Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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When we’re all rich and live on our investments no one will have to work. There will be no poverty or slums. We'll all have a PH.D. What a glorious vision it is! If hunter gatherers had envisioned the service economy 20,000 years ago the human race would have achieved its glorious end long before any of US were born. . . .
"A good slave works for food alone."
Volume V Issue 08:
Agriculture is the basis of civilized life. Mining is near the roots of technology. Economy distributes the goods produced by agriculture and technology [real industry] and assigns land on which the work is done. Abstract economic endeavors cannot stand alone. They are a result of and dependent on production. Finance does not cause anything. It is a fraud perpetrated to perpetuate the domination of producing communities by parasitic tyrants. Those who live and are enriched by the work of employees are a burden on the community. Economy is absolutely dependent on production and consumption of real goods. There is no possibility of a service economy or ownership society, without real workers to make real things. It is obvious that usury supports nothing and is purely dissipative of wealth, but the economists can’t see it. As financial corporations grow larger and more dominant by absorbing upstarts [those who, failing to reinvest profits in whatever industry produced them, attempt to lend their excess money in some usurious way] the economy becomes increasingly centralized, without the benefit of universal care for the producers and consumers who keep the wheel turning. We have the centralized economy of socialism without the benefits. We have the economic oppression of tyrants in a sham democratic republic that they own. There is no question: this the worst of both worlds. Finance and debt are the means to control production and distribution and bind the slaves to the wheel.
Whatever we of the human race do, requires cooperation. We must work together to construct buildings, communications, transportation systems (more modern than horseback that is) or to grow and distribute food-- in short, for everything we all need to live. That’s why we have communities. We live, fight and die together. We do this for our common well being. What we need in common, we must do in common, to support the lives of one and all. Why do we allow individuals to take the profit from the work we do together? A few gather the produce of the community and declare it to be their private property. Personal property, the house you live in or the facility you work in are inherently your private property-- or should be. The things you produce by yourself are your private property. That which requires the work of many to create, belongs to those who do the work. The things we need in common we have always provided by community effort. In reality we still do. That a few elites have most of the profit from the works of community production is absurd and intolerable. This abomination of social instinct for the enrichment of individuals is a threat to the survival of the human race. Of that, there is no question.
The only real questions are: where will the goods that are the wealth be produced and who will do the work? NAFTA, CAFTA and outsourcing to China et. al. are the answers of profit seeking capitalist economists and the manager/overseers they’ve spawned by the millions. Each of these abominations, absorbed by its own greed, fails to note the cumulative effect on the American people and on the basis of civilized life. They think that manipulation of the community’s economy for personal gain is a thing beneficial to life, instead of the parasite on our production that it is. No matter how competent in matters of busyness each of the clowns who run this circus is, they are collectively an idiot. In this there’s no conspiracy to drive the human race to extinction. It’s all monkey see monkey do. The morons, the neo-cons, don’t have enough brains cumulatively for a good conspiracy. They don’t even know they are destroying the system on which they depend for wealth, much less the threat they pose to life. Their "dominant" selves and economy are self destructive, even when they work the way they’re supposed to. But they think they can bully and lie their way through. They haven’t a clue that when finance takes the lead, that cart can only pull the horse downhill-- fast. The more of US who find a seat on the wagon, the greater the momentum it attains.
What is the limit of capitalist success? The theory is that we are a meritocracy in which the smarter and stronger individuals get the greatest reward. As more of US catch on to how to play the game though, wealth is becoming more concentrated, not more widely distributed. The contrary result shows that the theory is really a failed hypothesis. Merit is faked in support of favoritism. Favorites are chosen, when slots can’t be filled by family or friends, for their willingness to support the system of parasitization and to betray the majority of the human race. If it did work as it’s supposed to, if a greater not lesser percentage of US became really wealthy, the economy would fail through dissipation of real goods by the growing workless class. As it is actually playing out, as more of US become poorer, the economy is failing due to dissipation but less of US are consuming it. We can either lose or lose by following the neo-cons.
When we all manipulate the economy through investment, there’s no one left to produce the wealth. All we’ll have is worthless money. There will be no products to buy with it. That is the upper limit to the present economic paradigm. It is obviously an unreachable and absurd end. Usury cannot stand alone. Money is not wealth. Wealth is that which money can buy. Our economy, whether by design, corruption or sheer stupidity, serves the greed of the few at the expense of the community that creates and sustains it for our survival. We must grasp this thought if we will continue to live. Greed is not good. It is self destructive. But don’t let that stop you. Get as much as you can. Don’t think about those deprived by your excess. The way we are going we may save ourselves by pushing our economy to the inevitable collapse. Only then will the clowns who operate and man this circus awaken to the danger they’ve created. Or, if you’d rather be part of the solution than a willing suicide, eschew your denial and face the truth. The system can only work for a few of US, because it is the systematic looting of the community, the work of many. One way or another we must push the dinosaur that preys on US over the cliff. We must destroy the monster to save our lives. We must recreate communities that function for the good of all. The resistance of conservatives to life, in favor of the delusion of fulfillment of individual greed, must be overcome. That won’t happen until we see it like it is.
We’re far down the slope and may have too much momentum to stop before the crash. When we reach the bottom, there will be only one way to go. When the next charlatan steps up offering another non-solution that sustains the parasitization of the human race, we must rise up in defiance of the [debt] slavery that is causing the collapse. We must refuse to work for the benefit of a few and demand the profit from the group effort for we the people of the community. Even conservatives are starting to notice that their system of looting the commons is unworkable. Click on the link. Roberts
Roberts is still naive with respect to the conservative foundation of Bush's delusion, as can be seen from other writings if you web search his name. However, the fact that some conservatives are starting to awaken to the inevitable crash is hopeful. When we reach bottom, the mainstream Repu-Dem politicians will try to preserve the "good thing" they childishly believe they have going. In that, they are all conservative and infinitely predictable. They have always tried to delude US: we too can do as they do. Next time they’ll give more of the same. They'll try to convince you that you too have a share in the looting of the community for personal gain. That, of course, is a mathematical impossibility for all of US, for the entire community. It’s a lottery that you probably have less chance of winning than the one run by a state. It’s easier to beat a casino or become a superstar, than to get rich in a "legitimate" way. For now though, get all you can for yourself. It will increase the downhill momentum and bring US to the point of crisis sooner. The crash may result in change, if we can take advantage of the opportunity. All this stems from the failure of our communities to support life. Our culture of the past five thousand years is a process of devolution.
But there’s a fault with the reasoning that adding our own weight to the burden of finance on the economy will bring on a crisis that will stimulate self salvation. That is: conservatives don’t know that the economic paradigm is unworkable. They believe that any crisis can be dealt with by force or lies and propaganda. Whenever the source of their wealth has been slowed or has stalled because of overexploitation, they’ve cracked the whip and demanded more production for less compensation, thus greater profits. Their greed, bullying and buffoonery, of course, exacerbate the problem. But they think they are invincible. Their puerile vanity may lead US to a military confrontation with China, for example, that we cannot win. Then the economic crisis may be occluded by a neo-con promoted Armageddon. There are permanent solutions to our dilemma that are less drastic than the annihilation of the human race that our politicians seem bent on. But Americans seem unready to hear the real answers and the politicians aren’t bright enough. Right now even attempting to slow the bleeding is rejected by the neo-cons, as abridgement of their freedom to enslave US and to own all that we produce.
I don’t wish for or welcome chaos but if we do nothing it will inevitably come. We can attempt to awaken one another but complacency is hard to penetrate. On the other hand, I’ve told each of my children at one time or another that they must get all they can while they can. I’ve also mentioned to anyone who would listen, that they should prepare a rural retreat with at least the potential of independent survival. That is: tools and seed for producing one’s own food supply.
Getting all you can for yourself allows the necessary preparation, while adding momentum to the downhill descent of the economy. But few need that rational for greed. Plus, there’s the danger that the religious fanatics and true believers, being at first encouraged in their stupidity, will finally see the dead end course of the human race and decide to move up God’s timetable for Armageddon and "the rapture." They’re presumptuous and stupidly superstitious enough for anything.
But there’s another reason for the children to take what they can now. For each succeeding generation the age at which workers are discarded, including engineers and middle management, grows younger. Outsourcing exacerbates this. The overall pursuit of profits through cheaper labor is obviously a dissipative and self destructive process. It destroys the community for the benefit of a few parasites. It abandons US for a theoretical market of middle class Chinese etc. Sure, the Chinese will buy back their own products at a markup and we’ll all live on our investments. That service economic theory seems to be a projection of foolishness by and onto P. T. Barnum’s, "some of the people all of the time." In the end it doesn’t matter what we want or what should be. Our best chance of survival, both as individuals and as a species, is to appreciate reality for what it is and to act accordingly. The more we work together as a community for our common well being, the better our chance of survival will be. Read on to get a clue how we came to this sorry state.
Let’s imagine that all communities are like feudal counties. Instead of the count directly dominating all the land, people and wealth produced by the community, he merely monopolizes the trade within and without. Nothing occurs without his approval. Instead of serfs working in his fields, mines and workshops, he has employees who are paid from his profits on the sale or trade of the goods they produce. Instead of owning the fields and shops et al. he profits further by financing their "ownership" and operation. This is a much better situation from the lord’s perspective. He doesn’t have an obligation to feed or maintain an employee, if there is no immediate need for its service. This frees the master from the moral restraints of the older system of slavery, that are pointed up in the advertizing, and saves on propaganda expense. You know, "we takes care of those people and they’s happy but for the outside agitators." Another benefit of the evolution from feudalism to capitalism (which is further devolution of the community) is the rise of merchant, management and financial classes as the population increases to the level that the additional predations can be supported. This gives the illusion of universal freedom and opportunity, which is useful in controlling the mob. The fools will even fight and die to protect the masters’ wealth or expand it, if teachers and advertisers program a strong nationalistic thread and support for traditional religions. The masters can even convince US that it’s fair for them to have everything and we should have little or none of the goods we produce. Yes, we can be and are programmed to accept starvation for their benefit and as a moral good. People want to be fair. And religious leaders want to assist the exploitation of the community for the ministry’s gain.
Well, OK, some resist the corporate empire and others have a twinge of conscience or even a little common sense about how far people can be pushed before they resist. And most teachers are sincere and honest folk, who have been taken in like the rest of US. But serious resistors to empire will be demonized by labeling them socialists, liberals or terrorists. In general any opposition to the spiritual heirs of the feudal lords, the leaders of the corporate empire of the 21st century, is considered disloyal. This hooks right in to the firmware implanted by schools and media. Neutralization is practiced by the cowardly hyenas, even if a liberal only wants to mitigate the pain and suffering wrought by the economic predations of the neo-con aristocracy. They may have to plant a few bombs and blame scapegoats or their demonized opposition, in order to fool a critical mass, the idiots who support them. But they own the media and the government. They’ve got it made, if they are royalty or one of the highly compensated overseers or sycophants. But maybe you don’t want to betray the human race. How do we mere humans, who are loyal to God and Nature, break the spell which has facilitated five thousand years of civilized looting of communities for the enrichment of a few? There are infinite possibilities for solutions to our problem but none of them will occur until a critical mass perceives the human condition truthfully. Especially because even those who wish to see decent treatment of slaves, support the underlying economic paradigm that afflicts the human race. The truth is despised by the traitors to humanity who exploit US, because they know how dangerous it is to the "good thing" they have going. A good defense against the truth is: you too can get in on the "good thing," if you are loyal, smart and strong enough to make room for yourself among the elite. What are the odds?
How many slots are there among the rich? What are the limits of capitalist success? Is it true that the smartest and strongest get the greatest rewards in our meritocracy, . . . is that what we really have? As more people catch on that great wealth is attained by hoarding the produce of others, the community, its distribution must grow thinner. There are finite material goods. Only the money that represents goods has no bounds. The service economy and ownership society, have no theoretical limits. On paper, they are infinite. Not so the goods they appropriate for the economic elites. We will never all be rich. Never will many of US be able to loot the community for personal gain. Most of US will have to work to produce goods and/or starve. If we are replaced by machines, robots, clones or cheap foreign labor, we will starve sooner. That’s the truth.
A huge impediment to dissemination of the truth is the god spell which debilitates so many minds. Many of these will kill or die to defend their delusion. How do we take what’s good and useful from our past and synthesize an honest mind? The truth is honest awareness of reality uncolored by what we want it to be or think it should be. If we create a counter superstition to capture the victims of the spell, we’ll find ourselves in the same intolerable reality, ruled by falsehood. We must make clear, strong and autonomous minds the goal for all humanity. If you don’t know where you are, it’s hard to get to a better place.
What? Thinking about this gives you a headache. That pain is the fault tolerant programing kicking in. Do you think schools were built and teachers programmed to train you for your benefit? Your mind is second or third generation software. George Orwell knew what corporate media could do but that’s nothing compared to control of education and academia. Primary and secondary education prepare minds to accept advanced programming, as they install the firmware. College reinforces and adjusts delusions as it prepares slaves with the tools they’ll need to serve the corporate empire. Academic freedom is a joke when the professor is dependent on corporate owned government grants. Yeah, there are a few independent thinkers left but their life isn’t easy. Privatization is the bane of community and a godsend to parasites. The government may once have been the tool of community, the people. Paper people, the corporations, are immortals who have stolen the means by which real people survive.
"1877, July 14 - general strike ends with army massacre of striking workers--
   A general strike halted the movement of U.S. railroads. In the following days, strike riots spread across the united states. The next week, federal troops were called out to force an end to the nationwide strike. At the "battle of the viaduct" in Chicago, federal troops (recently returned from an Indian massacre) killed 30 workers and wounded over 100." . . .
. . . 1950, August 27 - president seizes railroads to avert general strike
   President Truman ordered the U.S. army to seize all the nation's railroads to prevent a general strike. the railroads were not returned to their owners until two years later. . . .
-- from an eclectic list of events in U.S. labor history by Allen Lutins.
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Greg Kaiser
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