Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
email to
Morality, ethics and the emotional engagement of populations are in a constant state of change. Only the greed, corruption and treachery of the powerful and rich elite remains the same.
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: With the makers of Diebold voting machines committed to the Bush campaign, is there any chance of voting him out of elected office without becoming a more unscrupulous criminal?
A: That begs a question. He wasn’t elected in the first place. Having already removed the free from free elections, freedom has been removed from US by corporate America, the home of the fraud.
Volume IV Issue 05:
Reality vs. Illusions, Lies and Distractions:
I choose the FED to symbolize purely abstract economy, the entire financial industry, and Haliburton to represent partly abstract economy: those industries that still have a first level involvement with production of real goods. The illusions, lies and distractions that keep US working for the benefit of a few rich elites are more efficiently planted in well conditioned minds. Here’s how it works. Stimulus - To root out abuses we must change the false principles and values from which they spring. Automatic mind response - A few bad apples are responsible for all evil. . . A reasoned response might be that, while many individual crimes are caused by individual desire, we must differentiate them from those done under the influence of "controlled" mob hysteria deliberately created by unscrupulous leaders to advance their agendas. If we really want a solution, we must fix the problem not the blame. That begins with an accurate understanding. To begin to understand the problem with the American economy you must see that there is no alternative to it. If you require something to survive, those who monopolize it will demand such high price you’ll probably die anyway. That’s the way it works with medicine in America. Stimulus - Our economic autonomy is bound by chains of debt. Automatic mind response - America is the best place to live. . . That’s a non-sequitur. A reasoned response is that the best is not good enough when the majority of the population live primarily for the benefit the FED and Haliburton. Stimulus - Anyone who lives off of their money is an economic parasite. Automatic mind response - They worked hard for their money and they deserve it. It wouldn’t be fair to tax them. . . If you can’t see through that prevarication, I can’t possibly explain it in a few sentences. A reasoned response is contained below. Stimulus - The American people are brain washed corporate clones that are unconscious of their condition of debt slavery. Automatic mind response - You must have been brainwashed by the Enemy. . . A reasoned response might be that the Enemy of America changes almost as often as it did in "1984". But, more importantly, the perception of our weaknesses contributes to the Enemy’s advantages. Our lack of awareness of our mind conditioning by our masters contributes to our weakness. The FED wishes US to remain weak-minded so we’ll continue to slavishly pay interest; Haliburton wants US to remain enthralled so we’ll continue to die on their battlefields to spread their empire. Anyone who would cost US our liberty or our lives for their selfish gain is our Enemy. Genuine economic liberty, not the freedom of the FED and Haliburton to enslave US, is the only way we can guarantee our own survival.
For as long as our politicians can be bought by corporations or elections rigged by ambitious incompetents with powerful families, democracy will be illusory in America. The freedom of speech is fantasy if we fear to say anything that will displease our employers. If we’re ill-informed or dis-informed we can’t effectively participate in government. The corporate media hires and retains only those reporters or analysts who describe the reality that they [the corporate masters] want the American people to perceive. [There is no formal conspiracy in this. The pursuit of such a theory will only distract you from the truth. This is the profit motive at work.] The successful propagation of the lie about the "liberal bias of media" is a typical example of the output of the conservative corporate media’s disinformation machine. The day to day lies do damage but the internalized propaganda that creates a delusional notion of the reality of life in our nation is death to democracy.
The spirit of democracy cannot survive in an environment where plausible deniability rules. If we all know what’s going on but pretend all’s well, freedom becomes irrelevant. It’s like watching someone corrupt the election process then accepting the fraud for the good of the democratic institution. Accepting such destroys democracy. There’s no institution to save, much less to propagate.
When does 2+2 = 22? Financial industry capitalization, outsourcing of high paying manufacturing and service jobs (accounting, engineering and computer science) is the result of MBA math that would have 2+2=22. Production burdened by high finance [interest], insurance, a little tax and labor costs, seeks to increase profits on abstract economic frauds by exploiting Chinese and other workers and discarding Americans. It is seen as positively producing wealth [id est: the stock market’s illusory value snowballs] when all it`s doing is usuriously increasing the money supply. That works for a while. Ultimately, the collective effects of the multinational’s profit increases are to shrink the markets. American consumers will no longer be able to afford even the cheap plastic baubles made by the Chinese etc. The belief that money created by the financial industry represents wealth is as rational as 2+2 =22. But then we label the industries, forced to this treason by the money changers, as manufacturers, when they are nothing but the bottom rung of abstract economy. They are really merchant/financiers who borrow their capital from established parasites of earlier infestations. Even though they came first, the more removed the abstraction from the work of production, the less real and the more imaginary, superfluous and damaging to the economy and to our lives that cancerous superstructure becomes.
As the economy becomes more abstract, imaginary and less directly involved with the real production of material goods, the low paid, overworked and the under-worked Americans will have little chance of survival, even if they’re lucky enough to have a bad job. Inevitably, the dependence of trade and finance on real production will become obvious, even to MBAs like Bush and Cheney. The ability to produce material goods is the real wealth. The MBAs are [treacherously though their not intelligent enough to see it] exporting the ability of Americans to survive on the Planet Earth. We can create money in our imaginations and record it in our ledgers but we can't make anything real from words or marks on paper, unless someone does the work to transmute the idea into material reality. Even our foolish, greedy masters will be at the mercy of the Chinese. All that the rest of US will have, whether small businesses or individuals, are mortgage payments (mostly interest) minimum credit card payments (mostly interest) car payments (more interest) insurance payments (extortion for the protection of our ability to pay interest) energy/fuel costs (including interest resulting from the abstraction of the power/oil companies by the financial industry or other interest associated with the capitalization of any independents who have been overlooked by the economic parasites). We’ll also pay some taxes if were lucky enough to earn so much. Interest (the creation of money without material substance to back it) is all that’s made with the fortunes amassed by nineteenth and twentieth century industrialists and more recently, purely abstract entities. They take but do not give.
I flew by the dependence of trade and finance on real production very quickly. For any who aren’t convinced this is so, imagine an economy that consists only of merchants and financiers, bankers, brokers and insurance companies. There are no farms, mines or factories. The real meaning of business [busyness] would be obvious to a child in such a world. [Of course there can be no people in such a world. Selfish stupidity and puerile indolence are terminal.] It’s like a world population that consists only of nomadic raiders, and no one who produces food or material goods. The goods must come first. No trade or finance or any other form of parasitic economic life is possible unless it follows production. Real wealth is the ability to produce material goods. Our foolish leaders are exporting our wealth to China.
The riches of a few are dependent on the production of real goods by others. The wealthy elite are exporting the source of their wealth and thereby destabilizing the economy we all depend on for the maintenance of life. If there was no outsourcing, the concentration of money at the top of the pyramid would still destabilize the base. If we all moved to the top there would be no base. If nobody did real work we would all starve. The financial industry profits usuriously on hoarded money. They use that money to take real goods from the economy but exchange no real goods for them. That is: they put no real productive work into the system. Usury is dissipative to economy. It is the attempt to synthesize something from nothing. The people who do the least take the most and have the power to dictate what the rest of US may do. This system is at least irrational and possibly insane. Those who contribute the least, gain the most. If we all need the service they provide, let’s tax all their money then hire them, at minimum wage, to administer the business that our community requires. Make the prophesy of Christ come true. "The first shall be last. . ." The things we need in common should be done in common and not for the profit of a few greedy fools. Every penny taken by a bank, credit card company, broker, insurance company or any abstract financial industry is a burden on the economy, a burden on all of US. The math of the MBA alchemists is childish nonsense. Two plus two does not equal twenty-two. Nothing can be made from nothing.
They distract US from that truth by talking of taxes and welfare. To see the lie in this diversionary tactic don’t analyze their statistics. Look at your own finances. How much money goes to taxes and how much to interest, insurance and brokers fees. Don’t forget the interest, including stock dividends, that’s rolled into the price of the goods, services, food and fuel that you buy. We must gather taxes to do the things, including defense, that we need in common. Our community, whether local or national, doesn’t need to give the financial industry parasites a free ride. The financial industry, the imaginary product of the rich elite, would rationalize their workless class indolence by convincing US through advertising of the absurd belief we can all live off our investments (2+2=22). If no one produces real goods there will be none to steal, no matter how abstract or puerilely rationalized the larceny. Four thousand years of carrying their load and that of their spiritual predecessors is more than enough. If the economy wasn’t burdened with their dead weight it could provide jobs, wages, medical care and retirement security such that welfare wouldn’t be necessary. The abstract freeloader’s function can be done, when necessary, better and less expensively, on a non profit basis, by the mechanism we have in place do the things we want done in common.
An early and illegal privatization was the creation of the FED around 1915. Congress delegated its constitutional power to mint coin and regulate the money supply. Congress is explicitly forbidden by the constitution to delegate its powers, though they’ve done so often since the Wilson administration. But it’s privatization that’s at issue here. The theory of privatization has never worked before or since the treachery of the abdicators' capitulation to the bankers' Federal Reserve. Privatization is a fraud designed to steal our tax money now and in the future. We must increase the debt to pay these extra mouths at the government trough. The interest we pay to the FED, a private bank that creates money in our name to loan to the government and to subscriber banks that re-loan it to US at a profit, increases the burden on the taxpayer. Any net profit by the FED goes back into the governments general fund. But they also borrow money from private bank’s FED deposits to lend to the government at a profit to the subsidiaries. These are usually wholly owned by FED members who also profit by buying money created in our name at the discount rate to re-loan to US at the market rate or to the government at its rate, guarantying more private profit. In all and every case the parasitic financial industry contributes no real material goods to the real economy. Being an abstraction of real economy they take (so much that they are destroying US by sucking the economy dry) but they give little even in the way of necessary service in return. The financial industry keeps itself busy primarily by inventing ways to steal our money and to live the good life at our expense. [Ed. Note: I don’t know if this is fact or fiction but I guess it would be easy enough to check. Whatever. . . here I’ve paraphrased from what I read at a website: The government required the FED member banks to put up a billion dollars in startup money. The right was reserved to buy out the FED for one billion dollars any time the government chose to exercise the option. The article went on to say that John Kennedy signed an executive order to buy the Federal Reserve two weeks before he was assassinated. One of Johnson’s first acts as president was to rescind that order.]
They would have it that we depend on them for direction and organization. Nothing would get done without their officious attention. Well, we got by for millions of years without the benefit of their self serving abstract culture. The very recent advent of the busyness man has brought the human economy to the brink of collapse in a relatively short time by undermining its own [real] productive foundation.. The fact is: their lives are dependent on employing others to do real work for them. That’s one of the few things that hasn’t changed throughout the short written history of civilization. Without US, or more recently the Chinese, to labor for their enrichment, these people wouldn’t live for a week. They need US. We need them like we need a tapeworm. Yet these lazy ne`r do wells have the best of everything. I don`t understand how they managed to perpetrate this fraud on the human community. I don`t want to put up with it any longer. If we continue to tolerate their selfishness and greed we risk the survival of our civilization. Hmm, I sometimes wonder. . .? The only thing I'm sure of is that the belief that 2+2=22 has got US in deep!
Foreign Policy:
If we’re successful in subduing Afghanistan and Iraq, who next should we make free to be subjugated by Haliburton? [Bushian definition: Freedom - The right of large corporations to economically tyrannize and rob America or any nation Americans are willing to die to subdue for them.] We should choose a third world nuclear power. They have almost as much ability to destabilize life’s equilibrium as does Bush himself. We can PIK [Pakistan, India, Korea] the easiest target first. . . Like we did in Afghanistan???
India has a one gig plus population and is doing a lot of our engineering, computer science and high end service jobs cheaply. India is out! If we PICK [. . . China. . .] North Korea, we correct the spelling at the cost of bringing in the other billion+ nuclear power and one with missile technology demonstrated by a manned space flight last fall. It’s a bad idea to choose N. Korea and risk bringing sleeping giant China, on whom we’re dependent for manufactured goods and clothing, into the fray. We may need what they produce to merely survive. That leaves Pakistan..
What is Pakistan? It was India before subdivision by the British. Islam had spread to that part of India before it was conquered by Ghengis Kahn. The descendants of the Mongol Hoard in Pakistan, the Hazara, who settled around Quetta in the center of what we call the Tribal Lands, were converted to Islam and somewhat absorbed in the past thousand years or so. Those clans and others like the Pashtun of Afghanistan and Pakistan that claim various heritages but are undoubtedly intermingled with the Mongols, are the fierce, well armed warriors that inhabit the legally autonomous Tribal Lands to this day. They are at the center of the trouble in Pakistan. That’s where we suspect Osama bin Laden and others are hiding.
We’ve put pressure on the government of Pakistan, dominated by Hindus, to subdue these oddments of the Hoard. In the past year that has resulted in an increase in tribal representation in the Pakistani Parliament. If these descendants of the Great Kahn’s army gain control of the government and its nuclear arsenal, there might be a destabilizing effect on world peace. I wonder if the current administration in Washington thinks of all this. Of course I also wonder if the current administration thinks at all.
Well they seem to putting out feelers about an invasion of Pakistan. The Foreign Minister, Khurshid Kasuri told Wolf Blitzer that American troops’ incursions into the Tribal Lands of Pakistan were not only an offense to sovereignty but displayed abysmal ignorance [My words not his. He was very diplomatic but firm as he warned us.] of the genetic disposition to violence of the well armed Pashtun, Hazara et al. He also implied that we could deal more easily with the friendly Pakistani leaders in power now than the tribes, if we destabilize the country by our [ill-advised] actions. He then said he hoped the incursions were accidental, a theory echoed by Deputy Secretary of State Armitage, who said, when asked for a comment, that it was difficult terrain and hard to know exactly where one was.. I wondered how come my $200 GPS receiver could give me dependable 12 ft. or better accuracy but the Army gets lost. What was it Nostradamus said about the end of the world and some crazy religious leader in Southern Asia? I wonder if N. predicted(1) that lunatics would be provoked by foolish, emotionally disturbed children. We know for sure that the invasion of Afghanistan has pushed the terrorists harbored their into the center of a third world nuclear power.
(1)". . .Then shall two lords of the North conquer the Orientals, and so great report and tumultuary warfare shall issue from these that all the East shall tremble at the noise of these two brothers of the North, who are yet not brothers. . ."
Could the brothers "who are yet not" be the B & B boys of the old and new empire?
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