Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
email to
"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: How do conservatives gain popular, enthusiastic support from the same people they have economically terrorized, under threat of violence whenever necessary, for thousands of years?
A: At most times we bury the truth of our misery (due to the domination by the wealthy) deep in our consciousness, which allows us to delude ourselves with the hope that we can become wealthy and so escape oppression by becoming oppressors. From the perspective of the elite masters, our [inconsistant and illogical] reasoning serves the further purpose of moral rationalization for the economic status quo.
Volume II Issue 3:
"Liberals represent the working and lower or middle-middle class majority." The illusion in the preceding statement is subtle. But we are deluded if we believe liberal support for corporate culture does not betray us by its core of conservativity. The actions of corporate cloned and owned politicians (ie. the entire collection) belie and contradict the benefit they claim to produce for the advantage of 80% of us. [Ed. note: In the final analysis, all mainstream American politicians are conservative.]
An example of a delusion in the works is the administration's plan to loot the social security trust fund for the corporate masters. Has W. mentioned this proposed scam since the Enron fraud surfaced? If so, is this a sign of bold disregard for our intelligence or of administrative obtuseness?
Welfare reform was a reinforcement of the delusion that it is poor people who are stealing our tax money. But corporate welfare has been the modus operandi of the wealthy elite for 50 years. Investing our social security retirement money in the stock market will create one more avenue of availability to other sets of "Enron" executives. Actually, I'll bet the current gang are looking for a new gig. We can count on George to take care of business.
The reference to welfare reform ties in nicely by demonstrating the integration of activity within the corporate-government which rules us. [They always keep in mind the satisfaction of their greed, which rules them.] The states have complied with the welfare reform act's provision that 50% of recipients be found jobs by drastically reducing the welfare roles. Thus they made an alternative way to decrease payments instead of putting people to work. This was the only solution possible due to corporate exportation of jobs. Will George's proposal that we increase the requirement to 70% find jobs for the homeless that have been created by the previous measure... or the additional victims to be tortured under this "new" plan? I don't think W. cares as long we continue to believe that it is the poor, not the rich, who cause our misery by stealing our money.
The conservative paradigm for control is based on the three Ds: distraction, delusion and dishonesty.
When are we going to learn?
Mr. Skilling, formerly of Enron, who made 63 million in the retirement ripoff deal, would have us believe that the economics of the collapse are much too complex for ordinary humans to understand. Only genetically superior MBAs are capable of comprehending how a billion dollars of the collective pensions of Enron workers, Arizona's, Florida's and Georgia's teachers and state employees etc. disappeared. Coincidentally, Enron's "unfortunate" executives were enriched by about a billion dollars during the same period... Duh-uh!
Law and order:
Foreign Policy:
If we remove the evil doers from the gene pool the human race will thrive. But since so many of us do evil, obviously we must differentiate according the scale on which the evil is done. Petty offenders, those who do little harm to their fellow humans, comprise the great majority and must be ignored if our species is to survive. We can't totally eradicate evil without going extinct. But those who cause increasingly large amounts of suffering and death, like al-Quaida gansters, the Bush administration and American corporate economic terrorists, must be rooted out and disposed of like any threat to life on the Planet Earth.
Don't be concerned with the material suffering imposed by our leaders. You'll be rewarded in heaven after you die.
The profit motive provides the best in medicine as in all things.
Editorial Column:
Will a few years in an executive prison restore the retirement funds to those who were ripped off? No, nor will lawsuits, even if successful, regain more than a third of the victim's losses. The lawyers will be the only winners regardless of the conclusion. We need to make some serious changes in leadership and philosophy. Capitalism has evolved to a largely abstract system that simply does not work.
Commerce in a free trade environment was defeated by the concentration of capital. The damage occurred during the last half of the 19th century. None of the repairs attempted by presidents have stopped the cyclic harvesting of our money using stock market declines, crashes and other mechanisms. The control and healing introduced with the SEC and social security by Franklin Roosevelt had the most lasting effect. But it has been almost completly dismantled by conservatives during the past three decades. The investment of the trust fund in the stock market will complete the impoverishment of Americans to satisfy the greed of the wealthy capitalists.
Entrepreneurship is impossible when would be entrepreneurs must rely on investment by the parasitic ruling elite. The interest which must be paid constricts the profit margin or causes an inability to compete. The life blood of any but the blessed children of the rich is simply sucked dry by the vampires.
Executive level business administration is a way to escape victimization by capitalist vampires. Like Enron officers, you may join the amoral elite in betraying humans by stealing our means of survival to fatten yourself. By adding to the bloatedness of the parasitic plutocrats you may be rewarded with a concentration of the efforts of many [wealth, in the form of material goods], which all others need distributed among us to merely continue to live. You too may learn to look upon humanity as domestic animals provided to your genetically superior selves... by God! ... for the provision of your luxury.
What, ask you, would I replace it with? Nothing... No great changes are required. We can start by outlawing all forms of usary. Those who make money from money instead of taking part in the output of material goods or services, will be made to live on their abstractions [imaginings] rather than parasitically on the material things the remainder of us cooperate to produce.
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Greg Kaiser