Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
email to
Subservience to the rich, whatever alias they may be traveling under, has been constant throughout written history. Morality, ethics and the emotional engagement of populations are in a constant state of change. Only the greed, corruption and treachery of the powerful remains the same.
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: What is business?
A: Busyness: an endless display of activity, in the absence of real work, that's designed to impress the marks with the power and importance of the "busyness" person. It's also the distraction of the victim from the busyness person's theft of the benefit of the real work said victim is performing.
Volume II Issue 9:
The Congress is working on an act to make corporations more accountable and to criminalize stockholder rip-offs. Many in the Senate and the House also hope to provide a means to recover stolen moneys from the ex-CEOs etc. That is: Congress wishes to prevent future stealing by the means of artificially inflating stock prices, then cashing in options before the collapse. I know that we can't get Enron or WorldCom or others with the new act. (I strongly support the constitutional prohibition of ex post facto laws.) But I don't understand why the existing laws against fraud and treason don't apply to the entire abstract economy.
Those who do no work, the workless class, the rich, make money by selling it at a profit. Whether as stocks, bonds, loans or brokering, their busyness creates no real wealth. It is merely a perversion of abstractions and tokens. The rich are a liability that consumes resources but gives nothing in return. Since they do no work, we may identify all that they have to be stolen. These traitors to the survival of Americans should be prosecuted and their ill-gotten gains confiscated. Their treason must not go unpunished, even though the pursuit of individual traitors is futile.
The evil treachery doesn't wholly reside in any number of separate persons or any subset of the society. (i.e. There is no form of bigotry that will solve our problems.) There is more culpability in those who possess more wealth but the entire economic structure, together with the way we perceive our culture, is also at fault. Our problem isn't that there are rich people and wannabes who are criminals. It is that it's criminal to tolerate a workless class of rich parasites, who take whatever they want and contribute nothing that's real.
To allow the wealthy to continue their antisocial behavior after they're dead, through the demonic possession of their heirs, is beyond criminal. It's abomination of nature. Though the workless class have enslaved us for more or less a hundred generations, we have always had the power to eliminate their abuse. We lack only direction and will. They've instructed, trained us like domestic animals, to despair of ever being free of their selfish rule. We've meekly complied with their order... their self serving principles and values.
We must began to value material contributions to our mutual survival more highly than the ability to live [luxuriously] on the ripped off efforts of others, while doing nothing that's real one's self. The system must be redesigned to reward those who do real work and negatively reinforce parasitic behavior. The predations of the rich and wannabes in the middle class must be extinguished from our culture, while actively punishing those who resist the necessary changes.
In light of the fact that the system, our economic culture itself is to blame, it becomes clear that the pursuit of individual wrongdoers by the Congress, while it may do some good, is still a distraction from the real view of our flawed economy. It [our economy] serves only the least fit and laziest among us and the majority suffer(1) from their greed. The system works for them and we do the work. Until we eliminate the reward for greed that is basic to our economic culture there will always be new ways to steal. We will never pass enough interdictive laws to stop the theft of the material things we need to survive.
Some sort of free market economy might work but capitalism does not and never will. No system based on greed and hoarding of resources of survival, needed by the majority to merely live, can ever be anything but corrupt. It's genisis, it's original conception, is a corruption of the real economy that supports human life on the Planet Earth. It is, by its depraved nature, dysfunctional for most of us. As such it's a failed strategy for survival of the human race.
The economy slows because the people have no money with which to consume products. Giving money to those who already have it does not solve the problem. The trickle down theory is another expression of the greed, that causes the imbalance, which precludes consumers from buying. It exacerbates the recession. Loaning money at interest, so that products may be purchased, also decreases the probability of successful recovery. (2)
Why, aside from having experienced the last twenty years(3) of down sizing, job exportation, wage depression, rising prices and other disloyal and treacherous frauds, do I believe trickle down can't work? Those who sell products make their money so. Giving them the money to sell to us who must buy the products, would occur to an idiot as a solution for a slow economy. The tax cut and corporate welfare in the form of porkish government contracts and direct subsidies, for those with the most money, those who sell things and/or loan money, seems the brainchild of a fool.
From Volume I number 4
" Land and the goods that are produced are the real wealth. The tokens and abstractions that represent them, such as money and stocks, will not support life. Yet we reward the minority who manipulate the abstractions of wealth and punish those who produce it from the Earth. "
Manufacturing outside the US is profitable for the elite and the 35% (mostly middle class) who are the minion overseers of the rich. We who do not benefit cannot buy the goods so produced. If our buying power continues to decrease the remainder of us (and many of them) must ultimately starve. Are the miseries produced by job and income reduction and the tax cut to the masters (including elimination of the estate tax) the result of foolish short term thinking or the deliberate plans of genocidal despots? Does it make a difference?
"Oh I'm sorry little person, I didn't kill you deliberately. I couldn't see that robbing you of your livelihood to boost next quarters bottom line (and my stock options) would result in thousands of premature deaths. And I'm not responsible for your problems. I've got to look out for myself.", says the typical politician or TO. [Top Officer: is appropriate because that's where most of the wealth we produce goes TO. Forgive me for ending the sentence with a pseudo preposition but the construction amuses me.] I'm sure we'll all be satisfied with such answers. We must! Words are all we'll get. Isn't it good to know you're killer will be a fool instead of an evil criminal.
During the Great depression of the 1930's, the abstract economy broke down. When the stock market crashed, capital was not available and production slowed drastically. The unemployed had no adequate safety net. Much misery and suffering resulted. We are moving towards that state again. Note that all the means of production still existed; farms, factories and transportation were in place and idle. Only the abstract motive was missing from the real economy. That real people starved and suffered so that the fraudulent system, owned by economic parasites, might not be disrupted, even when not functioning, is criminal. It is the most evil and destructive form of terrorism that exists on the Planet Earth.
Law and Order:
Foreign Policy:
But let's not worry about nasty realities. The greed of the rich is inevitable so get used to the natural consequences of free market capitalism. Let's think about how the death of the bill of rights and the compromise of constitutional division of powers is going to free the world of terrorists. (Except the economic terrorists but it's not healthy to think about that so let's just forget it.) Oh our glorious administration is sooo perfect. Aren't we lucky to have a supreme court so wise as to have chosen our wonderful president for us. So Christian of them.
I've often wondered about the appeal of a religion that gains converts and maintains membership by first threatening to continue one's suffering after death then offering reward instead if you will just continue as a slave for the remainder of your life. I mean, first they notify you that you can't even escape misery by dying then they offer you salvation but you have to die to get it. Do you get it?
Editorial Column:
The following is recycled verbatim from Volume I Issue 3, 2/10/2001:
What will conservatives say when the American People get tired of Clinton bashing. For eight years the Republicans obstructed every decent thing that Clinton wanted to do. They didn't argue the issues. They diverted attention to irrelevant personal behavior. Is that the only strategy the right can create to distract us from their real principles: selfishness and greed?
The Bush tax cut will not have the desired effect. The rich already have almost all the money. Giving them more with the Tax Cut will exacerbate the problem. No amount of fast talk or reference to skewed statistics and show piece principles will change the truth.
Maybe an analogy will get through. Think of it as a parable, George. Imagine you have an oil well and a machine to take oil from underground and place it in a reservoir at the top. Now imagine that your well goes dry and there is no place to drill a new one. Keep in mind that this is only an analogy and loopholes in the words will not likely be reflected in the reality it represents.
Now imagine that you don't need all that oil but you really like pumping oil into your reservoir. It makes you feel powerful and superior. So what are you to do? All the oil is in the reservoir. Well, if you could find a way to pump it back into the ground, you could start all over again. The machinery that pumps it up to you would react automatically to the increased demand and you would refill your reservoir at the top very quickly.
I think you may have guessed by now that I'm really talking about the economy. So what mechanism could we build to get money back down to the bottom so that the wealth machinery would have something to do and the rich could continue having the fun of stealing the money from us, while feeling smugly powerful and genetically superior as well?
How about, instead of eliminating the estate tax, we make two million dollars deductible and 100% is taken after the sheltered portion. That wealth could be distributed to the poor on a graduated scale based on income. [Ed. note: I should have said inversely proportional to income last year. I knew then how obtuse and twisted are conservatives, especially if anything is let loose for interpretation through their greed filters.] Or it could provide high paying jobs to those who don't already have them and we could add many new management positions into the bargain.
If we efficiently redistribute the money, it will be spent. Then the machinery that harvests money will have something to do. The heirs of the rich may have to build their own machines but with a 2 million dollar start up they'll still have a much greater opportunity than the rest of us. And each generation will have the chance to prove their worthiness. Plus they'll have the fun of playing the game for themselves. This is a win win proposition.
But unfortunately the rich have a real union. They are a gang who will threaten us with an economic bludgeoning if we fail to give up our money on demand. They don't wish to complicate the fulfillment of their lust by paying us to produce real goods to sell to us.
(1)The meanings of suffering and misery, throughout my texts, are not limited to inadequate food, clothing, shelter and medical care. They always include stress due to debt, inadequate job or retirement security and other life shortening corporate environmentals that are too numerous to list or may not as yet have been identified.
(2)Redundancy is an unfortunate necessity when dealing with economic and political leaders. The conservatives, especially, will distort, corrupt, deny and/or project back on one... a conditioned process not requiring intelligence... anything that's not painfully explicit and simple enough for an idiot to understand. Hence, since the conditions of comprehension conflict, constant repetition is necessary.
(3)The TOs [Top Officer(s)] and other wannabes have been looting America for longer than twenty years, now they're moving themselves and, most recently, their corporations, out of the country. This is treason and should be separately prosecuted as such. Even many of the long established parasites are losing to these upstarts. Not that I have much sympathy for the degenerate heirs of capitalists but their money should be going back to us, from whom it's been stolen, not to a new set of thieves.
   If you can help with cash donations, so that I may spend more time thinking and writing, contact me:
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Greg Kaiser