up. It wouldn’t get to those who need it. In all cases though, it’s hoarding of wealth that makes pain and suffering caused by poverty inevitable. Ironically, it’s the same greed that undermines the consumer driven economy and makes collapse inevitable. The foolishness of Republicans and Democrats lies in their inability to recognize that the economy is a conservative system or what that signifies.
Like mass or energy, wealth can only be moved about or transmuted by doing work. It can’t really be created in a fundamental way. Though we can speak of creating wealth from resources, it remains finite and conservative at all times. Money, the abstraction of wealth, the token that represents it, is imaginary and can be created. It doesn’t suffer the same limitations as real wealth. Creation of money when there are no additional material goods for it to represent is dissipative of the real economy and wealth we work to build. Dissipation of economic energy is the only service the financial industry contributes to the community from which they take their wealth. Neither Democrats nor Republicans see the damage that the economic entropy, that must result from the existence of a financial industry, does to the economy. The denial of the Republicans is only more profound and adamant than that of the Democrats. Neither can save the economy because they won’t consider the economic reality of conservation of wealth. We must find a better way to do things because this way can’t work or even pretend to work much longer. It is and always has been a fraud.
Profit by merchants, traders and the financial industries is measured by the money they produce. All such profit produces economic entropy. Mercantilism and trade are useful endeavors that our real production of material goods can afford to support. The smaller the profit the less dissipation these parasitic undertakings cause. Finance profits cause the most dissipation of economic energy. These parasitic exactions must be drastically reduced or eliminated altogether to save the economy. They take from the production of the community and then they take some more. They contribute only the money they loan US. The interest on our additional debt is the some more that they take.
Many banks were founded by nineteenth century industrialists. They had so much profit they could expand production no further so they invested [loaned] money out at a profit. This commenced the exponential growth of economic entropy by exacerbating the burden on real economy that the various levels of economic abstraction assert. It culminated in the crash of ‘29 and the Great Depression.
Modern manufactures like GM, Chrysler and Gerber Baby Foods are investing their excess profits in consumer loans, finance and insurance spinoffs. Profit was already maximized by minimizing labor and salary costs. The victims of the cost cutting, which is essentially a financial transaction, must borrow money from the monster that devours them to make ends meet. Those who out-source production are no longer manufacturers. They are financiers. The place to start reducing the economic damage is the place where the most damage is done. That place is clearly the financial industries.
Financial corporations have grown so large and powerful that they dictate to governments and people around the world. They can tell US how and where to live, what to do. If we refuse all we have to lose is our jobs and livelihoods. Right now Americans are obeying the corporate masters and we’re still losing our jobs and livelihoods. Many of US had lost our health care and quality of life by 1992. Its been getting worse ever since and the economic deterioration has accelerated since 2001. Financial industry profits, including out-sourcing, are largely responsible for the dissipation -- the economic entropy. Unlike the US government the X-Nat’s [Multi-National Corporations] are not constrained by the constitution. They may do whatever damage they will to the community in the pursuit of profit and power. Our economy of real production is our livelihood and sustenance. If we allow them to continue contributing economic entropy by creating money and hoarding it, their profit will be our doom. If we allow them to continue to own our politicians and government they will someday openly own US too -- if we live that long. The irony is: in the end, the economic entropy they introduce to the system by their existence will eventually destroy them as well. Economic entropy must be minimized if we are to survive.
Such entropy might be reduced greatly by a community that undertakes its own distribution of resources on a non-profit basis. The choice is to be ruled by a big government, with a constitution and laws, that represents US (if we can take America back from the X-Nat’s) or to be ruled by big corporations who answer only to profit and don’t even pretend to care about the pain and suffering they cause US.
Foreign Policy:
We can believe terrorists act because they're jealous of our freedom and democracy and because they are evil. We can believe that they resist our efforts to spread freedom and democracy because they want to exploit their own people by enslaving them. The second is more plausible and includes the evil posited in the first. But neither explains why the people we’ve liberated in Iraq are flocking to join the terrorist's cause. Is it possible that what George has told US of terrorist motivation is not the whole truth or contains intelligence errors?
Let’s consider a really wild hypothetical. Let’s say the war in Iraq is really cover for X-Nat’s take over of not only the Iraqi oil but their entire infrastructure and economy. Let’s say that X-Nat financial corporations will end up owning the paper on Iraq and the people and their property and land will be perpetually in hock to business interests. Could this crazy idea have somehow gotten into the heads of terrorists and even ordinary citizens of Iraq and elsewhere? But that’s impossible. No loyal American politician would put our military or the lives of our children at the disposal of vested economic interests. An X-Nat corporation that took part in such a corrupt and evil scam would be too treacherous to America to imagine. Our corporations would never be involved with the acquisition of a country’s infrastructure and productive capacity in order to profit by the pain and suffering such debt would certainly inflict on the population. They’re not that greedy!
Step way back and view our world. See how it functions and to what end. Our world, as opposed to the Planet Earth -- God’s creation if you will, consists of economy, politics, international relations and many things social or interactive. My world consists of all things personal and individual. Individual has no meaning unless it’s defined by the whole. We are all connected. Nor are there disjunct issues in our world. Economy, politics, international relations and social differentiation are all part of one whole. That is our world.
We put our world together with a communal effort. The heroic economic efforts of individuals have been selfish and destructive of community more often than otherwise. We formed communities in the beginning for our common well being and mutual support. We are compelled by our social instinct to do so. We were and are sustained by our communal efforts, the collection and redistribution of our individual contributions of real productive work. We call that system an economy. I want to believe that a prehistoric community functioned equally well for all its working members and supported art, science, and other useful, commonly desirable or necessary functions and services. It did that for at least several million years. The evolution of tools, artifacts and systems attest to the maintenance of some kind of art and science. That we are all still here demonstrates that the older type of community worked.
Twenty-first century communities function well only for a few workless class rich. That social devolution began, as far as I can see, about 5000 years ago. We contribute work and they take the profit. It doesn’t matter how this is organized, rationalized, how it came to be this way or how long it’s existed. Or that we take it for granted, because it’s all we’ve ever known. What does matter is that to assure our continued survival we must grasp the truth. An economy that takes from the community to enrich a few is dysfunctional. It fails its implied mission. It does not contribute to the community’s well being. That’s a basic flaw.
It matters that our societies are dysfunctional for most of US. It matters that communities founded for the common good of all the members function to enrich a few at the expense of the many. If our communities serve well only a few they can not be said to be free or functional. They are in the service of the rich and dysfunctional for the rest of US. If one has more wealth than one can produce with one’s own hands, others must have worked to produce that wealth. Slavery functions well for the master, whether the people who work for him are called slaves or employees. Employers don’t have to feed an employee if they have no immediate use for his service. That we are free to starve or slave for another is inconsequential. It matters that those who take most from the community we all work to create are useless parasites who contribute only their desire to dominate the whole for their individual profit.
The rich are like a cancer on the body of the human race. Hectic, stressful, miserable lives full of great and small sufferings and pains are all that’s left to US by their greed. Yet our nature is to cling to any life regardless how bad its quality. Yes, we also have moments of bliss and happiness but that doesn’t excuse the avarice of the rich and we shouldn’t let small comforts distract US from the evil of their workless indolence. Life must be better for most of US but we want life, any life, despite its rich-man made misery. But even misery’s not sustainable under the myopic oversight of the rich elite class of childishly selfish fools. They each see their individual profit but none see the destructive cumulative effects. None see that their systematic looting of the community is destroying the economy that supplies their plunder. They don’t know it doesn’t work. They don’t know it’s broke and they broke it by single mindedly harvesting profit while ignoring the need to replant the field. Like the greedy thoughtless children they are, they look around for others to blame.
The abstract economy of finance, including banking, insurance, stocks and other usuries, take from the community but contribute nothing real or useful. The perpetrators of the crime of finance dominate and control the productive members of society who work for them. We all work for them. They own the politicians too. It doesn’t matter how you describe, organize or enforce this absurd division of labor and rewards; it is de facto slavery. The rich are the masters and the rest are the slaves. We serve the community and the community serves them. That is the ascendance of usury. It may be that no one has proposed a good solution. That’s not because this systematic fraud we’ve been misled into calling a free market economy can possibly work. It must fail. Analyze your own economic data taken from common sense knowledge in the light of the Laws of Thermodynamics. The system is dissipative. It accelerates entropy. It fails to conserve energy. It must collapse!
The administration says if we continue to give their patrons all the money they’ll continue to increase profits by lowering our wages and outsourcing our jobs and loaning money back to US at interest to use to buy their products and that this perpetual motion fraud will make everything all right even though a child can see that’s impossible. An unnecessary burden on the community is all the financial industries and experts have to contribute to the economy and for that they tell US they deserve the greatest rewards our system has to offer. Until the truth of the dis-functionality of our economy penetrates average minds, solutions are impossible. The reapers of the economic harvest want US to believe that it’s our part to work in their fields and theirs to enjoy the fruits of our labor and that there’s no way to improve on a system in which we serve them. Our communities are their herds and flocks. They will lead US to slaughter or shear US at their pleasure and this is the best of all possible worlds. . . .for them! When we cease to believe their anti-change propaganda of despair and acknowledge the fundamental flaws of our system, a solution will arise from the liberated minds. We don’t even need a constitutional amendment to take back America from the fools who are running it to hell. If you persist in believing there is no hope of positive change, you will help to bring about the fulfillment of your prophesy of despair. If you persist in believing there is hope without basic changes to our thought and precepts, you contribute to the perpetuation of despair.
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Greg Kaiser