Original text and editing by:
A G Kaiser
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"A good slave works for food alone."
Q of the week:
Q:Should we respect fools more than hypocrits?
A:A hypocrit at least knows what he is doing. His foolishness, if any, is expressed by acting from self interest and greed without knowledge of or in denial of the real consequences of conservative policies.
Week eight:
Was I ever wrong last week! I said,"I don't believe I missed much". Then I discovered that George had repressed the airline strike. I'll try not to be so distracted in the future.
Pointing out the success of JFK's tax cut without mentioning the rollback of the steel prices that set the tone for wage increases and fixed prices, is misleading. The repression of the big steel corporations natural response to large strike settlement was the primary reason the economy recovered in the sixties. Dissembling that cause to emphasize the small role played by the tax relief is specious and dishonest.
On Wednesday 1/14/01 Tom Brokaw reported advice to small investors that suggested they shouldn't hold on to a falling stock too long. He also mentioned that, "60% of the stocks are owned by private individuals". He didn't mention that the 1% of individuals who possess those stocks have along with them, controlling interest in the corporations that own at least another 30%. I don't know where Tom got his information; maybe he was taken in. I recognize dissembling with intent to mislead, in the presentation of a statistic, as typical of the specious reasoning and lies of conservatives.
The delay of the airline strike, or any strike, is a delay in the wage increases that are the only remedy for recession. Fixed prices and greater pay for the bottom 60% will cure our economic illness. Profit margins will decrease but higher volume sales will make up the difference. The stock market will recover as a matter of course.
That abstract economy (stock prices etc.) must represent material production, is reality. It is evident that economists, politicians and the FED have lost sight of the truth. They are mired in the details of foreign markets, labor costs and other influences on the value of the abstractions that stand for the goods we need to live. In the end we must make and consume the means of survival. No indicator of the movement of symbols for those things nor the tokens themselves are edible. Only higher wages and fixed prices will save the real economy. The freedom of the wealthy elite will not feed the general population. Their liberty to exploit and control us (as well as the abstractions of the means and resources of survival) must, therefore, be expendable for the good of the majority!
But I don't think that conservatives want a healthy economy right now. I think they want to buy your 401k stocks cheap. Do you think you'll have a lot of cash to pick up bargains? Maybe you can buy them with the three or four hundred dollars you'll get from the tax cut if it passes. That is, if you still have a job and pay taxes. Such is the nature of the cyclic shearing of the sheep.
Conservatives will never do what is required to fix the economy. They are bound by principle to serve the chidish greed and selfishness of their class. That is especially true of the wannabe elite.
The delay of the airline strike, or any strike, is a delay in the wage increases that are the only remedy for recession. Fixed prices and greater pay for the bottom 60% will cure our economic illness. Profit margins will decrease but higher volume sales will make up the difference. The stock market will recover as a matter of course.
That abstract economy (stock prices etc.) must represent material production, is reality. It is evident that economists, politicians and the FED have lost sight of the truth. They are mired in the details of foreign markets, labor costs and other influences on the value of the abstractions that stand for the goods we need to live. In the end we must make and consume the means of survival. No indicator of the movement of symbols for those things nor the tokens themselves are edible. Only higher wages and fixed prices will save the real economy. The freedom of the wealthy elite will not feed the general population. Their liberty to exploit and control us (as well as the abstractions of the means and resources of survival) must, therefore, be expendable for the good of the majority!
But I don't think that conservatives want a healthy economy right now. I think they want to buy your 401k stocks cheap. Do you think you'll have a lot of cash to pick up bargains? Maybe you can buy them with the three or four hundred dollars you'll get from the tax cut if it passes. That is, if you still have a job and pay taxes. Such is the nature of the cyclic shearing of the sheep.
Conservatives will never do what is required to fix the economy. They are bound by principle to serve the chidish greed and selfishness of their class. That is especially true of the wannabe elite.
Law and order:
The recent rash of school shooting incidents provide a pretext for further erosion of the bill of rights. At what point will Caesar have crossed the Rubicon? When he does you can bet it won't abate the violence in America. Media management fixated on profit and localized high population density induce mass schizophrenia. I predict the artificial mental illness will not respond well to political oppression.
High air fares are blamed on labor difficuties before they even occurred. High energy costs benefit the Bush constituancy. Is it uncivil of me to speak the truth?
Foreign Policy:
The continued blathering about the impossible missile defense system has convinced the Russians to renew the flying of long range, nuclear capable bombers on patrols near the Alaskan border of the U.S. Good work George! If you can rekindle a spark of the cold war maybe you can fan it into the flames of a nuclear holocaust. Hell, even the rumor of such will distract a large block of people from the impoverishment you are about to impose on them. And... you'll be able to give your military contractor friends a lot of our money.
George, if you convince the Russians we are on the verge of a missile defense breakthrough, maybe you can stimulate the launch of a pre-emptive strike. Remember, "use 'em or lose 'em"! But I don't have to tell you that. All your actions are carefully planned with all consequences known. It's a matter of principle with you.
God help us! We're in deep this time.
Editorial Column:
Are conservatives hypocrits or fools? It depends on which conservative you ask. In the long run the vast majority of us suffer from their policies. So the determination of how little individual respect they should be given for personal integrity, is a moot point. Hypocrits are only slightly more respectable than fools anyway. That is because they are only slightly more self aware and slightly less prone to projection.
Conservatism is the cause of, not the solution to, the world's problems. Conservatism is synonymous with the childish greed and selfishness of an unruly economic elite and their wholly owned sycophants: media, CEOs, politicians, economists, psychologists and lawyers.
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Greg Kaiser