Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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Subservience to the rich, whatever alias they may be traveling under, has been constant throughout written history. Morality, ethics and the emotional engagement of populations are in a constant state of change. Only the greed, corruption and treachery of the powerful remains the same.
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: What is the significance of September 11th?
A: On September 11th, 1922, the British, our economic and political antecedents, gave Transjordan Palestine to the Zionists.* On September 11th, 1973, the CIA deposed Allende in Chile and imposed Pinochet to begin a 17 year reign of terror on the [disappeared] middle and working classes. Henry Kissenger reportedly remarked something like, "Why should we let Chile fall to socialism just because it's stupid people voted for it?"
Volume II Issue 13:
The North Koreans have admitted breaking a treaty by announcing a nuclear weapons program. Perhaps President Bush should redirect his new war power to the Pacific Rim. That would be less a flip-flop than having said war is his last resort, even if the later rhetoric hasn't been used in fear of the negative impact his previous words were having on the upcoming elections. We can expect a return to the harder line after November 5th. But we an also expect the primary focus to remain on Saddam. It's safer to attack someone who might develop and use weapons of mass destruction, than one who already has them. George will make noise about treaty breakers and point to his foresight in having broken the missile defense agreement. [Ed. note: It is much easier for the presidents overseers to steal tax payers money by throwing it in the bottomless pit of improbable missile defense, than it is by almost any other form of corporate welfare.] Bush II is too "diplomatic" to attack a real threat and too obtuse to recognize the real danger!
Does the war on terrorism distract you from the economic terror and anxiety normal people feel over mortgage payments, credit card debt and lack of job security in the glorious global market? The workless class rich are not concerned. Their wealth is protected by a five thousand year tradition of usury and wholly owned politicians (substitute kings, dictators, tyrants, aristocrats, plutocrats... whatever) like George W. Bush. Sometimes they've been one and the same.
Is there a conspiracy here?... the illuminatii?... whatever? Who cares? It only matters that most live in misery or delusional debt supported semi-affluence and false hope, in order that few may live in luxury, by stealing the produce of the many. The imagined, with the help of politician inspired media and schools (on behalf of the workless masters), prosperity of the middle class is a test of intelligence and sanity. Their belief that they too can be rich is, collectively, the belief everyone can have wealth and no one has to work for it. (i.e. No one need actually do work to create material goods.) The belief in Santa Claus is more plausible. Remember, for one to have a thousand times the average, ten thousand must have one tenth of the normal income or net worth. What measure determines value for you? How many suffer all their lives, then die too soon, to support a 40 billion dollar fortune? But you believe you're the one who can rip off the rest of us. Maybe you'll dream up the next corporate scam-fad.
The exportation of jobs and downsizing of corporation's domestic operations is a crime of treason against the majority of Americans. Likewise is moving the base of formerly American multinational corporations out of our country, after they've looted US. The few CEOs who benefit through stock options and bloated salaries would disagree with anything that inhibited their entry to the elite. These perpetraitors and their generally accepted practices are more criminal than is "a cooker of books" or any stock fraud imaginable. Their existence is predatory and we are the prey.
Darwinism you say. "The Territorial Imperative", ...is Robert Ardrey still afflicting humanity with specious anthropology? Even if we equate private property with sexual territorialism, the big buck or chicken does not bequeath his/her estate to his offspring. They must earn it for themselves. I know our elite aren't confident in their ability to make it on their own.
Challenges to the assertion that the rich can't compete with us on a level field, can be easily tested. Tax estates at 100% (I see a standard exemption to allow for an analog to family/clan territories, no greater than is the value of a small family farm or business) and give the proceeds back to the community. If the disinherited heirs rise to the top, employing the same head start and opportunities the rest of us have, I'll admit I was wrong!(1)
But do we worry about the threat to our survival posed by our failed 5000 year old culture? Do we long to return to a more egalitarian system based on the millions of years old pattern used successfully by our forefathers, before the present nightmare ever manifested?(2) No! Instead we allow ourselves to be distracted and deluded by threats, real and imagined, the roots of which [real threats] are almost always traced to the unscrupulous greed and economic terror of our masters. They offer to save us from the reaction to the horror they've created, in order to maintain their system of unearned wealth. And they say they're defending freedom! Why do we tolerate a system that is dysfunctional for all but a few assholes? Why are we afraid to be free and think for ourselves? Are we crazy or just plain stupid? "Run, Forest, run!" We must escape Capitalism to survive in America.
We don't need to change our form of government to change our economy. They are separate things. Capitalism is a form of economy. It has nothing to do with the form of government. The same may be said of socialism or communism. By equating capitalism with democracy, we incorporate an almost schizophrenic contradiction into our minds. We are free under our constitution (as it was interpreted in 1968). We are slaves of capitalists. The more we allow the wealthy to control our government, the less free we become.
The anchorman seemed a little puzzled. After acknowledging that two thirds GDP is the result of consumer spending, he flailed about trying to find the reason we aren't buying our way to prosperity again. Could it be that fear of terrorists, CEO rip-offs or stock market decline is undermining consumer confidence? Those stabs at an answer must have sounded trite even to one so used to repeating the same drivel ad nauseum. I feel sympathy for him. It must be tiring, if he has a clue about anything, to repeat night after night the evidence that shows our entire system to be a fraud, a pyramid scheme, and have, apparently, no one ever notice that all the money is at the top. We can't afford to borrow any more. The base is crumbling. The pyramid must fall.
Like any pyramid scam, our economy can only work for a while. Maybe we've reached the end. The service economy has accelerated the failure. For products to be purchased in America, Americans must have money. For thirty years we've relied on debt [FED responses] to revitalize the economy. The greed of the rich and the wannabees of the upper middle class have denied real wage and salary increases for the majority. Job exportation has resulted in domestic downsizing, minimum wages and homelessness... again in the name of the greed of a few parasites. We can't afford to borrow any more. The experts and politicians, blinded by their hellish greed, will never let us have our fair share of our produce. They will stand in denial of reality until the end of time. We follow and take advice from those fools. What does that make US?
The parasites of the workless class and their subservient CEO and politician overseers produce no material thing. They take what we produce, while our living standard declines. If we all starve, who'll feed them? Their Chinese slave laborers may not get permission from their government to care for our worthless, workless masters when we're no longer around to pander to their greed or fight for them.
What is it? Do we only respond to emotional appeals of our greedy and dishonest leaders? Will they have us shift the blame to scapegoats until we die, still deluded with the promise of security? The promise that is never fulfilled only renewed. We give up more freedom every time they ask. They tell us each time that's what's required to defend freedom. That makes sense only if they speak of the freedom of our rich masters to enslave us.
Do we deny the facts or fail to think about them at all? What is reality? I think we mistake tokens and symbols for the real things they represent. Words may describe reality but they are more often used of late to misrepresent the truth. That corruption is by and for the benefit of those who produce no material thing. We are controlled by the words of the workless class that they may maintain their wealth. [Real force is employed when words fail. But that no longer seems necessary to keep US in line.]
(1)Breaking up the hereditary monopoly of wealth will be a step in the right direction. It won't solve the problem without coordinated measures. The rich, who oppose the unionization of their workers, i.e. slaves, form the strongest [tacit?] union on earth. Whether or not there is an organization representing their solidarity, they always act in unison to oppose human economic progress towards gaining our fair share of the goods we produce. They will react by closing ranks to see to it that the disinherited rise back to the top, with the aid of their union. That response must be countered by limiting family net worth similarly to the way we must limit inherited wealth.
(2)I'm not suggesting we all become hunter gatherers. But we need a culture that works for all of us and that honors (or at least is friendly to) the Earth, which is the source of life.
   If you can help with cash donations, so that I may spend more time thinking and writing, contact me:
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Greg Kaiser