Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: What is the reality of words?
A: In the beginning words represent reality. They are the first level of abstraction. The beginning of the end is the use of words to misrepresent reality. At the last, words have no meaning but to ensnare and enslave minds. Words, like the thralls who are stripped of their material produce, are in the service of the greed of the elite. Hopefully, truthful words may effect an escape from the trap.
Volume II Issue 5:
Distractions and Delusions:
I work to live. One who lives to work probably lives for another. The employee's life has meaning only in the context of the others. He lives and gives his life; he works for another.
We must do something to obtain the necessities of life. We must that is, unless we can get someone else to do our work for us. That's not very likely. We're too busy working to support a parasitic wealthy elite.
The Protestant Work Ethic works to keep us in that service. Those are some of the words that misrepresent reality and keep us enslaved to the perfidious, lazy masters. Our leaders and their wholly owned subsidiary politicians have betrayed us. Will they be tried for treason?
If I can beg, borrow or steal, by trick or intimidation, ten percent of the produce of ten people, I will no longer have to work to support my own life. This concept is the basis of human economies as we know them. When I take twenty percent from... no, make that 25... 30... from a million... no, ten million... ...people, I begin to appreciate the nature of economy in this era.
Can this pyramid scheme work for all of us? This is our economy. Curious that we call it ours, though it only works for a few of us, while the rest of us do the work.
In the end our economy is an upward spiral with an undermined foundation... us! Pyramid games are based on impossible mathematics. When the biggest winners lose sight of the source of their wealth... when money is disconnected in minds from the material goods it represents... the human race is physically threatened by an abstraction of labor. Someone must actually do the work, if we are to survive. That is material reality. That is truth... the only reality with which we can live.
For at least a million years human beings lived in economies in which every person contributed materially to the survival of all. That cooperative culture is the tried and true. Starting no more than ten thousand years ago a small percentage of the population began to find ways to steal the produce of others. In such manner they escaped any real work. Ten thousand years is one per cent of a million.
The tyrannies, cults, suzerainties, aristocracies and plutocracies that have and do exist, right down to our own, all have one thing in common. Ninety-five per cent of us do the work and five percent of us do no real thing but to live in luxury. Calling a slave state a democracy and holding sham elections between two wholly owned politicians, does not make us free of our rich masters. To beat them within the system you must join them; you must betray the majority of the human race. Remember, their membership is limited to five per cent of us. Also remember, their policies seek only the satisfaction of their own greed. To not care about any life but one's own is anti-life. Their selfish stupidity is a threat to the survival of the human race. I predict that this infantile (less than ten thousand years old) cultural paradigm will result in the extinction of humanity, if it's not soon replaced.
Politicians create policies that are enforced by police. What are the policies going to do for us?
Maybe they'll poison the environment and kill us all. Perhaps they'll precipitate a nuclear holocaust. They might decide to replace us with robots and clones. Then the old slaves could be freed to starve. The rate at which materially productive jobs are leaving the country is evidence that they don't believe they need us any longer.
When income tax was 90% of everything beyond the first hundred thousand, the rich, even after engineered loopholes, paid only a little more tax than they do after W.'s tax cut. Getting some of what they stole back into the common pool they stole it from was better than giving them our tax money through unnecessary and dangerous government contracts. This is more especially true when the government is going in debt to support the greed of the elite masters.
  "Elimination of the estate tax will exacerbate the economic crisis the politician puppets are pretending doesn't exist. Money needs to get to the bottom before it can be pumped back to the top. Eliminating any means that is an opportunity to take money back from the rich and put it into the hands of the poor will, at the least, contribute to economic stagnation.
   A real solution that will never be accepted is to set the estate tax deduction at two million with an additional ten million for bona fide family businesses that might fail if stripped of capital. The remainder, after deductions, of any estate, would be sold at public auction and proceeds go to building houses, creating jobs and providing medical care for our forgotten homeless and other victims of upper class greed.
   We all depend on our economy for survival. It belongs to us, not to the wealthy elite who merely own it. [Their abstract inventions are the means of enthrallment.] The economic progress from 1870 to 1970 in America has been rolled back to the early 1950's level in the past 30 years. A two income household has less buying power than one income in 1970. We produce the things that they control. Why do we allow it to go on? Are we so completely fooled by their bullshit?"
A year ago they refused to admit there was a recession. Now they are lying about the a recovery based on an imagined increase in consumer confidence. Well... perhaps some consumers are susceptible enough to foolish wishful thinking that they will borrow more money to feed the greed of the masters. It certainly isn't coming from the corporate down-sizings or the jobs that have been exported by the elite in the past year.
Editorial Column:
The fundamental basis of any economy is survival. To see this core in our economy you must throw off the constraints of its context. Operating within the enclosure of social conditioning, the ability of your mind to penetrate the obscuring delusion of selfish lies to the truth [slavery to the rich] is all but completely neutralized.
Survival is the evident purpose of life. We must obtain food at least. Shelter, clothing and security help us to live long enough to contribute to the continuation of our species. Life requires labor. You may work for your own living or you may con others into doing your work for you... at the risk of being justifiably labeled a parasite.
The rich are parasites. They have deluded and/or intimidated the rest of us. When we are less foolish than they desire, or not afraid to label them honestly, they will respond, at the least, by discrediting us. [There are an entire class of truths that we are conditioned to automatically respond to with incredulity. That topic requires volumes to discuss in full.] The bottom line is: we do their work for them and they steal almost everything we produce. They must laugh at the easy control over their domestic animals that the Protestant Work Ethic provides them. Why don't we throw them down?
The middle classes are a buffer between those who do the work required for human survival and those who steal ninety-five per cent of the wealth produced. The typical bourgeois is trained, unlike most domestics, to emulate the masters in affecting an attitude of superiority over those who do the real work... that which provides the livlihood for all of us. The right and duty to exhibit childish pretension and sometimes a better grade of scraps from the masters table, is the reward for having betrayed the majority of humans. The managers have more than most of us but their vain self-delusion, encouraged by the true elite and nurtured in fraternity houses, makes them ultimately more foolish. I would rather be poor but aware of the evil we must struggle to destroy... if the human race is to continue.
A complete fool can never overcome the oppression of the wealthy elite. Bourgeoisie foolishness is reinforced by a carefully cultured conceit. (This dehumanization is accomplished by the parents and schools in the automated system of behavioral conditioning installed by the ruling elite, in the nineteenth century, as part of the cost/benefit of universal education.) Their single-minded sense of superiority over the rest of us serves only the evil masters that the middle class fools wannabe like. Breaking through the superficial but hard patina of vain arrogance that typifies such a "personality", may be the most difficult battle in the struggle for meaningful change.
Who are they really trying to convince?
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Greg Kaiser