Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q:Who represents more value to society, the parasitic economic terrorists and their CEO and politician henchmen or garbage collectors?
A:If the rich and their fools disappeared tomorrow, our lives would improve through the relief of the dead weight they represent. If the garbage collectors quit, we would be buried six feet under our own refuse within a few months. You decide who is more valuable to your physical survival!
Volume II Issue 6:
W. tells us that his tax program will allow the poor to begin to climb the ladder of success. When we are all rich stockholders, who will grow the food, build the houses, make the clothes or create the technology that supports our survival. We have become dependent on complex systems for physical continuity but George seems to believe that we can all live on the abstract economic constructions that are employed to enslave the majority of the population... those who actually do the work that allows the human race to materially prosper or even continue to exist.
A fourth grader of mediocre intelligence, yet unspoiled by the propagandistic system of social [thought] conditioning we call news and education, could see that our pyramid scheme economy cannot work if none of us actually works. Such a clear thinking mind might also realize that concentrating the wealth at the top destroys the basis of our culture... the people who create the means and resources of material survival.
So go on calculating your own plan for success. But remember, when we're all rich there will be nothing to buy. Without food you will die. George offers pie in the sky. Am I exaggerating the danger? Yes! It will never get that far because each of the cyclic market downturns gets a few of you. In the end the golden ring will melt before your eyes. All you'll have is the stress of bearing the mountainous burden of debt you contracted to fuel this fools paradise of an economy, which has been sold to each generation in turn for the past 120 years.
Does anyone need to ask who benefits from the fraud we call an economy?... Who suffers misery, poor health and death to make a few rich?... Do we need to know the names of the economic terrorists who've tricked or intimidated us into accepting a system that is functional only for them and must ultimately fail even that selfish purpose? No, they can remain anonymous and yet be easily identified.
After a million years or more of successful survival, humanity is apparently mind locked on a road to extinction. Capitalism and its [evolutionary] economic predecessors are a failed strategy of survival for the human race. Money is not wealth. The only riches are the material goods and land that money represents. Abstract economy (banking, stocks, insurance etc.) creates money without substance to justify it. The devalued tokens are concentrated at the top, making consumption, the primary economic activity, impossible. Sending jobs out of the country and debt fueled buying, necessary the keep the kite flying, exacerbate this problem. Real economy is about acquiring the things we need to live! Abstract economy is about selfish hoarding of money that stifles real economy.
Less than ten thousand years ago, individual members of a clan who refused to work but attempted to direct the work of others; who further took the greatest share of the wealth produced, by trick or intimidation, would be exiled to starvation or executed by the intended victims of the fraud.
Unlike today's middle class and their elite masters, our forbears would never have had the opportunity to develop the self delusion of superior strength, intelligence and [Darwinian] "fitness". A band of gorillas would be smart enough to dispose of a leader who developed such a parasitic and lazy demeanor. Common sense seems to be lost within groups of humans.
I still can't comprehend how the childishly selfish wealthy elite convince themselves they are the most intelligent and strong of humans... that they actually deserve their ill-gotten power. Anyone who looks can see they are a gang of dull followers who depend on mutual support for their authority. Yet they insist that we stand one by one to face the force of their group effort. Ironically, many of us are fooled by this cynical hypocricy and succumb through a sense of fairness. It reminds me of Blake's couplet:
"Tell me my boy, what seest thou there?"
"A fool, tangled in a religious snare!"
Tangled we are, in a web of nationalistic religion that Capitalism wove. We believe anyone can go to the top though we know that Rockefeller started with backing, probably from the landed gentry who were looking for a new gig as the remnants of fuedalism unraveled. That he squeezed out oil competitors ruthlessly is also common knowledge. But less know how William Randolf Hearst got his backing to buy or steal the small mines in the Black Hills, using hired thugs to deal with recalcitrant prospectors. Phelps and Dodge did the same thing with the Morenci copper mine in Arizona. Railroads, chemicals, cars, power and other utilities, food production, packing and distribution were all started with money from the footloose aristocracy or previously successful merchants or industrialists. In their turn, the capital corporations spawned banks, lending institutions, insurance companies and brokerages of all sorts to work with their excess plunder.
Most people know or suspect some, most or all of this but remain trapped by a sense of fairness or are intimidated and feel powerless. We don't know what to do!
It may not be a complete solution but we can start by creating a flat 10 million dollar deduction for an Estate Tax rate of 100%. The liquidated assets can be used to build and operate schools, hospitals, libraries or whatever. We could afford health care for all Americans. We could give the stocks to the corporate employees and allow them to buy their own health care. The children of the wealthy would still have a ten million dollar head start in life.
The plutocrats would have their pillage for their lifetimes. Most importantly, the hoarded wealth would get back in circulation where it could be used to purchase consumer goods and keep this ridiculous farce of an economy from failing altogether. And fail it must, according to Adam Smith, when markets cannot expand. Markets require consumers with the ability to buy in order to merely exist.
Confiscating the stolen goods and land of the dead makes good sense but it definitely is not a complete solution. It does nothing to curtail the serious loss of buying power due to down-sizings, wage suppression and job exportation. It fails to address giveaways of our tax money to the rich who pay no taxes during their lifetimes. There are more ways to be dishonest than I could count and new ones are invented every day. How 'bout we just define the possession of more booty than one could make with ones own hands, during the working life to date of the thief, to be larceny and use the current laws to prosecute the wealthy. Would John Ashcroft take advantage of the weakened Bill of Rights to pursue economic terrorists.
Today I read part of this issue to two people in a coffee shop. When I attempted to read more from the April First issue, I was interrupted by the young woman who accused me of practicing mind control. She cut off my several attempts to explain that it's mind control I'm trying to expose, with sadly predictable and specious conditioned responses. Then she patronizingly enjoined me to rethink my words. She had said she was raised in a commune but her attitudes seemed solidly middle class to me.
It seems that average, normal people are only willing to have their minds controlled by the wealthy economic terrorists who steal their money. No, they are more than willing thralls, they demand the security of their slavery. Too bad! I wish to control no one's thoughts. I believe that real solutions to human problems depend on many of us developing clear, strong and autonomous minds. My hope is the antithesis of the social/behavioral conditioning by which we're all subjected.
After several minutes of discussion and a final labeling, by implication, of me as some sort of Svengali, I was asked to not share any more of my thoughts.
On reflection, I think my words must have been starting to open her eyes. The truth is scary. Maybe reality is too brutal for most young people to bear. Perhaps she thought I was endangering myself by speaking the truth openly, in a strong, clear voice. She said I might be offending someone, though insisting she wasn't offended and didn't necessarily disagree. Those who fear to hear or speak the truth are already dead. I don't think anyone is out to get me. Few have sufficiently prepared to be able to take me seriously.
There were hints that she is trapped by education and media delivered social conditioning. Is the conflict between the desire to believe our society is the utopia we've been trained to perceive and the hard truth of economic oppression too great? (Oppression which we've been trained to believe is inevitable, though we also "know" it does not exist in Amerika... at least it's not as bad as those other places.) Whatever the cause, the quavering fear was evident in her voice as she struggled to maintain her middle class posture of superiority. Needless to say, with sympathy for her distress, I backed off. It's cruel to speak of normal schizophrenia to true believers.
Another kind of closed mind was represented by the 57 year old gentleman who told me nothing could be done about it because the "dictatorship" [the Masons as I soon discovered] planned it this way thousands of years ago. That was more information than I need to condemn our system. But his assertion that the rich have medical resources that will allow them to live much longer than us and that our genes will be eliminated from the Earth's pool [my own paraphrase] was too plausible to wholly deny.
I did say that it didn't matter to me whether the economic terror, that results in so much more misery and death each year than all the tyrants that have ever existed, was planned on the spur of the moment or ten thousand years ago... or not planned at all but merely a found situation used to the advantage of the greediest and most unscrupulous among us.
It is interesting to me that so many conspiracy theories show an understanding of the core material reality of economic oppression but exaggerate and elaborate the causes. In the process they discredit the central truths that spawned the fanciful explanations.
At the end I assured him that though "resistance is futile", I will continue to voice the truth and so amuse myself for the rest of my life.
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Greg Kaiser