Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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Subservience to the rich, whatever alias they may be traveling under, has been constant throughout written history. Morality, ethics and the emotional engagement of populations are in a constant state of change. Only the greed, corruption and treachery of the powerful remains the same.
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: What is the TRUTH?
A: Fundamental truth is the simple material reality that is perceived through our senses. Corollary: truth for all humans is the nature of our existence, unadorned by fanciful interpretation. The truth is always present but few care to embrace it. We prefer the delusions with which we have learned to filter reality. That conditioning is constantly reinforced by corporate [plutocrat] owned media, politicians and one another.
Volume II Issue 8:
Ridding the Earth of Terrorists will make it a safe place for the rest of us to live and prosper.
Ridding the Earth of Communists will make it a safe place for the rest of us to live and prosper.
Ridding the Earth of Socialists will make it a safe place for the rest of us to live and prosper.
Ridding the Earth of Unions will make it a safe place for the rest of us to live and prosper.
Ridding the Earth of Jews will make it a safe place for the rest of us to live and prosper.
Ridding the Earth of Native Americans will make it a safe place for the rest of us to live and prosper.
Ridding the Earth of Heretics will make it a safe place for the rest of us to live and prosper.
Ridding the Earth of Muslims will make it a safe place for the rest of us to live and prosper.
Ridding the Earth of Barbarians will make it a safe place for the rest of us to live and prosper.
History proves none of the latter have been effective and neither will be the first, I predict. But all of the above have been or are contemporary distractions. They divert us from the truth: the fundamental flaw of our culture.
Human culture's disease will not be relieved by eliminating those, no matter how misguided or malevolent, who wish to cure it. As Dickens said in Hard Times in 1854,
" 'Tis not by them the trouble's made, sir. 'Tis not wi' them't commences. I ha' no favour for 'em---I ha' no reason to favour 'em---but 'tis hopeless and useless to dream o' takin' them fro' their trade, 'stead o' takin' their trade fro' them! "
What is the trade of the "outside agitators" ("mysterious strangers" in the words of Dickens) that so terrorized and confused the 1850's businessman, pretentious of hardheadedness but fancifully romantic nonetheless, that his post modern analog still labors with the same problem and mental affliction? It [the trade] is the eternal struggle to relieve the misery of the majority, those who produce the material means of survival of humanity, only to have it stolen from them by the workless class, through their overseer CEOs and politicians. The misery commences with the greed of the masters. [Ed. note: I don't believe, as we have been trained to think, that greed is basic human nature. I believe that common folly to have been designed to assuage the guilt of the most greedy. It doesn't matter! If true, there's still a critical difference of scale. The evil of which the workless class are capable, in attempting to satisfy their greed, is differentiated from that of the majority by its quantity. Less than five per cent of the population own more than ninety-five per cent of everything. They are physically responsible for more than ninety five per cent of the misery, suffering and untimely death among the producers of their wealth. They are morally responsible for all evil.]
Dickens also described most of the lies that supported and still support our dysfunctional economy by obscuring the source of our misery. The greatest delusion is the "right rule" of self interest [greed]. Our faith in this unenlightened theory betrays us. Its corollaries, called by Dickens "common fictions" are regularly repeated by corporate owned politicians, teachers and other media at every opportunity. They are:
1) "The rich deserve their wealth because they've worked hard to earn it." The truth is: their usurious manipulation of capital is not work. It does not contribute to the wealth of humanity. In fact, the theft and hoarding of the production of others by a parasitic few threatens the livelihood of all.
2) "Anyone and everyone can be rich if we work hard enough." Do the math! An idiot can see that if it takes the production of a thousand to support one of the rich that only one in a thousand can be rich. And if you believe that hard work will result in an invitation to join that exclusive club you're more foolish than our greedy masters. I don't think George is a hypocrite. I think he believes this shit.
3) "Any demand by workers comes of the desire to live luxuriously without working for it." This is pure projection by the elite parasites. The evil of the rich is to have all the money and irrationally demand more... to insist that the economy will work for them while the rest of us do the work... to perpetuate the fraud and exacerbate the problem by loaning us the money they have stolen from us so we may buy the life sustaining goods we have produced. Adam Smith knew this farce couldn't continue indefinitely. Yet we conveniently forget the requirement for infinitely expanding markets. Nothing trickles down but the one thing our masters have in infinite supply... shit!
4) "Labor and all social problems are always due to outside agitators who cause dissent among the docile slaves." This is denial and projection by the source of our problems, the elite rich, who are our masters. They will not see their greed is the root of evil. They must convince their victims of their own self delusion to assuage their conscience. Their cold cynicism enters consciousness only in momentary exposures that are easily hidden under a blanket of lies. They lie first to themselves so they may tell us the "truth". We are the fools of self made fools! [Ed. note: Perhaps the most ironic false principle: we're to be grateful to our employers for allowing us to be their slaves.]
We see by the preceding that the fundamental flaw (and its supporting lies) has been with us for some time. We see that it's had proponents and opponents. Many of us know the abominable nature of the human disease and find it onerous, though we may fear it's hopeless to cure. But, I suspect, we might still benefit from a clear definition of the problem.
A society in which some classes labor to produce the materials of survival, which are ultimately owned by a workless class, is a slave culture. Whether or not the slaves live comfortably is irrelevant. There is no right and wrong in corporate culture, a slave culture. It's all wrong!
[Ed. note: labor does not include the manipulation of the tokens, money, that represent wealth. All such abstract maneuverings (imaginary works) are usurious, therefore inflationary and parasitic. The only real work is the production of material goods and useful services such as transportation (of goods and people), education, communication, health care and (re)creative entertainment. Retailers are necessary merchants. Wholesalers, bankers, brokers and other workless parasites who own us, though they need us for theirs, are not required for our survival. The hard fact is: they threaten it!]
W's elimination of the estate tax reinforces the slave culture by perpetuating the stranglehold of the masters. We can eliminate the workless class masters by confiscating their property when they die. A 100% estate tax, with a fixed amount deduction (several million dollars should be enough competitive advantage for even the most degenerate heirs) will be a start towards a sustainable economy, society and culture. After that first small step we must follow through by redistributing the stolen goods we have so recovered.
The wealth may be returned to the people, the source of all production, by providing adequate food, clothing, shelter and health care for all Americans (first)... by raising wages and salaries for those fortunate enough to have real work to do... by creating jobs in material wealth producing endeavors for those of the unemployed who are not made busy (including the ex-parasites) in the production and distribution of the basic needs for all. Survival is the first priority.
The systems required to start the work of honest distribution of the wealth we produce are in place. We need only will it to begin. Few laws must change. No change in the form of government need take place. The Bush Administration, who protect the rich in all things, have recently launched an assault, possibly final and fatal, on the bill of rights. That and all damage done to humanity by the greedy, treacherous parasites who rule us, must be undone!
Editorial Column:
Our culture lacks nothing but good will. We have all we need that's bad. It's flaw's are superfluous. They are not wanting of addition. We need to clear our minds of the disinformation installed by education, media and one another. We must demand that the conditioning of minds, to respond automatically to hope with despair, cease and desist. We must root out the thought filters by which we sort our sense perceptions and by which we are deluded and enthralled... by which our slavery is perpetuated. We must rid ourselves of the parasites whose denial and projection would lay their responsibility for our misery at our own feet. If we allow their greed to continue, it will destroy us all.
If we allow ourselves to continue to believe that greed is our inevitable nature, we rationalize the culture of which we are the victims. We justify, in the eyes of the pigs that rule us, the perpetuation of our slavery. It's not a matter of right or wrong. It's whose side are you really on. You have no choice but you may freely identify. If you identify the masters as your kind of people, then you betray the human race. If you support them but are not really one of them, you are not only a traitor but a fool.
You are deluded if you believe it's in your self interest to remain a mindless slave of corporate culture. There is no enlightened self interest there. They will make the planet uninhabitable for humans, while they destroy our life supporting economy, in the name of greed. It is not a question of Capitalists or Communists... of Arab or Israeli... of black or white. It is simply survival. In order to survive we must eliminate the fundamental flaw. We must recognize that the slave culture, disguised by mere words, the so called "free market economy", is a failed strategy for survival of the human race. We have become, through the greed of a few, unfit to survive on the Planet Earth.
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Greg Kaiser