Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
email to
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q:Is power as intoxicating as alcohol?
A:The intoxication of power is different from that of alcohol, which is proportional to the amount one has abused the body's system. The delusions of grandeur produced in those with too much power are proportional only to the pretentiousness of the self-abused leader.
Volume II Issue 7:
Thousands of innocent people die in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
ADM boasts of converting corn, a renewable resource, into alcohol to burn in our automobiles. Alcohol made by distillation has been a mainstay of the economy and social control mechanisms for centuries. Its use to move fat, drunken middle class asses in a literal sense is, perhaps, novel. The self avowed "supermarket to the world" is making fuel from food while starvation occurs at home and abroad. What is treasonous betrayal of the human race?
Is there a connection between these two seemingly unrelated examples of terror? The ADM variety is purely economic but a much more chronic pattern. Which causes more suffering and death? Is the misery and starvation of the poor, at home and abroad, related to world trade? Are the wealthy and their corporate clone overseer managers and politicians, by whom no useful material thing is produced, responsible for all terror? Are their greed inspired policies a threat to the survival of humanity? How would Darwin analyze this reality?
Rhetorical questions all! We do the work. They, the corporate/politician overseers, the perpetual economic terrorists of all the human race, take the produce... in the name of their/our masters. We are left with debt, life shortening stress of coping and the fear of being displaced [by down sizing, a computer, a robot or job exportation] from our dismal positions as virtual slaves. If we complain, they tell us we are lazy and so they deserve the stolen and hoarded wealth that they have or hope to successfully attain. There is no sense of irony or even hypocrisy in the abuse of the "Protestant Work Ethic". They are true believers... very religious!
They say to confiscate and reimburse their un-worked-for riches to us, their victims, would be unfair to them. They say, when confronted with the suffering caused by their terrorizing greed, that the world isn't fair. They don't see their double think. They don't know they have been trained to respond in that schizophrenic way. To them the phrase, behavioral conditioning, triggers memories of psych 101. If anything, they may think, in a vague way, of Pavlov and Skinner. They don't really think at all. Who are the fools to whom I refer?
In the most general sense an economy is the sum of one type of social interactions which contribute to the continuation of the human race. By that definition ours isn't an economy at all because it puts a significant portion of the humans at risk of starvation. To take a positive approach: our so called economy is merely a fraud designed to make a few rich at the expense of the rest of us.
The "get down to it" survivability of the human species, or any subset thereof, is very much more dependent on farmers, miners, teamsters, craftspeople and tradespeople than it is on plutocrats, CEOs, politicians or the armies or police the latter use to terrorize us and so maintain their parasitic, life destroying system of stolen and hoarded wealth... And the lazy, useless economic vampires have the effrontery to tell us they "make the world go 'round".
Editorial Column:
How could we have prevented the coming of Mid-Eastern terrorists?
When the oil was secured by the British after WWI, through the co-opting of the Saudi Royal family and the subjugation of resistant states, our predecessors could have killed the ancestors of today's terrorists along with rest of the malcontents. To accomplish such an impossible task would've required genocide but would have precluded the need for Israel's terror tactics against the British and others, which the former employed to wrest a homeland, after WWII, until the foundation of the State of Israel in 1952.
But, though we rewrite history every day, we can't change past material reality. The mistakes of the past, no matter how we deny them, cannot be undone. So how can we create a world safe for capitalist greed? That is after all the overriding issue of all debates and the source of all terror.
It seems that moralizing by the greediest few only works for a portion of the population. We can't convince everyone to abandon their own life in order to allow plutocrats to vampirize us in peace. Only a cowardly majority respond favorably to that bullshit. Likewise, brute force only seems to antagonize those determined to throw off slavery. Even the loyal fools must have limits to the abuse they will endure. [Note: theoretical limits exist though there's no empirical evidence.]
After much thought, I deem the solution to be working together [nonviolently] to rid our species of the parasites that infect us and threaten our survival. But don't tell George. He'll claim his workless class are the victims and the rest of us the plague. (See "moralizing" in the preceding paragraph.) If his projection/denial succeeded we might commit mass suicide to please him. But we'd have our revenge from the grave. He'd starve in a month without us to do for him that which he's too lazy or stupid to do for himself.
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Greg Kaiser