Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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Morality, ethics and the emotional engagement of populations are in a constant state of change. Only the greed, corruption and treachery of the powerful and rich elite remains the same.
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: Is the human race marked for extinction by our choice of a dissipative economic paradigm?
A: A culture that values individual gain, selfishness and greed, more highly than the survival of the species, will destroy itself by its shortsighted strategies for personal success. If we continue to allow puerile posturing fools to run our world by teaching US what to think, we will die before they do. We are emulating myopic children who have old, worn out bodies and minds.
Volume IV Issue 03:
(1)Wealth is land and material goods. The source of wealth is the ability to produce goods from planetary material. It’s the alteration of resources of the Earth.
If you wish to help, contact me: agkaiser@hotmail.com
Reality vs. Illusions, Lies and Distractions:
When Safeway feels threatened by Super-Walmart selling groceries, the former must reduce worker wages and benefits to compete. Now here’s a dominos effect to worry about. Never mind that vertically integrated retailers are making huge profits as their own middle men and only the workers making, growing or retailing the products and ultimately the consumers, feel the crunch. How do the general population suffer from the lower prices? If we need two incomes (or even three or four jobs per family) to pay the rent and buy food and cheap clothes because of the overall trend in workforce and wage reduction, our quality of life must suffer. If we need second or third mortgages and a ton of credit card debt to get by or even merely to pretend we have a lot and our lives aren’t really stressful, hamster wheel heart attack machines, owned by the bank, then we are being deluded. This is not the good life.
What’s worse, it can’t last! [Humorous?] Money is not real wealth. It is a token that represents goods and services that people do physical work to produce.(1) The taken for granted notion that capital finance contributes positively to the economy is a lie by its inventors and delusional mind poison to the rest of US. Anyone who makes money on money contributes to the ultimate dissipation of our economic energy. Banking, brokering, insurance, i.e. the financial free market, is self-destructive. Thirty-five hundred years ago the dissipative effect of usury was apparently understood. It was forbidden by the law of Moses. Whether or not God told Moses to write this law is beside the point. The point is that to make money off of money produces only money. It creates no material goods to spend that money on. It takes from the work done by others but gives nothing but words in return. Our economy is the greatest fraud and confidence game ever conceived. It sole evident purpose is to support a tiny fraction of the population in luxury, without the need for them to do any real work. Secondarily, it allows paper people [corporations] and the dead to own property and to dictate our lives, making US virtual slaves of their neCROCKracy.
In the 1950's or ‘60's the Supreme Court forbid forced prison labor. This had to be done in order to break up Southern chain gang slavery and the corruption and graft and harm to the economy of this low or no wage competition to free workers. About the same time "separate but equal" was found unworkable by the real patriots who sat at the time and women’s rights gained recognition, in part by actions of the same court. This is also the time that conservatives began yammering about legislation from the bench. Their objection has always been to the hampering of their ability to feed their greed with cheap [slave] labor and the unfettered exercise of their racial and sexist bigotry. That’s why billboards called for the impeachment of Earl Warren until the day he left the court.
From the late 1800's until the court interceded in the 20 years after WWII, contract prison labor forced thousands into poverty, with the unfair competition for jobs the slaves embodied. Kickbacks were the norm. Innocent people were arrested and convicted by corrupt police and courts to fill the slave labor orders and the pockets of the officials. Today uncounted homeless wander the streets until they’re lucky enough to get an orange suit and room and board in exchange for "public" works. I’ve seen no evidence of non-systemic corruption. It's undeniable that the use of prison labor contributes to the increase in joblessness, underpay and underemployment, poverty and homelessness. The conservatives must be proud of their "progress" of the past forty years.
Adam Smith understood the limits of a market economy. He understood its dissipative nature. For non producers to take a profit on goods made by the labor of others, markets must expand forever. If the market has a finite limit then profit on goods made by others, depletes the economic energy. The trader takes from the economic engine but puts no fuel into it. In the days before fast shipping and communications, a useful service was performed by these middle men and the dissipative effect was diffused by the growing market place. Today these parasites of the economy have all the money and power. In order to fuel the economy we must borrow from them. The interest we pay them (the money they skim as it "circulates") exacerbates the problem of consuming the goods they do not produce but control with their money. In the end they have even more money but there are still the same amount of goods and we still won’t be able to buy them without borrowing. At some point the kite will no longer fly. The con will fail.
Among the most facile and specious replies to the inevitability of a finite market limit is the notion that our corporate patrons and caretakers have thought of this. They plan to exploit overseas middle class markets that they’re building up in the places in which the real goods are manufactured by cheap labor. So don’t worry, the paper people think they can and will take care of themselves. But what happens to US? Manufacturing and most real work in America is history. Engineering and accounting are going to Asia. All of middle management can’t be far behind. Watch out! That gang banger might be violent if you try to get his job at Walmart or McD’s. Why are plums and cherries so high at the peak of the season. Maybe the upper class of Chile supports our prices in the summer while ours returns the favor come winter. Is exported food the cause of lower quality, higher priced meats and produce. Twenty years ago that condition only existed in poor neighborhoods in America.
Those who fill their pockets by looting America, by exporting the real wealth to China or wherever, if they believe their lie, that we all benefit from their greed, are not only arrogant, vain and conceited, they are fools and idiots.
The bible is not really clear about the nature of Original Sin. The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is a picturesque description but not very specific. That’s appropriate. I think Original Sin took many forms before the human race became greatly tainted. One of the worst forms of the spiritual poison is living off work done by others. This, in today’s economy, implies controlling or dominating others. Domination is original sin no matter which side of it you’re on. When done to avoid real work, as it almost always is, control of the will of another is the most onerous sin that can be committed. It spiritually destroys the perpetrator and the victim. The hoarding of wealth that is intended to and does follow, causes immense pain and suffering among millions of people. That is the measure of evil: the amount of pain and suffering caused. The worst sinners are those with the most hoarded wealth. It is only possible to be rich by taking of the work of others. No one could work hard enough to physically create the material goods that constitute riches. The less choice we have in dealing with the ruling parasites the worse their sin. We have no choice but deal with the money changers if we wish to live. Like Moses, Christ knew the evil of the financial industry. That’s why he drove them from the temple. That’s why they had him tried and murdered. It’s about time we get even.
The puppet Bush Administration and the corporations who pull the strings are traitors to America. Sending the jobs to China is evidence. Exporting food to Mexico and South America, Australia and Japan is evidence. That we have less real money and higher prices is evidence. The decline in buying power of the wages of a 40 hour job since Tricky Dick is evidence [of party conspiracy]. The elimination of overtime pay for 8 million Americans including fire fighters, police, nurses and veterans of the Iraq War is evidence. Inadequate health care for 42 million Americans is evidence. The greed of the rich’s corporate empire is evidence. The indifference of the 130 year old paper people to the needs of human beings, whose ancestors created economies millennia ago to sustain our existence, is evidence. The insensitivity and stupidity of the politicians, CEOs and the rest of the corporate clones is evidence. That these evil ones are role models for our children is evidence, perhaps the most damning evidence of all against these treasonous, treacherous scum who have risen to the top of the boiling pork pot they put the fire to themselves.
Ask them why they do it? They’ll speak with great unction, assuring you of their wisdom and exalted stature. When you are sufficiently humiliated to be impressed by their lies, they speak of their duty to the stockholders and their puerile sacred principles [greed and selfishness, pretentiousness and arrogance]. You know, I don’t give a damn about the stockholders. I don’t care what they think is fair or morally correct. I want a chance for a decent life for all Americans. And that means these assholes and their bullshit rationales have got to go! It’s them or US. Whose side are YOU on?
But if we choose, we can easily change this intolerable economic paradigm. We have the power. We do the work that supplies the stuff of life. Our labor produces the material goods (or it would if they hadn’t foolishly given the real wealth of material production to China) that the elite workless class steals and hoards. If we all stop for a day or a week, and let them know we’re serious, things will change. The threat of the loss of their privilege was enough to gain huge concessions in the 1930's. The conservatives have undone most of these in the past forty years. Overtime pay and the forty hour week were established by FDR in 1938. Bush is trying to take it away from 8 million Americans, including police, firefighters, nurses and veterans in March 2004. The fools argue that making Americans work longer hours for the same pay will create jobs by making products more competitive overseas. i.e. They’ll steal our work then sell the products elsewhere. They’ll have to. We won’t have the money to buy them.
Two summers of burning the cities brought the Civil Rights Law of 1964. But we don’t need to loot the supermarkets to make our point. We merely need to stop working for a few days and let the rich know we’ve had enough of their childish indolence and larcenous lifestyles. We want our fair share, that is to say, all of the material goods that are produced. They can do some real work and begin to pull their own weight if they wish to live. Hereditary laziness and parasitic behavior must be rooted out of the gene pool to insure the survival of the real human race.
The possible solutions, which I’ve offered now and in past issues, to the problem of our dissipative economy, our way of life which is dysfunctional for most of US, are nonviolent and protective of the American Constitution. It bothers me that, historically, most change has come about through violent means. But this needn’t be so. The bottom line is the rich need US to work to make their wealth or even to merely survive. We don’t need them for anything. Their continued existence is a threat to our survival.
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Greg Kaiser