Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
PO box 1031
Amado, AZ 85645
Morality, ethics and the emotional engagement of populations are in a constant state of change. Only the greed, corruption and treachery of the powerful and rich elite remains the same.
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: How are the good rewarded in this life?
A: The good are viewed by the evil as an opportunity to make more money. The better you are the more likely you'll be seen as an easy mark. Without an afterlife or a just god, we're`screwed.
[note: I want a God who adequately cares for the living instead of one that neglects us until we’re dead.]
Volume IV Issue 02:
Reality vs. Illusions, Lies and Distractions:
A thousand years ago did our ancestors approve the feudal land owning lords’ right to starve who they would, that they might hoard an excess of material goods? The land of the Earth [and often the people on it], the common gift of God, was made private property by the aristocracy. The owners’ law said they might do as they wished with it... regardless of the pain and suffering visited upon the majority of the population by the monopolization of the means of survival by a small gang of ruthless criminals. Were the ministers of the peers, the middle class of the day, as oblivious to the evil as their counterparts are now? They were certainly rewarded as well for their treachery as they are today. They flattered themselves in the same manner. They and their masters were easily as pretentious and self deluded. But were ordinary people as taken in by propaganda in support of evil empires? I doubt it! I think it took three or four generations of corporate controlled government, media and schools to make US all as stupid as the bourgeoisie.
If every generation intervening between US and the feudal times had been so docile, democracy would not exist. The founders of the American Republic would have seen no need to overthrow the economic tyranny of kings. If such people had lived until today they would not have been so easily convinced to allow the privatization of our common wealth of land and resources, that are needed by all to survive. They would not have allowed the perversion of free enterprise for the satisfaction of the greed of a few. They would not have permitted the survival of the American people to be placed at risk by the exportation of the wealth of our nation to increase the profit of a thousand paper people. Ninety-five per cent of the stock of those thousand corporations is owned by less than one per cent of the population. That elite group is no longer human. They’re parasites, like vampires living off our lives’ energy.
Bush et al. are hiding their economic tyranny beneath a cover of lies, mostly about the propagation of democracy. Unless filtered through minds saturated with corporate propaganda, the acts of the evil Bush regime and its trite vision would be impossible to sell to the American people.
Eight hundred years ago a group of dispossessed farmers may have gathered together in Sherwood Forest to try to stay alive by hunting the king’s deer. Their land had been stolen by the economic elite class of their times. In attempting to revert to an older economic paradigm, they ran afoul of the laws imposed by the tyrannical property owners.
The feudal lords of Robin Hood’s day had a lot in common with the rich stock holders who own ninety-five per cent of the land and everything else, not just the stock, in the contemporary corporate tyranny. They were and are less than one per cent of the population. They employed and employ police and armies to maintain and expand their evil empires. Today they buy politicians and CEOs to fulfill the roles performed by a middle class of ministers and officers in olden times. They suborn the managers to treason against humanity now as they did then. But they are as unconscious of all these things as they are of the self destructive path onto which they've led US.
If you wish to know what the elite owned corporations are doing to America, don’t ask them. They don’t know. The managers and politicians who do it for them know even less. All they know is their individual gain. None see the collective effect of increasing profit by having goods manufactured offshore by cheap labor. None see the inevitable decline in demand when they have all the money and we’re jobless and broke. No one see the danger of the Nixon courted and Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush cultivated "trade partners", especially China. None see that exporting jobs is throwing away the real wealth of America. All they see with their heads in the box is their individual bottom line. That line is on paper. It’s inedible. You can’t ride in it. It won’t keep you warm and dry. You can’t live on robbery if your victims have nothing left to steal. You can’t steal from those who are as strong or stronger than you are. If you delude yourself about your strength you will surely die. Will you start a war with China if they say, "We’ve got your factories and goods. Now go home! We are and will remain indebted to you."
Going on three years ago 3000+ people died as the result of terrorist attacks of 9/11.
Every year a quarter of a million American lifetimes are lost by those who can't afford adequate health care. Volume I #28 9/1/01 SEE MEDICINE, then close window to return here Every year 5000 Americans die due to food related illnesses. SEARCH CDC, then close window to return here Inadequate healthcare is a result of the tyranny imposed by the [abstract] service economy. Inadequate and lax food inspection is the result of pressure exerted on the government. The food industry wants to increase profits and they don't care if you die as long as they cut costs. These economic terrorists cause more pain and suffering each year than any third world thug ever dreamed.
But what sensational sales pitch rivets your attention? What distracts you from the greater evil? Could it be the lies and exaggerations of an administration and congress who are complicit in the greed of the true rulers of America? Could it be that a Texas oil man and a multinational energy and construction corporate CEO have the well being of their masters instead of the American people as their primary motivation? If so, these criminals are also traitors. The deaths of at least hundreds of thousands and probably millions of people each year can be traced to the deprivation and poverty that must exist for the elite classes to have their excess of worldly goods. Their greed is the cause of many shortened lives... unnecessary deaths.
Down with the tyranny of the paper people. Such concepts must be eliminated from the gene-pool of our thoughts. To allow such corruption of intellect to continue to breed in our minds is to court the disaster of the extinction of the human race.
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Greg Kaiser