Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
email to
Morality, ethics and the emotional engagement of populations are in a constant state of change. Only the greed, corruption and treachery of the powerful and rich elite remains the same.
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: Are they playing hardball?
A: What a small minority of lying, sneaking, cowardly people consider to be hardball is better described as scum-ball. Seldom is anything up close and personal with them. They act and often speak through others. Even their surrogates use sneaking lies and rumors. On the rare occasion of personal, real time confrontation they have at least the moral support of their clique. Whether or not it’s in the background, it’s only with the support of a mob or gang that they’ll stand up.
Volume IV Issue 06:
(1)The rich elite owned FED banks have more money to loan US thanks to the tax cuts. Its nice of them to loan US our own money at such reasonable rates. . . for the time being.
Law and order:
If you wish to help, contact me: agkaiser@hotmail.com
Reality vs. Illusions, Lies and Distractions:
I don’t believe that everyone has the opportunity to climb the ladder of success or that it is by hard work, intelligence or perseverance that the chosen few succeed. But, if I stipulate such as a hypothetical truth, when we're all at the top, I wonder. . . What base will support the ladder?
If the press has a liberal bias, why do they report as fact, instead of ridiculing the fantastic theories and propaganda that promise pie in the sky and which conservatives offer as justification for looting America, while most of US suffer increasing deprivation? In fact, why do most of the so called liberals in congress ignore those lies, when they aren't actively supporting them.
The truth about the economy will never occur to most politicians and none of the conservatives. They have an incomplete view of reality. Their fixation on abstract [imaginary] economy precludes attention to the reality of the need to produce material goods in order to participate in mercantilism, trade or to have a need for finance. A symptom of their mental deficiency is their belief that money is wealth, evidenced by constant reference to increasing stock prices as an indication that the economy is improving. Too much hot air in a balloon will have a predictable consequence but it won’t be improvement in the real economy of material goods. The financial industry, even more so than trade and mercantilism, is an abstract superstructure. All are wholly dependent on material production. They can’t exist unless someone does real work to make real things. The utter failure of our politicians and the corporate leaders who own them to understand this simple and fundamental truth is the portent of economic catastrophe, manifested as the "Service Economy", the prevailing disaster and extent of conservative irrationality since WWII.
The creation of [FED] money and its sale at a profit dilutes its value as a medium of exchange for real goods and property. The denial of that reality is reinforced by constant references to expanding abstract economy. The imaginary money produced in the financial industry’s service economy has no real connection to the material world of necessary, useful or desirable goods. It is the attempt to create something from nothing. Perhaps the conservatives’ delusions have taken on a Godlike grandeur. In any case, their greed for wealth, taken with their false belief that money is wealth and their abhorrence of doing real work to attain it, are the principle values at the foundation of their mental illness.
The lazy, parasitic rich, who live high on real wealth produced by the rest of US, will only destroy US [and themselves but they haven’t the intelligence to see it] if allowed to run their course. We cannot continue to support them and the system of fraud they call the financial industry, service economy and conservative economic principles.
"No Child Left Behind." How does this optimistic title fulfill its promise? Students are
tested to determine the quality of their instruction. If the school is found deficient, it
loses funding. I'm not sure what happens when testing discovers a facility which provides
superior education. I suppose we could give them the money taken from the poorer school. That
would be the conservative thing to do. The better schools get voluntary financial support from
well to do parents and friends. We don't really need to test them to discover this. When
testing discovers that a school in a poor neighborhood is doing badly we must take its money
and give it to a rich school. That's George Bush's and the conservative American’s way. Our
economy in general has evolved to this grand level. That's what's made this country what it is. The system works for those who have the most. The rest of US can stagnate and starve in the margins until we’re needed to die in a war of acquisition or to defend the freedom of the rich to enslave US with debt and deprive US of the ability to develop our potentials. That follows and reinforces the dispossession of our medical care and other needed goods and services. The rich owners of America can not afford to properly care for the [inferior] producers of the wealth and continue to hoard it and feel fat and secure in their godlike superiority.
When Americans fought and died in WWII to save our country, we were rewarded with
social security, legal union organization, an increasing standard of living and the GI bill
among other progressive measures. Higher education was made available to all, even though many were actively discouraged. But the conservatives have consistently assaulted every gain the
people have made. When they couldn't undo them they sought to sabotage or weaken them. During the Eisenhower administration the ironically named "Right to Work" laws were passed in the southern and western states. The move of north-eastern manufacturing to the South and West in search of increased profits for the already bloated rich was the precursor to multi-national corporations and the outsourcing that is devastating America’s real economy today. Nixon further weakened and Reagan killed the unions. The decline in buying power of American employees and two and three incomes to support a household became the norm, while for many homelessness and death or imprisonment followed . Along the way the conservatives weakened the GI bill and military pensions. Bush is engaged in more rounds of sabotaging our soldiers in order to divert the money to rich military contractors, under the umbrella of the greatest of scams invented in the twentieth century: privatization. For most of US, whether government, military or private employees, the result has been a steadily declining standard of living over the past thirty five years. Bush demands that the National Guard leave their jobs, homes and families, who are threatened by poverty due to decreased incomes, to fight and die without even the regular military benefits. We can't afford them. The tax money we pay must go to his friends like Halliburton through contracts or to other elites through tax cuts or stock dividends from corporations cleaning up on ordinary government covenants or financial industry(1) funding of his fraudulent schemes, like the war in Iraq.
When the fat demon demands to be fed and the tax money’s used up, they undermine our retirements by borrowing from the social security trust fund. If they succeed in privatizing it they’ll have direct access through stock market manipulation. If you don’t think the politicians and CEOs are corporate clones who all work for the same plutocrats or that the system isn’t a one way money and property pump, you probably believe in fantasies like trickle down. The endless repetition of propaganda for rationalizations of greed have brought about the internalization of degenerated principles and values by too many. Those are the true fundamentals of Republicans and Democrats. . . conservatives all. They’ll say anything that promotes their own welfare at our expense. Oh well, at least some of the Democrats see that it’s in their interest to keep US healthy and well fed enough to fight their wars and police their neighborhoods. Some politicians also seem to understand that words alone won’t feed and maintain their slaves. At least that’s what they say when they know were tuned in to their theatrical performances.
It's said that the Bush administration has gained important information from Jose Padilla. They locked up this American citizen, suspected of planning a terrorist act with Al Qaeda’s support, without due process. Two years of questioning have, according to the administration, vindicated their lawless act by gaining admissions from the formally un-accused Padilla. Can the Bush administration be trusted to tell US the truth about answers they extracted through their extraordinary interrogative techniques which support their lawless totalitarianism? Can they be trusted to tell the truth about anything?
We have the word of the Bush administration that their intelligence sources indicate Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are responsible for 9/11. To the best of my recollection no terrorist group has ever claimed that distinction though some have praised the despicable act and others took part in email chats around that time. There was a September eleventh in 1973 on which Henry Kissinger said, "Why should we let another country go communist just because their stupid people voted for it?" The CIA had just engineered the military coup that placed Pinochet in power in Chile. Three thousand people died on that day or shortly thereafter and many more thousands were "disappeared" [killed] over the twenty year reign of terror that ensued. Why were no South American’s suspected when America was attacked? Why is it necessary to spread democracy to some countries and tyranny to others? Who has benefitted the most from the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington in 2001? What was the court appointed president’s approval rating on September 1, 2001? But he wouldn’t lie about anything just to gain support for himself or his agenda. Al Qaeda is probably responsible for 9/11. But we don’t really know that. We only know what we’re told. We know we can’t trust anything any politician says. We don’t know anything. The truth can only be known if trustworthy information is available. One cannot make good judgements without good data. Garbage in, garbage out.
Al Qaeda may be guilty of all the charges. I wish I knew. All I know for certain is I can’t believe a word that comes out of this administration. I’m sure they must sometimes tell the truth, when it fits their agenda. But there is no way to know. Is there?
The attack on the federal judiciary that finds its voice in the southern conservative chant about legislation by activist courts is founded in the reaction of bigots and sexists to Brown v. and Roe v. Anyone knows this who lived through the fifties and talked to McCarthites and other right wing Nazi antecedents of Rush-Bush.
There is no set of principals, ethics or morality, whether religious or secular, that addresses all situations or to which there are no exceptions. If you must make an exception for anything, you may make an exception for anything. If your system requires no exceptions you’re fooling yourself. If you rely on advice from others, goodness and right become a popularity contest. You cannot poll the truth. The truth is the truth. It can’t be decreed. The truth cannot be ascertained by a vote, especially when the voters are deprived of sufficient information or afflicted with disinformation. The truth is reality. The truth does not change. Only our minds change. We have good imaginations. If you imagine that what most people believe must be true, you haven’t been paying attention to the changes. You’ve been listening to words and disregarding reality.
Julius Caesar, J. C. I, promoted the tyrannical paradigm that dominates social organization, economy, and foreign relations to this day. Denial of that truth, with the acceptance of it for business purposes, and the simultaneous belief that Christ’s ideals form the basis of our society is the essence of mass delusion, if not schizophrenia.
Jesus Christ, J. C. II, taught what became Christianity: a theory of personal and social relations that many pretend forms their paradigm for life and the basis of western social organization, economy and foreign relations. It has not proved itself in two thousand years of half-hearted practice to affect anything in a significant way. The denial of their failure by Christians, while accepting that the Roman paradigm for politics and business is an unavoidable consequence of human nature, is the substance of mass delusion and schizophrenia.
The apparent failure, in eighty years, of attempts to create a system that corrects the dysfunctional faults of abstract economy are pointed to by right wing Christians and others as an indication of flaws in Marx’s theory of capitalist dissolution. But then, can we really expect conservatives to have prolonged patience with upstart modern notions? Two thousand years of failure doesn’t daunt them, if the idea is an old or emotionally charged one. They can do anything but take the responsibility for their own thoughts and actions. But then they don’t have to. They’re forgiven. They’ve got theirs. If we go along with them we’ll get ours when we die and go to heaven. Christianity is a worthy and honorable quest. It wants only for Christians.
It’s not damage awards but insurance company profits and CEO salaries, in fact the abstract economy in general, that drives up the price of medicine and everything else. Medicine attracts greedy businessmen instead of healers. The mercenary doctors are the most likely source of malpractice. If we limit lawsuit awards, the money saved will go to insurance company CEOs, stockholders and the incompetent money grubbing doctors who should be driven out of business. The last possible result of the implementation of this flawed theory, like other fantasies about competition, profit motive and privatization, is that your insurance premiums or any other prices will be reduced. They always stick the savings made by shortchanging US into their pockets.
The profit motive achieves the lowest common denominator of quality, morality and competence in all of the community services it worsts. Privatization follows only the entire financial industry as the greatest scam ever perpetrated on the human race. Our country needs more healing than even the most efficient medical system could ever provide. And everyone must be able to afford it. It's intolerable that our system is dysfunctional for most of US.
What bothers me the most about conservatives is the self righteous confidence they exude when they attempt to dominate by talking down their opponents with patronizing and non-germane implications of personal superiority. They simultaneously condescend by insincerely attempting to correct in their victims their own consistently projected puerile character flaws. The beneficiaries of this grandiose edification are, of course, those who oppose the implementation of conservative values and principles of greed and selfishness. The gratuitous self esteem and adamant denial of harmful consequences of the rapacity that right wing parasites visit on the world are part and parcel of their rationalization for individual enrichment at the expense of the community. They’ll say anything to keep US in the order they place US in for their own well being. Ten thousand years ago that sort of person would have been banished from the clan. Left to their own devices and without a community to prey upon, they’d have surely starved. The genetic theory of superiority they’re so fond of belies their continued existence. Of course anomalies and mutations will occur in every generation. But I don’t understand why we let them dominate US.
As far as anyone knows it’s been this way since the dawn of written history. Was it ever different? I like to imagine that the community spirit that must have dominated small clans and tribes in order for them to have survived for millions of years before the advent of civilization, was less corrupted by the avarice of a few greedy individuals. I don’t believe people will tolerate parasites when they’re seen every day. No amount of distraction could fool a small interdependent group. No, I can’t imagine that. But however things may have been ten thousand years ago is now irrelevant. Today we must imagine a better way before we can save ourselves by creating it.
We must believe it is possible to create a community that supports the common well being instead of functioning well for a few plutocrats and their sycophants. Support of the rich makes the human family dysfunctional for most of US. We must cease to listen to the propaganda of those who deny the existence of pain and suffering caused by deprivation due to their hoarding of wealth. We must put down the nay-sayers who pessimistically advise US that their greed is human nature and that to imagine that the fabric of society can be maintained in any other way is a utopian dream. They are the same hypocrites who project that pessimism onto US when they accuse US of negativity and nihilism, if we point out that their childish selfishness and hair-brained, unsustainable schemes are abusive to the rest of the human race. The conservative desire to maintain wealth and advantage is dissipative to common well being, the need for which motivated the formation of human communities at the outset.
I’ve listed too many of the linked character flaws of the neo-cons to support them all in this short essay. If you read, in the archives at this site, some of the back issues of this pub, I’m sure you’ll find examples of facts and reasoning that will serve the common good by exposing pieces of the eternal fraud that underpins all conservative positions.
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Greg Kaiser