Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q: Will stronger families solve the problem of violence in the schools?
A: Probably, but the same conservatives who give lip service to family values support the right of their greedy masters to send jobs out of the country, lowering wages and forcing both parents to work in order to feed the children. The evil economic terrorists of America are never willing to put money where their mouth is.
Volume II Issue 2
The White House is anxious and concerned that people are losing interest in the "War on Terrorism", as poles show increasing importance attributed to the economy by the populace. Let me say that another way. The W. House expresses concern that the people are not sufficiently distracted by terrorism. It appears that the populace is starting to notice the economic terrorism of the corporate masters, which originates with the richest 5% of the population who own 95% of everything including the stocks of the corporations, which own the politicians.
Is John Walker Lindh a traitor or merely a hopeless fool? Swapping American Nationalism/Judeo-Christianity for Mid-Eastern Nationalism/Islam does nothing to relieve delusion. Nor does it encourage clear, strong and autonomous thought any more than does the homegrown mythology.
To heal the human spirit, people should be encouraged to interpret their own reality. You can seldom trust another to tell you the simple truth. You must never trust anyone to interpret the material facts or moral implications for you. Think for yourself! To think for another or allow another to think for you is the original sin we perpetually commit.
"Shooting at MLK High School!" One side of the conservative mouth says, "deterioration of family values, working moms and divorce are responsible for the problems of America." At the same time the other side of their shit-hole spews: "exporting jobs, low wages and down-sizing are good for the economy." Let nothing interfere with their sacred greed!
The hypocritical parasites, who own and rule us, support the idea of families until they must pay sufficient wages to allow one parent to stay home with the kids, while the other works to feed the clan. Greed and selfishness rule the self contradictory principles and every other characteristic of conservatism. These traitors and thieves must be tried and imprisoned for their perpetual crimes... including the origination of original sin. [Ed. note: None of the many forms that original sin takes, abuses of mind, body and spirit that may be described by that metaphor, are inherited. They are all learned behaviors. "Eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge..." may be understood as the corruption of thought, in order to control another... presumably to avoid doing one's own labor.]
A huge tax cut for the rich, followed by the inevitable recession (see volunteer VOLIN02), lead to a fat prize, retardedly raided by the rich... What is social security? They won't pay taxes so "our" government (in the case of liabilities it is "ours") must borrow from our retirement to pay for the giveaway of our tax money to the rich.
Who received the money that Enron "unwisely invested" in the Cayman Islands? It doesn't matter who steals from our retirement investments. It matters that Arizona's, Georgia's and Florida's state [teachers and/or employees] retirement accounts had a cumulative half billion invested in Enron. There are many more whose losses have made others richer through this fraud. W. wants us to invest our social security in stocks. Perhaps Jeb's success with Florida's trust has inspired him.
It matters that all economic leaders and most politicians scheme to rip us off for their rich masters. The tax cut for the rich, followed by huge budget increases, required that we borrow our social security. It is one more multistage fraud and on a scale that dwarfs Enron. In every case, our money is gathered, then ultimately redistributed to those who need it least. The military expenditures will make the bloated contractors richer... and on and on ad nauseum. With this tax cut then borrow [scam] in place, perhaps there will be no need to steal our trust moneys by investing them in the private sector (loaning them to corporations who will shift them elsewhere then fail). We can simply give them away in the form of government procurements and grants. They get their money the old fashioned way, larceny by trick or threat.
Law and order:
When will we bring the greatest terrorists to justice? The economic terrorists who cause greater misery and suffering among all people for all time are the rich parasites for whom we work. Their [legal] tactics make the deeds of a strong armed robber or even Osama bin Laden appear petty by comparison. [Ed. note: This publication does not suggest that any crimes go unpunished.] We need to get our priorities straight. We must criminalize all forms of stealing. We must imprison the greatest thieves first.
Editorial Column:
The facts speak for themselves. During the Third Reich, Germans followed a charismatic leader to their destruction. W. has less charisma than a rock. We pretend otherwise and follow him in spite of good sense.
Bush, like all rich masters, leads only to the satisfaction of his own greed. That is all his kind know. They don't know to where their road ultimately leads. They are the greatest and most stupid evil that ever crawled out of the muck on the Planet Earth.
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Greg Kaiser