Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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Subservience to the rich, whatever alias they may be traveling under, has been constant throughout written history. Morality, ethics and the emotional engagement of populations are in a constant state of change. Only the greed, corruption and treachery of the powerful remains the same.
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: What is the law of first precedence?
A: Thou shalt survive is the immutable law of nature.
Volume II Issue 14:
Multinational corporations and their wholly owned corporate politicians are a threat to the livelihoods of the majority of most of the Earth's populations, including humans. The greed of the wealth hoarding masters is an immediate threat to life and is the source of most suffering and misery on our planet.
We are justified, even bound by the immutable law of nature, in the defense of our lives. The evil we must do to live is not comparable in scale or quality to the evil done by the rich elite in the pursuit of wealth and greed. We do what we must do to maintain life. They do what they desire to provide themselves with excess... at our expense.
What is more harmful to us, the threat of evil to be done by a Mideast bogeyman or the loss of our livelihoods? What is more hurtful to American life, the sexual exploits and covering lies of a libertine president, or corporations (and their wholly owned president and congress) that ship jobs, and consumer's money, out of the country? Treacherous, often larcenous CEOs, who undermine the economy by downsizing personnel and salaries, making it impossible for us (without enslaving debt) to consume products and keep the economy afloat, are an immediate threat to us all. The scale of this corporate economic terror shrinks Saddam and Osama to almost negligible proportions, while making us long for the simpler, less harmful offenses of horny Bill. The immorality of the greed of the elite has no easily recognizable standard for comparison. The only measure of evil we may apply is the amount of misery, pain, suffering and death caused. Who has the greatest negative impact on your life... today and every day?
Forty million Americans are without adequate health care. This treason by our masters results in the loss of nearly 250,000 lifetimes per year. That evil is traced directly to corporate greed, the corruption which is innate in elite created legal bodies. The corporate clones, the wannabees, who oversee all of the plutocratic holdings, are the curse visited upon us in payment for our loyalty to the rich who've destroyed America. We are told how well off we are... with a straight face.
  The word politics has the same root as the word policy. Politicians are those who [supposedly] create policy. Police are those who enforce it. That was pointed out to the students by a Professor of Mideast Studies during the only poli-sci instruction I elected at Arizona. The class took place in 1987. I didn't realize for several years that even then our policies were decided in corporate board rooms... not by our government.
The American form of government is as good as it gets. As an ideal of democracy it's suffered only from the influence of the rich. Our wealthy masters have enslaved us economically while maintaining an illusion of political freedom. But the vision is fading. The rigged election of a president and the wholly owned two party politicians are wearing away the veneer of liberty that hides the flaw in our system: the rule of the elite in America.
Imagine that all the material goods consist of 100 apples and all the human population are 100 people, who subsist on that economy. In such a system, for one person to have 50 apples, at least 49 must have none. That is a mathematical certainty. No matter how complex or abstract the economy becomes, our lives still depend on it to supply us with the stuff of survival. The distributive constraints indicated by the simple formula apply to groups or individuals... to 6 or six billion. The ratio of excess to suffering is derived from the analysis of material reality. It is not to be found in the rationalizing bullshit of wholly owned politicians.
The boy-fool responds, from his repertoire of conditioned thought responses, "but what if they was a 150 apples and only 100 people?.. huh, huh, huh." He thought he really had me there. After all, it worked on him.
"If there were", I reply, "people wouldn't be starving in Africa. There would be no homeless in America. Bush wouldn't need to raise bogeymen from the dead to divert your weak attention from the hard, cold truth." Truth: the wealth of the minority consists of necessities stolen from the majority.
Many of us fool ourselves. We pretend, motivated by vanity and defense of dignity, that we haven't been fooled. We allow ourselves to believe that the lies we are told are certain knowledge derived from our own experience. We willingly participate in our delusion. Doublethink, I think, was an observation, not a prediction, by Orwell.
I figured it out! George is Jesus! One of Christ's first and most impressive miracles was to raise Lazarus from the dead. Jesus did that to comfort the old man's family. George's reason for bringing back Osama may be less unselfish and caring. But it is miraculous.
Editorial Column:
In "Mark Twain" by Ken Burns, recently replayed on PBS, the comment of one academic suggested that Twain's pursuit of personal wealth and comfort was inconsistent with his social/economic criticisms. The same source concluded that Sam Clements' work must have therefore been inspired, unconscious. Such naive expectations of purity are a common delusion.
The belief that one must live purely and consistently with one's ideals is a conditioned thought response. It reinforces the existing evil disparity of wealth.
The first law is: THOU SHALT SURVIVE! That is the immutable law of nature. If we fail to preserve our lives in the capitalistic context, if we fail to provide ourselves with the time to work for awakening and change, our ideals will die with us. Our world is dominated by the evil of capitalist greed and hypocrisy. We must live to fight it, by whatever means are necessary. Take care not to do as do most. Don't lose sight of your ideals or worse, embrace the system as a good thing, due to the cruel and ironic necessity of participating in it's evil. Focus!
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Greg Kaiser