Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
email to
Morality, ethics and the emotional engagement of populations are in a constant state of change. Only the greed, corruption and treachery of the powerful and rich elite remains the same.
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: How much is too much?
A: How much pain can you stand? How much evil must pass before you awaken from your dream?
Volume IV Issue 01:
(1) Food-Related Illness and Death in the United States
If you wish to help, contact me: agkaiser@hotmail.com
Reality vs. Illusions, Lies and Distractions:
Free Market Economy: 1) The right to operate food industries free from government regulation or rigorous inspection and the freedom to kill five thousand Americans per year with tainted foods.(1) 2) The right of anyone who has amassed sufficient money to withdraw from the production of goods and participate in the monopolization of finance and restriction of progress by funding only the entrepreneurs or products which will increase the power and wealth of the plutocrats. 3) The right of plutocrats to buy sufficient politicians to create a wholly owned subsidiary government that responds only to their whims and desires and is otherwise hampered in the exercise of the will of the people. 4) The right to dictate the will of the people by ownership of media by a small clique, who allow only the publication of information that furthers their economic tyranny. 5) The right to monopolize freedom of speech. 6) The right to fire, hamper, harass, discredit, impoverish and starve anyone who says anything without their prior approval. 7) The right to make all these abominations the taken for granted but simultaneously unacknowledged baseline of thought for the American people. 8) The right to enslave the minds of the American people and punish any thrall who appears to be resisting the conditioning process. 9) The right of very rich and old industries to sell addictive, poisonous drugs such as tobacco and alcohol, while being protected from competitors selling less harmful substances that ease but don't damage the mind or body: that merely relax the customer.
These are the freedoms our children die to protect. We must not abandon the protection of America. But we’d better direct the battle towards the greatest enemy of freedom. We’d better take our country back from the greedy few who are destroying it.
Paul S. Mead, Laurence Slutsker, Vance Dietz, Linda F. McCaig, Joseph S. Bresee, Craig Shapiro, Patricia M. Griffin, and Robert V. Tauxe
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
CDC Paper
[If the article has been removed by the time you see this, go to cdc.gov and search for "Food Related Deaths".]
Politics are give and take. We give and they take. Over and over again the gains in overall wages, working conditions and standard of living encouraged by FDR`s "New Deal" have been under assault by conservative presidents and congresses of the past fifty years. Today [01/22/04], the senate passed the Omnibus Spending Bill 2004 [HR 2673, the 2004 fiscal year remainder budget]. This bill exempts 8 million Americans, including nurses, firemen, police and veterans from overtime pay protection. It also affects food labeling and other non-germane issues. The fact that they undid FDR concessions that were made to avert revolution during the Great Depression is not the most dangerous aspect of this evil undertaking. The fact that it undermines homeland security is less dangerous than that. The way they went about this treacherous undertaking subverted the American Constitution by weakening the division of powers and moving towards dictatorship. We have moved so far from democracy today that we are no longer even a republic.
What they did is bad. The way they did it is worse. By taking bills passed by both houses and inserting Bush requested tools of economic tyranny (previously rejected by both houses) in a committee compromised version of the critically needed budget act, then saying "lump it and like it", they effectively handed over congressional power to the president. I’m not a constitutional scholar but I’ve always believed a two thirds majority was required to repeal an act. This sneaky, cowardly act of congress effectively repeals parts of seventy year old labor law and the Farm Bill of 2002. If we’re to have a dictator in America let’s have one who cares for others besides his rich friends. [Editors Note: the bill passed 65-28, not a two thirds majority, but it still speaks volumes about our two equals one party system.]
When I mentioned to a dim-witted acquaintance that Senator Hillary Clinton had spoken vehemently against this bill and the implied coupe by King George, the conversant replied, "she [Hillary] didn’t talk that way when Bill was in office."
Whatever evil Bill Clinton may have done is done. [I’m not personally convinced he acted on behalf of Americans other than sincerely, although foolishly at times.] It can’t be undone. The measure of evil is the pain and suffering it causes. Unlike past evil we can do something about suffering and pain that proceeds from present acts. The conservatives feel that the quality of the person who suffers evil makes a difference to the measure of evil. By this they mean they are of greater value than the rest of US and that the evil they do to US is less than the evil they would endure if WE didn’t let them do it.
To be sure no-one misunderstands or is willfully obtuse about what I’ve just said, I’ll repeat it more plainly-- if that’s possible. Most American politicians work exclusively for an elite few and don’t care how much pain and suffering, through deprivation, their greed causes for the rest of US. They consider themselves morally, intellectually, spiritually and genetically superior to US. They pump up the egos and self esteem of their middle class thralls (and a few who are their primary victims, the working class, but somehow have been made stupid anyway) by intimating that they too are among the select, in order to gain support for the fraud. In perpetrating this mind swindle, our traitorous masters have subverted freedom and democracy in America. They are the greatest evil on the Planet. Their influence must be rooted out so the good of all may be nurtured in its place.
A greedy individual is like a cell run amuck... like a cancer in the body of society. Unlike the intelligent, strong survivors they perceive themselves to be, the economically successful in today’s America are destroying the body on which they and we depend for survival. They are the representatives of a self destructive weakness of the human race.
The self styled Darwinners are as deluded as were the divine right aristocracy and all their other antecedents since the beginning of civilization. They truly believe that nothing they do or say, no lie they tell or corrupt fraud (illegal or not) they perpetrate does any harm. They see no connection between their avarice and our need. They are willfully deluded in service to their greed. The devastating cumulative effect of their abstract rape of material economy is occluded from their consciousness by their lust for power and money. They represent the lowest common denominator of morality and intelligence.
The American epidemic, of this possibly terminal parasitic disease afflicting the human race, is more virulent than most outbreaks. The desire of the elite stock owners to get richer and their corporate and politician flunkies to get rich by cutting wages and exporting jobs, while an efficient scam for its originators, is destructive to the economy we all depend on to live. If consumers have no money to spend and their credit cards are maxed, the kite must fall, the economic balloon will deflate. You pick the metaphor. I don’t care about the rationalizations. I don’t care about words. I only care that the greed of the foremost causes great evil in the form of the pain and suffering of the majority who are deprived materially of the goods and services hoarded by the rich. We need what they have but we don’t need them for anything!. They are useless parasites! The malignity just described is the normal state of the American union. But that’s not the ultimate killer. The worst cancer is that which they are becoming. And they know less of it than you.
They, the greedy rich elite, use American money, which originated as tokens representing goods made in America, to create manufacturing and service facilities in India, China and elsewhere. They are exporting the source of wealth. The collective effect of the bottom line fever contracted by diseased fools like George W. Bush will never be noted by those most seriously ill with the mental impairment. They don’t wish to see; the game they have so much confidence in their ability to play is self destructive. They do such a good job of conning US because they believe they know what they’re doing. They live in a fantasy of infinite money without real substance. It’s based on their childish imaginings. China and India will awaken US rudely. They are both nuclear powers, each with populations in the billions. They may say, "Thanks for the manufacturing and management infrastructure. Take your books and the records of our debt and go home. You can suck on our gratitude. We’re sick of your vampire economic tyranny." We will be powerless to stop them.
The capitalists and their wholly owned subsidiary politicians are incapable of seeing that they’ll die with US. ...Unless they’re planning computerized, robotic production and distribution to preserve themselves. Wow, can the looting of America be a great distraction in itself? Doesn’t matter! There’s no happy ending for US, however you cut it... Who needs brains to run an economy or a country? We’ll all die happy, knowing we’ve stuck to our principles of self destructive greed and remained free to starve for the satisfaction of our foolish masters. As a bonus, we may remain productive until the end by pushing paper around our plates at an ever increasing rate.
But don’t you worry fellow Americans! The more the corporations, with the blessings of their politicians, loot America, the faster the stock market will rise. Banks will prosper financing the Indo-Chinese take over of the world. It’s unpleasant to consider that the rich’s money will be worthless and we’ll starve when there’s nothing to buy. So don’t think such negative thoughts. Think about the oil we’ll get from Iraq. We can still dominate them and plenty others too! Too bad that all they have is fuel. I wonder who’ll die first: those without fuel or those dependent on imported food and manufactured goods? Silly question! It may be a dead heat. All that matters is that we maintain confidence in our fraudulent system and the lies of our leaders until it’s too late to do anything about it. Just believe that Bush or any politician will keep you safe to die for the delusory good of the free financial market.
The Darwinian losers who are perpetrating these crimes against humanity are clueless to their culpability for the pain and suffering they inflict on the majority of humans. They are traitors to the American and all other people but they don’t know it. Sorry, ignorance is no excuse. We’ll be just as dead whether by deliberate malice or by the stupidity of our economic leaders. They simply don’t get it! Instead of acting to repair our flawed culture, they’ll jump up and down like the mentally challenged chimpanzees they are. [I apologize to any real chimpanzees for the demeaning comparison.] And they will scream, "What’s your solution? What’s your solution?" They won’t see or hear the answer if we act it out or yell at them. They don’t want to know that the only cure for our disease is to take their power and money from them. This requirement transcends all politics, ideologies, principles and morality. We must do this to give the human race a chance to survive.
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Greg Kaiser