Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
email to
When we’re all rich and live on our investments no one will have to work. There will be no poverty or slums. We’ll all have a PH.D. What a glorious vision it is! If hunter gatherers had envisioned the service economy 20,000 years ago the human race would have achieved its glorious end long before any of US were born. . . .
"A good slave works for food alone."
Volume V Issue 12:
The mother of two of my children wrote in an ongoing email exchange:
I have mixed feelings about this impending crash, just as I have mixed feelings about most things! A sense of righteous justice when a
decrepit system inevitably topples due to its own imbalance &
corruption, yet on the hand, crisis & chaos are not conducive to my
children's immediate health & safety.
I responded in my wordy way [clarified by amendment and extension for this publication]:
I don’t wish for or welcome chaos but if we do nothing it will inevitably come. We can attempt to awaken one another to the danger and postpone or avert it but complacency is hard to penetrate. On the other hand, I’ve told each of the children at one time or another that they must get all they can while they can. I’ve also mentioned to anyone who would listen, especially the oldest and her husband, that they should prepare a rural retreat with at least the potential for independent survival. That is: tools and seed for producing one’s own food supply.
Getting all you can for yourself now allows the necessary preparation, while adding momentum to the downhill fall of the economy. But few need rationales for greed. Plus, there’s the danger that the religious fanatics and econo-fascist true believers, being at first encouraged in their stupidity, will finally see the dead end course of the human race and decide to give Armageddon and the rapture an assist. "If I can’t have more than my fair share then nobody gets anything."
But there’s another reason for the children, especially, to take what they can now. For each succeeding generation the age at which workers are discarded, including engineers and middle management, grows younger. Outsourcing exacerbates this. The overall pursuit of profits through cheaper labor is obviously a dissipative and self destructive process. It destroys the community for the benefit of a few parasites. It discards US for a theoretical market of middle class Chinese etc. Sure, the Chinese will buy back their own products at a markup and we’ll all live on our investments. That facet of service economic, supply side theory is a projection of mathematically impossible foolishness. P. T. Barnum’s "some of the people all of the time" will never learn to comprehend equilibrium or to balance an equation. So, in the end it doesn’t matter what we want or what should be. Our best chance of survival, both as individuals and as a species, is to appreciate reality for what it is and to act accordingly. Work and hope for the best outcome, while preparing for the worst.
It is sad that even when we perceive a problem, we tend to find ways to fix the blame, instead of solving it. And then, we choose a too narrow channel into which we may pour all responsibility and fault, instead of trying to find comprehensive understanding and solutions. This ends up a diversion in defense of the status quo of rich making the rest of US poor by appropriating and concentrating the wealth of the community in the hands of the elite few as their private property. The appreciation and grasp of reality requires a mountaintop perch, from which we can see our own and all other contributions to the great evil that has fallen upon the human race. The service economy folly is only the latest disguise of the disease of abomination that afflicts us, whether or not it is its most virulent and malignant form to date. Obviously, evil like Hitler or Pinochet may be more onerous than supply side/service economy stupidity, but the fact of the former’s repugnance to most people limits the damage they can do to the human race, while the latter undermines our culture and survivability in a way more insidious and ultimately more damaging because it is not well understood and is therefore more acceptable [by default] to so many.
The malignancy itself may be called original sin. But if we do so, we must understand it in a new way. There is no simple ritual to absolve it. It can only be removed from the human race by a conscious effort on the part of many individuals. We must understand that we are not born with it but to it. We are each taught to recommit it. We must unteach ourselves if we are to be saved. If we don't stop committing the sin it will kill us. To be motivated to atone for "the sin of Adam," we must see that it is in our own self interest to contribute to the good of the community. That brings us to the nature of the defect.
Original sin is the corruption of the human social instinct by causing the community to work for some few individuals’ gain instead of the good of all. It is the manifestation of betrayal of the common welfare by leaders and mentors, for their personal well being. More simply, it is having others work for you [slavery, even if the slaves pretend to be free] which is more onerous when the work of others makes you rich [the social instinct that provides for the common well being is corrupted in the employ of individuals who use the community for personal gain]. Original Sin, the knowledge of good and evil, is the subordination of the free will of others, the extension of one’s nervous system through the bodies and minds of fellow humans. Subtending others to your will for personal profit or allowing your will to be broken or tricked by another is the fundamental cause of the disease that afflicts the human race. We must find a way to undo the ravages of original sin and restore our communities to their original purpose as designed by God and/or Nature.
Meanwhile we are constantly distracted from understanding ourselves, our communities and the economy we have built together, by threats real or imagined. Ironically, real threats are often ignored in the pursuit of imaginary ones that will enhance a leaders power. However, what’s important is that we are usually manipulated through our fears, for the benefit of the elite few and most often with the result that new and/or real threats go unnoticed. For instance, while Dubya fantasizes about freedom and corporate prosperity in the Middle East and fills the pockets of fellow economic class member military industrial contractors, the Chinese and others are growing stronger. -
China Daily News article of 12/01;05
I’ve been warning for years, that when China has enough infrastructure and manufacturing capacity to provide for their own people they will kick the foreign owners out. The article above, including, with some in your face irony, the world in a pinch jpeg, supports my hypothesis. We’re dependent on Chinese production, thanks to the profit of Walmart and many others, for our survival. That is: the goods we need to support our lives must come from China and elsewhere. The Chinese are in the drivers seat and the China Daily news is starting to show how the course will be set.
Meantime, after successful naval maneuvers with Russia in the Yellow Sea and Pakistan in the Arabian Sea, ". . . Chinese navy ships take part in a joint maritime exercise between China and India north of the Indian Sea Thursday December 1, 2005. The exercise, dubbed as ‘Sino-Indian friendship 2005' . . ."
China Daily News article of 12/01;05
On the morning of December 2nd, 2005 Senators Frist, McConnal and Bennet did a warm up act for Bush’s Rose Garden address. They talked mostly of increased tax revenues credited to increased economic activity due to administration policies. They said nothing about the money borrowed from China et al. or the fattening of Haliburton and other contractor/old boys in the net that fueled the financial [abstract] activity. They repeatedly tried to shift the blame for negative economic aspects onto the press, whom they said was not reporting the good news, presumably in their biased hatred of God, flag and motherhood. Bennet kept saying the numbers don’t lie, while failing to mention any of the real numbers that count and claiming that Republican propaganda is the honest reality. Their somewhat harried demeanor was probably due to the growing number of criminal charges Republicans are facing. This entire performance is most likely a diversion from their snowballing problems. The weak response must be attributable to the debunking of the "911! 911! terrorism! terrorism!" alarmist strategy that has served as the primary distraction, in support of their scams, for the past four years.
Bush followed up in a short Rose Garden address, in which he claimed credit for 4.5 million new jobs and 215,000 last month. He said nothing about the retail Christmas build up of temps or the number of good jobs exported. As I watched him speak on CNN he seemed to lack confidence which declined further as he rambled on. Ironically a running script on the bottom of the screen was reporting Alan Greenspan’s remarks about budget cuts needed, especially RE: seniors, because of the high cost of medicine i.e. medicare/medicaid in a couple of years must be addressed now before the deficit get’s out of hand. (Where’s the idiot been for the past five years? Why does he only talk about austerity for seniors and the poor and ignore the runaway profits on insurance, drugs and corporate health care providers?) Bush left the podium without answering any questions. He had the harried look of a dog with his tail between his legs, as one reporter with balls yelled a question after his retreating butt.
So, the service economy and supply side economics continue to promise better paying jobs, though it flies in the face of the mounting evidence of college grads competing with high school drop outs for a job at Burger King. Even as they move back in with their retired parents, who haven’t quite hocked all that’s left of their American Dream, a paradigm that will die out completely with the "greatest generation" of fools that have ever lived, many still have faith in the pyramid scheme of finance which shuffles documents at a profit and hopes to continue building and feeding on its insubstantial though bulky and increasingly awkward and embarrassing nothingness.
Meanwhile, do the investors really think all the abstract economic activity will continue when American consumers can no longer borrow or buy anything? Oh, right the theory has it the growing Chinese middle class will buy back the products made in Asia to honor the American investors. It blithely ignores the impoverishment of the majority of US, which is inevitable even if this idiotic scheme could work. But the Chinese are too smart to buy this bullshit. They know the difference between real material goods and worthless paper. The corporate handlers of our political leaders are morons. And doubly so, if they think I’ll lay down and die out of respect for their private property. Get it straight fools! A lot of US are getting really angry with your idiotic bullshit. We’ll burn your house down! [Ed. Note: I’m sure I must be speaking figuratively when I say ". . . burn your house down!" In any case, the last issue of the "Post Agrarian Times" wishes to cover its butt by saying that the opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of anyone we know.]
From budding capitalism and shams of democracy, like that in Iraq today, do cultures move inexorably to the place of the fallen, corrupted fruit of [America’s] former promise? It’s funny though, the way American politicians wire their pet media to expect the novices practicing the grand fraud to act to anticipate all the abuse and corruption we’ve learned in a couple of centuries to take for granted from the economically successful. For instance, on C-SPAN’s WA Journal on 12/13/05, Ilene Pruska of the Christian Science Monitor said from Bagdad that the Iraqis had not ask anyone how much they spent on their campaigns. That, in fact, they had no campaign finance law.
If it’s true that the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree we can expect an emergent Iraqi elite to corrupt their politicians in the furtherance of their accumulation and concentration of wealth by that and other unscrupulous means and at the expense of the community, in their own good time. But to expect full blown [so called] "free market capitalism," complete with the worst of its abuses right at the outset is unrealistic. But then many of US still believe that we’re at war to create freedom, democracy and opportunity for the Iraqi people or to protect ourselves from terrorism.
The reason we are at war in Iraq is not about freedom, terrorism, tyrant removal or any of the lies, spin and propaganda that the government has employed. To say it is just oil is also childishly simplistic. However, the neo-cons count on the play of the oil card to support their dismissive postures, which they rely on as their principle defense against any and all criticism, especially when it’s incisive. Their scorn and ridicule hold the gate against the assaults of truth and reality. The real cause of the war is to provide an opportunity to loot the treasury and defraud the American consumer/taxpayers by the old boy contractors like Haliburton. Corporations want the freedom and opportunity to bind the entire Earth in contracts of service to the enlargement of their wealth and to be secure to profit from all activities of all people everywhere. Oil plays big in the expansion of the XNat [Multi-National] corporate empire but banking/finance has the lead role. [see World Bank and IMF]
One of the minor players we may be hearing more from is Black Water Security. AP and CNN articles from April 2004 hint that it was the murder and mutilation of four of their mercenaries that led to the massacre and assault on Falujah? Were they involved in shooting of blacks who were trying to escape on the bridge in New Orleans? It’s been suggested that they tend to over react, hence the Falujah reprisals against them. Their armament makes a non-combatant status questionable. This mercenary private army of zealots is frighteningly similar to the SS and SA in character if not organization. And they’re doggedly loyal to Bush and the neo-cons. The German security forces existed as paramilitary militias associated with the Nazi Party several years before the Reichstag ceded its powers to the Reich Government of Chancellor Adolf Hitler in 1933 by passing the infamous Enabling Act. According to Wikipedia:
I find the sunset provision particularly amusing.Law to remedy the need of the people and the Reich
   The Reichstag has enacted the following law, which has the agreement of the Reichsrat and meets the requirements for a constitutional amendment, which is hereby announced:
   Article 1
   In addition to the procedure prescribed by the constitution [i.e. decision by the Reichstag], laws of the Reich may also be enacted by the government of the Reich. This includes laws as referred to by Articles 85 sentence 2 and Article 87 of the constitution.1
   Article 2
   Laws enacted by the government of the Reich may deviate from the constitution as long as they do not affect the institutions of the Reichstag and the Reichsrat. The rights of the President remain undisturbed.
   Article 3
   Laws enacted by the government of the 'Reich' shall be issued by the Chancellor and announced in the Reich Law Gazette. They shall take effect on the day following the announcement, unless they prescribe a different date. Articles 68 to 77 of the constitution do not apply to laws enacted by the Reich government.2
   Article 4
   Reich treaties with foreign states which affect matters of Reich legislation shall not require the approval of the bodies concerned with legislation. The government of the Reich shall issue the regulations required for the execution of such treaties.
   Article 5
   This law takes effect with the day of its proclamation. It loses force on April 1, 1937 or if the present Reich government is replaced by another.
   If you wish to help, contact me:
Greg Kaiser
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